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Welcome Welcome students, to the Castle of Grave Academy, just your regular [[All -Ghouls School]] in Transilvannya, but with a few twists; Grave Academy is a Brazilian, Forum-Based RPG, that started on September 2011, in this verse, Monsters walk among us humans, but they do so when they're not, you know, [[I Am a Humanitarian|''Hunting'']], being punished by their law if they don't do so.
But that's where Grave Academy comes in, to teach young monsters how to fit in this Human-dominated world, and there they can learn various subjects, like: Venoms and Antidotes, Camouflage, Defense, Wield of Weapons, and even Magic; The school is directed By the Headmaster, Jack Jerripher, a Eccentric Dullahan, and his Right-Hand Woman, Sophie Merryweather, a bossy Harpy.
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* [[A Form Your Comfortable With]]: Monsters assume a Human form so that they don't get exposed to humans.
* [[Alpha Bitch]]: Juliet.
* [[All -Ghouls School]]: No, ''Duh''
* [[Always Chaotic Evil]]: Feral Monsters, and most Hunters.
** Not most, just most until now, but we are told that they are mostly good.
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* [[Really 700 Years Old]]: Most of the monsters, really.
* [[Red Baron]]: Members of the Council of Swords to a mythical sword.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: One of the Vampire's traits in this series is that their eyes turn Red when they get hungry.
* [[Red Herring]]: Current arc is setting up Carmela to be one of the hunters, but it doesn't seem that likely.
* [[Rule of Cool]]: Basis of the Series.
* [[Screw The Rules I]]'mBeautiful: Juliet.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Blair's name to the [[Blair Witchproject]], and her last name, Liddel, to [[Alice in Wonderland (Literature)|Alice in Wonderland]].
** Maybe Kain ''Winchester'' to [[Supernatural]].
** The Council Of Swords, having 10 members, with sword-motifs, are kinda like the ''Espada'' in [[Bleach]], only good.
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* Orphan'sPlotTrinket: Implied, she has a locket with a family photo inside, and is hinted to be an orphan.
* [[Parental Abandonement]]: Or [[Dead Parents Are The Best]], we don't know yet.
** {{spoiler|Actually... It's [[Self -Made Orphan]]... But it was for self-defense}}
* [[Stepford Smiler]]
* {{spoiler|[[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: as related to the original werewolf, she can shift into a stronger mode, called Feral Mode, but [[The Plan|she was tricked into activating it]] on chapter 8}}
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* [[Elemental Powers]]: [[Making a Splash]], [[Shock and Awe]] and [[Blow You Away]].
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: In-Universe.
* [[Genius' Sweet Tooth]]: Shows even MORE when he eats sweets.
* [[Kelpie]]
* {{spoiler|[[Living Mc Guffin]]}}
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* [[Mundane Utility]]: Can use Magic to change her hair/clothes, and make 'Raindrops miss her and her group''
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: has the most curvaceous body and wears sexy outfits quite often.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Both her first name, to [[The Blair Witch Project]], and her surname, to [[Alice in Wonderland (Literature)|Alice in Wonderland]].
** {{spoiler|And then we discover that her real name is Alice.}}
* [[The Clan]]: her Clan, the Liddels, are known for producing great wizards and witches.
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* [[Excentric Mentor]]: In Spades.
* [[Familiar]]: His Zombie Horse, Cervantes.
* {{spoiler|[[Freak -Out]]: After discovering that his sister was the mastermind, and that he essentially became a [[Windmill Crusader]]}}
** {{spoiler|Descends further into madness after his [[Mercy Kill]] on Robin}}
* [[Green Eyes]]
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* [[Rock Theme Naming]]: All of the members of the council are likened to a Gemstone, his is a Deep-Blue Sapphire.
* [[Ship Tease]]: Buckloads with Sophie, Robin and Samantha, but mostly with Robin, {{spoiler|See [[Break the Cutie]] and [[Mercy Kill]]}}.
* [[Shout -Out]]: His Horse's name to the writer of Dom Quixote. {{spoiler|Turns out it was [[Foreshadowing]]...}}
* {{spoiler|[[Stepford Smiler]]}}
* [[Tarot Motifs]]: His Spells.
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* [[Desperately Looking for A Purpose In Life]]: Part of her Backstory.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Her field of specialization, her strong Water/Wind/Thunder magics granted her the moniker: ''Unyelding Storm''
* {{spoiler|[[Freak -Out]]: With Teresa's death}}
* [[Gratuitous Greek]]: her spells usually have something involving Greek Gods.
* {{spoiler|[[Hidden Depths]]: She admits that she has no idea of how she managed to get friends, as she seems so cold all the time, and says that she was desperate for some.}}
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[[Category:Grave Academy]]