Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars: Difference between revisions

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* [[Camera Screw]]: Averted. When you're driving around, the camera always shows you what's coming ahead and even realigns itself in a snap when you do a sudden u-turn.
* [[Chainsaw Good]]
* [[Damn, It Feels Good to Be A Gangster!]]: Averted: Huang quickly gets fed up with all the stuff people are expecting him to do, and more than once wishes to go back to his luxurious life in China.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Huang Lee. A lot of the cast members have shades of this though.
* [[Dead Star Walking]]: {{spoiler|Ling gets a poster in the packaging and is quickly set up as a potential love interest. Then is killed after two missions.}}
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* [[Dynamic Loading]]
* [[Gambit Pileup]]: The plot is possibly the most convoluted of all GTA games.
* [[Lady Not -Appearing in -In-This -Game]]: See that chick in the purple dress up there? She doesn't last long and never wears that dress.
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]: Many of the characters can be found in the ''[[Grand Theft Auto IV]]'' police database, released a year earlier.
* [[The Everyman]]: Huang, the most Everyman protagonist GTA has ever had.
* [[Evil All Along]]: {{spoiler|Uncle Kenny was the man who ordered Huang's father's death. While possessing the family's sword, he manipulated Huang to do his dirty work}}
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* [[Molotov Cocktail]]
* [[Money for Nothing]]: The Drug-Wars inspired minigame lets you build up huge reserves of cash with a little investment of time.
* [[Not With the Safety On, You Won't]]: Played with. One of the characters in a random encounter complains the guns Huang got him don't work. Huang asks if he's tried releasing the safety.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Huang starts off with shades of [[Honor Before Reason]], but quickly becomes jaded enough that he becomes this.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: A number of the characters in the game always seem pissed off.