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And they can be a ''real pain'' to write about, since the story conflict has to be one that the parents can not fix for the children, and, if necessary, enough to cause a problem for the combined forces of children and parents.
When the [['''Good Parents]]''' aren't the actual parents of the character, it's [[Parental Substitute]]. When the [['''Good Parents]]''' are the adoptive parents, it's [[Happily Adopted]]. If they were good parents at one time, but [[Never Say "Die"|forcefully removed from this realm of existence]], then they are [[Deceased Parents Are the Best]]. When the [['''Good Parents]]''' aren't against doing illegal or morally questionable acts to protect their children, they are the [[Knight Templar Parent|Knight Templar Parents]]s.
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** Anime Trisha was also good. Rather protective, and extremely supportive. Anime Hohenheim, however, despite his good heart... {{spoiler|gets [[Parents as People|so many negative points you're like to cry]]. He cares very much, sure, but he abandoned [[It's Not You, It's Me|them because he was ashamed of his rotting stolen body]], and the [[Big Bad]] having the power to be a [[Big Bad]] is at least a third his fault anyway, and when he tries to do the right thing he is incredibly useless. And loving his last son so much gave us... Envy. [[Butt Monkey|He. Cannot. Win]].}}
** Maes Hughes, people. While he may have elements of [[Overprotective Dad]], you really can't claim that he wasn't a damn good father to Elysia,{{spoiler|when he was alive.}}
* Sanae and Akio of ''[[Clannad]]''. Just about the best parents ever, if a little eccentric sometimes. {{spoiler|In their backstory, though, they were neglectful of Nagisa when she was little... until she almost fell victim to her [[Ill Girl]] condition.}} And later, {{spoiler|they're the best grandparents to Ushio when Tomoya goes [[Disappeared Dad]] after Nagisa's [[Death by Childbirth]], but it's strongly implied that they're also [[Stepford Smiler|Stepford Smilers]]s that love Ushio genuinely, but don't allow themselves to grieve for Nagisa in order to raise her child well and lovingly}}.
* Just as loving and at least as eccentric: Meimi's parents in ''[[Kaitou Saint Tail]]''.
* Shibuya 'Uma-chan' Shouma and his wife Shibuya 'Hamano Jennifer' Miko from ''[[Kyou Kara Maou]]'' are pretty awesome parents. Miko-san is a bit of a [[Cloudcuckoolander]] and dressed her younger son as a girl until he got old enough to object (he was cute as hell, too), and Shouma is busy, but they're extremely devoted and have a home that radiates security.
** One of the more fun subtle angles of the show is that as it progresses you see more and more what the lead gets from each of his parents--itparents—it's not ham-handed replication or anything either; it's as psychologically sound as you can get in a series where the hero develops a form of [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]]. Bonus points for the fact that Miko and Shouma annoy Yuuri considerably most of the time. Without doing anything in the realm of [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents]]. Except that one time with the photo album, I guess...and that other time with the statue...when they followed him halfway around the world....
* Lindy Harlaown of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'', which is a good thing since Fate, her adopted daughter, [[Abusive Parents|came from an abusive household]] and needed all the proper parental love she could get to recover from her psychological scars. Even when her children have all grown up, she's still there, willing to help them with any trouble they have as they become parents themselves.
** And Nanoha's parents, Shiro and Momoko, as well. Subaru and Ginga's adoptive parents too.
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* The [[Digimon Tamers]] have some pretty good parents, [[Saving the World|all]] [[It Got Worse|things]] [[Cosmic Horror Story|considered]]. Special mention goes to Jenrya's dad, Ruki's grandma and Takato's parents.
** OTOH Ruki's [[Hot Mom]], Juri's dad and stepmom and Ryo's dad are more of [[Parents as People]]. They do love their kids, but it takes them a LOT to connect with them.
*** Okay; so Mr. Lee is [[Good Parents|a good dad]] most of the time. Then there's his [[Parents as People]] moment: {{spoiler|deliberately not telling his son that defeating the D-Reaper would forcibly send ALL of the Digimon back to the Digital World, without any foreseeable way to return}} which results in a very angry Jenrya and several crying kids including little (seven year old) Shaochung...Mr. Lee's daughter. Not a shining moment of parenting.
* Koiwai from ''[[Yotsuba&!]]'' is something of a bachelor slacker but also definitely a good dad for his adoptive daughter.
* ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura]]'': Sakura's father. Her mother Nadeshiko too, though she tends not to be around very often, being dead and all.
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== Live Action TV ==
* [[The Addams Family|Gomez and Morticia Addams]] are great parents. Despite being "altogether ooky", they are still a [[Happily Married]] couple who love and adore their kids. They have rules like any other family and enjoy a lot of quality time with one another. When a truant officer comes to the house to ask why Pugsley and Wednesday aren't enrolled in public school, Gomez is horrified at the idea of being apart from them all day-- "What's the point of having children, if you're just going to get rid of them?"-- because—because that's how much he loves spending time with his son and daughter. (It's also [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|adorable to watch him mope about having no one to play with.]])
* [[The Big Bang Theory|Sheldon Cooper's mother]] is a wonderful mother from the little we've seen. She knows full well how much of a [[Jerkass]] Sheldon is, but it's obvious that she loves and supports him. Besides, she knows how to deal with him better than anyone else. There's a ''reason'' she's the first one Leonard calls when he needs back-up.
* Many older sitcoms such as ''[[Father Knows Best]]'' and ''[[Leave It to Beaver]]'' present parents like this.
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* Considering his son was a sociopath, [[Dexter|Harry Morgan]] did a wonderful job. Not so much with his daughter, but still.
** However, as the show's gone on, it's been shown that Harry was very wrong about Dexter in several aspects - for example, thinking he would never be able to form emotional connections with others - and a fair few viewers are wondering, if he'd gotten treatment for Dex instead of encouraging his desire for violence, would Dexter still have his "Dark Passanger"? And then there was the part where he coached Dexter to kill people and then killed himself [[My God, What Have I Done?|'cause Dex actually did it]], abandoning both his emotionally damaged children. [[Parents as People|At least he was trying to do the right thing.]]
* On [[Friday Night Lights (TV series)|Friday Night Lights]], Eric and Tami Taylor and Corinne Williams are [[Good Parents]], though there are plenty of lousy parents to go around.
* ''[[Glee]]'': Burt Hummel may be a flanel-wearing, football-loving car mechanic (played by Mike O'Malley, no less) but he still loves his flamboyant gay son Kurt to bits. Their relationship is one of the most beautiful, inspiring things on TV.
** Carole is this to Finn
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* Most of the parents shown on ''[[The Weekenders]]'', Tino's especially, but Tish's as well. Lor's, not so much.
* ''[[Metalocalypse]]'' gives us Oscar and Rose Explosion, parents of Nathan Explosion. Pretty much their only offense is being typical embarrassing parents. Nathan even mentioned in the episode "Fatherklok" that he loves hanging out with his father. The other members of Dethklok weren't as lucky.
* Even though ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' has a smorgasbord of parents who are abusive/evil/missing (Zuko ''and'' Azula), overprotective/stupid (Toph), repressive/preoccupied/snobbish (Mai), absent/with-their-hands-full (Ty Lee) or dead (pretty much everyone else at least once), there are a few characters lucky enough to have [[Good Parents]]. Sokka and Katara's dad Hakoda (and their mom Kya, when she was still alive), Haru's parents, Teo's dad, and a few others are good examples, and Zuko and Aang each have/had a [[Good Parents|Good]] [[Parental Substitute]] in Uncle Iroh and Monk Gyatso.
** While Fire Lord Ozai most certainly does not count, his wife Ursa does. She loves her children, does her best to temper Azula's sociopathic tendencies, and {{spoiler|is banished from her home after she commits some form of treason to save Zuko's life.}}
** In [[Sequel Series]] ''[[The Legend of Korra]]'', Korra's parents definitely qualify. Though they seem to be rather minor characters, Tonraq and Senna are alive and well and shown to be loving and supportive parents. From what we've seen so far Korra doesn't seem to have any issues with her parents at all.
