Gosh Dang It to Heck/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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** Bob is a Mafia don who's just seen his entire mob gunned down by [[Inspector Javert]] and a squad of cops. It comes to the final showdown, and he comes out, guns blazing, screaming "DIE, you... doodooheads!"
** In the entire universe where the story takes place in, they ARE considered swear words. Fuck is the more toned down version of Fudge.
* '''Downplayed''': Bob normally doesn't swear, but every now and then he'll use a [[Precision F -Strike|Precision Darn Strike]].
* '''Justified''':
** Bob is around kids a lot, and prefers to use those variants on the words.
** Bob's religion frowns upon cussing, or even forbids it entirely. But, Bob is only human, and thus is prone to displeasure (and the need/desire to voice that displeasure) now and then, so he works around the "No cussing" rule this way.
** Bob personally finds swearing distasteful, but this is a deliberate character trait rather than a demand of the [[Moral Guardians]].
* '''Inverted''': [[Cluster F -Bomb]], [[Sir Swearsalot]]
* '''Subverted''': "[[Xkcd (Webcomic)|What a gosh-darn cunt!]]"
* '''Double Subverted''': "What a gosh darn [[Last -Second Word Swap|cunnn...try music fan!]]"
* '''Parodied''':
** Bob is a shock-jock down at the local radio station. What you'd expect to be a very profane show is instead very childish.
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* '''Deconstructed''': Bob sees his refusing to swear as a mark of deep personal morality, balancing out his less salubrious qualities such as [[Kick the Dog|serial puppy murdering]]. He's contrasted with a foul-mouthed hero in a story with [[An Aesop]] about censorship being Bad, M'kay?
* '''Reconstructed''': Bob knows how to swear... he just prefers not to.
* '''Zig Zagged''': Bob gets in a screaming row with a guy in a bar, without ever uttering a word unsuitable for children's television. On the way out he steps in a puddle; "Aw, [[Precision F -Strike|fuck.]]"
* '''Averted''':
** Bob swears at regular intervals, but nothing too insane.
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* '''Enforced''':
** "This show is watched by a lot of kids, so we can't show swearing!"
** "This show is generally a [[Cluster F -Bomb]], so having that one guy never swear will make him stand out and be an early hint towards his being a [[Knight Templar]]."
* '''Lampshaded''': "Nice language. What are you, a [[Misplaced Kindergarten Teacher|kindergarten teacher]]?"
* '''Invoked''': Bob prefers to tone down the foul language specifically so that [[Precision F -Strike|when he does breaks it out]], [[Out -of -Character Moment|you know he REALLY means it]].
* '''Defied''': "I may be around kids who don't know any better, but still... fucking hell, man!"
* '''Discussed''': "You see, if everyone knows you never use serious curses normally, it has [[Precision F -Strike|more impact]] when you really need it."
* '''Conversed''': "Goddamn kids shows, what kind of [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]] says "fiddlesticks"?"
* '''Played For Laughs''':
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