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{{quote|''"Our friends need our help! Please turn to the time travel section of your Fireside Girls Handbook."''|'''Isabella Garcia-Shapiro''', ''[[Phineas and Ferb (Animation)|Phineas and Ferb]]''}}
The Great Big Book of Everything: The one-stop shop for all your plot needs. [[How Do I Shot Web?|Need information]] about the [[New Super Power|super-power you've just been given]]? On the first page. Want to find the only way to kill the [[Big Bad]]? It has a detailed entry.
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Whoever wrote this book must have damn-near infinite knowledge. It has all the facts you need and has them at the moment you need them! In fact, it seems like new information just appears in the book all the time, [[Deus Ex Machina|as the plot requires]].
Every villain, even the really tiny ones, or the ones who have been [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|sealed away]] so long that humans shouldn't have even heard of them, has an entry; every spell has a description; every fact and oddball bit of information in the whole universe is listed, if only you look hard enough. While this is a plausible plot point for a while, eventually you have to ask, who wrote this stuff? Did [[Supernatural (TV series)|John Winchester]] really know all the information in his journal? If so, why are his sons following it to living monsters rather than ones he killed? Could the [[Charmed (TV)|Halliwell]] ancestors really have known about the upper echelons of demon society? Creatures that never set foot on earth? All those cosmic entities that never show themselves to mortals are somehow in the book.
Effectively a [[Magical Database]] in paper format, it provides the information to the cast so that they can keep the plot moving without spending hours sifting through a library. Sure, some of it is an [[Ass Pull]], but it helps us get to the ass-kicking.
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** Material in the manga (vol. 16) reveals that it's actually tapping in a magical 'net, which can be both an advantage and a flaw: Information is always up-to-date, but you risk losing data [[Wikipedia|"arbitrarily deemed of lesser importance"]]
*** On the other hand, she has no problem accessing highly classified information.
* In ''[[Pokémon (Animeanime)|Pokémon]]'', Brock likes carrying around "Guide Books" in which he looks up vital information about tournament rules or opportunities to eat or shop. He also has a separate guidebook containing accurate details on female celebrities.
** James uses a bunch of Pokemon cards in place of a Pokedex.
* Tao, in the '80s toon ''[[The Mysterious Cities of Gold (Anime)|The Mysterious Cities of Gold]]'' had an encyclopedia from the civilization that built the Seven Cities of Gold. Used more for plot exposition than [[Deus Ex Machina]].
* The ''Universe of the Four Gods'' books in ''[[Fushigi Yuugi]]''.
* Bokomon's Book of Knowledge in ''[[Digimon Frontier]]'' mostly fits this, although it doesn't seem to have data on things that have never existed before (including the final forms of the heroes and villain).
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== Comicbooks ==
* The Junior Woodchuck Guidebook in Disney's ''[[The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (Comic Book)|Uncle Scrooge]]'' comics (and subsequently in ''[[Duck TalesDuckTales]]'') (and any other Duck story where it is needed. It is always there when a Junior Woodchuck needs it). A lengthy [[Don Rosa]] story-arc once revealed that it had been condensed from the entire content of the Great Library of Alexandria (with the lost history of South America and Asia added later). The library was a storehouse of ancient knowledge that was tragically lost to history through a series of disasters, culminating in a fire during the time of the Roman Empire.
** The aspect of the Guide containing more text than could possibly fit into a single volume is usually explained by saying that there are actually numerous volumes that make up the complete Guide, just like any large encyclopedia. How they always happen to have exactly the volumes of the Guide applicable to the topic at hand, though, is [[Hand Wave|handwaved]].
** One ''[[Donald Duck]]''-magazine story had Donald getting annoyed at the book's seemingly infinite wisdom and asked the Woodchucks about who the author was. Cue panic as not even the top generals know. They then had to keep Donald tied up so he would not go to the newspaper with the information that "the Woodchucks follow advice that could as well be made up". In the end they ''do'' find the author's house, but decide that knowing who he is will ruin the magic behind the mystery. The shadowy author is then seen looking at them as they leave, contemplating that "if my book contains better knowledge than that, then I don't know it myself".
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== Fan Fiction ==
* Parodied in the ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' fanfic ''[[Those Lacking Spines (Fanfic)|Those Lacking Spines]]'' with the ever-handy guidebook which contains anything the protagonists need to know about a given world.
* In the ''[[Total Drama Island (Animation)|Total Drama Island]]'' fanfic [[Keepers of the Elements (Fanfic)|Keepers of the Elements]] there are The Elemental Books which contains all sorts of spells which each Keeper along the line either invented or improved upon.
== Films ==
* The Map of time in ''[[Time Bandits]]'' tells the protagonists where all the holes in the universe are, and drives the plot. Whenever the heroes get stuck they consult the map.
* The "Sex Bible" from ''[[American Pie]]''. Though, [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|as the name suggests]], its contents deal almost exclusively with sex positions. It's an interesting variation in that it's clearly been edited and updated by everyone it's been passed down to... meaning it's a Paper Wiki!
* ''[[Mirror Mask]]'' both [[Lampshade|lampshades]] and plays this straight with ''A Really Useful Book''. The book, a small pocket sized volume that appears to have some degree of sentience, consists of various pieces of advice written on its pages. In addition, the book always opens the relevant page. {{spoiler|In fact, after Helena is forced to tear out most of the book's pages, the ''one page'' she didn't tear out still contains a piece of relevant advice. A repeated piece of advice, but still useful.}}
** More obviously lampshaded, yet (somehow) simultaneously played straighter, with a book Helena comes across earlier in the same library: ''The Complete History of Everything''.
* Tobin's Spirit Guide from ''[[Ghostbusters]]'' and its related media.
* Dana Carvey's ''Master of Disguise'' features a pop-up book which provides extremely specific information relating to any situation at hand on whichever page is randomly opened to.
* ''[[Beetlejuice (Film)|Beetlejuice]]'' - Handbook for the Recently Deceased
* The Book of Secrets from the second ''[[National Treasure]]'' movie. Filled with almost everything a [[Conspiracy Theorist|conspiracy nut]] would love, and more on top of that. Most importantly the information the team is currently looking for, and, a hidden detail on page 47, which may come into play in the third film, if one ever comes out.
* Max's dream journal from ''[[The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl]]''.
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** It's made clear that only a Necromancer can open the Book, and only an uncorrupted Charter Mage can close it. Since [[The Chosen One|the Abhorsens]] are the only people to meet ''both'' criteria, it's likely they possess all the copies and may be responsible for keeping it up to date.
** Two other books similar to the Book of the Dead are also shown. the less powerful "In the skin of a Lyon". the second is a cousin of the Book of the Dead called "The Book of Rememberance and Forgetting".
* The Good Magician's Book in the ''[[Xanth (Literature)|Xanth]]'' series. Well, he ''is'' the Magician of Information. Somewhat lampshaded in one of the Xanth books - the plot of that book shows the Magician when young, ''compiling'' the Book in the first place. After writing the book, circumstances led him to decide to forget the co-author, and since she had such a large part in writing it, he forgot all about compiling the information himself. It somehow updates itself, though, since it still always has the answer to any question somebody might ask of the Good Magician. Though not always in a form that anybody else can understand.
* The Grimmerie in Gregory Maguire's ''[[Wicked (Literaturenovel)|Wicked]]: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West''. Its usefulness is somewhat lessened by the fact that it takes years of work to learn how to read the language the book is written in, or to be born with the ability to read it by virtue of plot-significant messed-up parentage, like Elphaba (the Witch).
* The wizards' manuals in the ''[[Young Wizards]]'' universe. The fact that a manual contains any piece of information the wizard might want to look up is [[Justified Trope|justified]] by the fact that they are created by the godlike [[Powers That Be]]. They even expand to contain more information on the kind of spells a particular wizard specializes in, so everyone's copy is different.
** In the second novel Kit pulls out an embedded fold-out oceanographic map when he needs to know how deep the ocean is at a particular location.
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* Also by Neal Stephenson, ''[[The Diamond Age]]'' has ''The Young Lady's Illustrated Primer'' which can teach martial arts, etiquette, computer programming and nanotech engineering. Probably a good few other useful things too. Not only does it contain seemingly all knowledge in the world, it can also get an extended knowledge and understanding of the reader's current situation [[Applied Phlebotinum|and provides her with helpful advice and knowledge she'll need to handle dangerous situations]]. The Primer looks like a regular book, but it's actually an extremely advanced computer.
* The Book of Magic in [[Piers Anthony]]'s ''[[Apprentice Adept]]'' series contains everything there is to know about the various forms of magic on Phaze. When researching a particular spell, the entire book shifted to become a volume on that type magic.
* Parodied in ''[[Good Omens (Literature)|Good Omens]]'' with Agnes Nutter's prophecies; she saw the future with enough precision to make sure that the relevant prophecy was written on an index card chosen at random. However, most of her prophecies were too imprecisely worded to be easily understood, since she lived and died in the 17th century, before much of our modern technology was invented. So while she foresaw accurately, she did not always understand what she foresaw, leading to phrasings like "Orient's chariot" instead of "Japanese car". Some of these were easier to interpret than others.
** Add to that, the vast majority of the prophecies were directly regarding her own descendants. So if you weren't a descendant, or closely interacting with one, you probably wouldn't find anything useful.
* Dorothy Ann in ''[[The Magic School Bus]]'' always carried a book she called her "research" that conveniently had information about the day's subject matter.
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** This is a recasting of one of the tales of the Arabian Nights, "[ The Story of Yunan and The Sage Duban]", one of the tales nested in the "Tale of the Fisherman and the Jinn". It also involves tricking someone into turning the pages in a book that has been poisoned.
* Susan Cooper's ''[[The Dark Is Rising]]'' has The Book of Gramarye which gives the Old Ones everything they ever wanted to know about how to use their powers.
* ''[[Harry Potter (Literaturenovel)|Harry Potter]]'':
** [[Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince|The Half-Blood Prince's]] copy of "Advanced Potion Making" contains information on a wide variety of topics, from recipes for better potions, to spells that can kill people.
** Justified, it was Snape's old text-book which he improved with his personal notes, and while it's never stated how good is he at Potion Crafting compared to other experts in the topic, he seems to be quite knowledgeable in it, also said spell was unique and Snape seemed to take quite some pride for inventing it.
** It's also quite remarkable how much plot-relevant information can be found in ''Hogwarts: A History''.
* In Nick Kyme's [[Warhammer 40000 (Tabletop Game)|Warhammer 40000]] novel ''[[Salamanders (Literature)|Salamander]]'', the Salamanders consult the Tome of Fire, left by Vulkan, to determine the [[Because Destiny Says So|significance]] of finding an artifact from Vulkan's hand, and an unprecedented eruption on their home planet.
* In Richard Bach's ''Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah'', there is a book called "The Messiah's Handbook," which tends to open to a page with a relevant insight to the reader's current situation. Its most poignant insight: {{spoiler|"Everything in this book may be wrong"}}. This revelation shocks and distresses the main character.
* William Hope Hodgson's [[Occult Detective]] [[Thomas Carnacki]] gets all his info on the supernatural from the fictional Sigsand Manuscript.
* In ''[[The Gods of Pegana]]'', Trogool (the Thing that is neither god nor beast) has a book that likewise contains everything that has and will happen. We are told that things happen ''because'' they are in the book.
* Ella's incredibly helpful (and self-disguising) book in ''[[Ella Enchanted]]'' (moreso in the book than in the movie).
* In the ''[[Land of Oz (Literature)|Oz]]'' series, Glinda is in possession of a Red Book that contains real-time updates about things that are happening in the world. The entire world, not just Oz, which enables her to check up on Dorothy, Betsy, Trot, or any of the other semi-real-world characters who jump back and forth between Oz and the USA. She can look up what goes on with any of the characters at any time, and she uses it as an early-warning system and as a plot starter.
* ''The Book of Three'' from The ''[[Prydain Chronicles]]'' (also the name of the first book of the series) serves this purpose, being the chronicled [[Rule of Three|Past, Present, and Future]] of Prydain. It was once referred to as the "Book of If" by [[Eccentric Mentor|Dallben]], who mentioned that the prophecies in the book could easily have not occurred. Oh, and it has magic smiting powers to keep away the unworthy.
* In ''[[The Girl Who Owned a City]]'', Lisa is stated to be guided by a "great book," which gives her most of her ideas on how to run things her [[Cosy Catastrophe|post-Apocalyptic]] kid enclave. The book is implied to be ''[[Atlas Shrugged]].''
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* Coriakin, the ancient star-wizard from ''[[The Chronicles of Narnia]]'', owns one.
* In ''Elephants Cannot Dance'', Piggie wants to teach her friend Gerald to dance, but that's something elephants just cannot do. He proves this to her by handing her a book titled "What Elephants Can Do."<ref>The book doesn't say elephants can't ''try'' to dance, though.</ref>
* [[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy]], which succeeded in anticipating both Wikipedia and eBook readers several decades before the invention of the Internet.
** Also the Encyclopaedia Galactica, which is much more accurate than the Guide but much less popular.
* Given the large number of quotations from it and references to it, H.P. Lovecraft's fictional ''Necronomicon'' is apparently a [[Great Big Book of Everything]] you ''really don't want to know.''
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== Live-Action TV ==
* The [[Renamed Tropes|former trope namer]] Book of Shadows from ''[[Charmed (TV)|Charmed]]''. It becomes more interesting given the fact that it was written over centuries.
** There are quite a couple of episodes, especially in later seasons, where the [[Monster of the Week]] is ''not'' referenced in the Book of Shadows, because it is too obscure to have been encountered before.
** The book repeatedly turns to the right page on its own. It is implied that one of the ancestors turns the pages. It is also implied multiple times that the ancestors can add and remove notes at any time.
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** In the last seasons, the sisters increasingly check out the library of the magic school instead, which seems to be much more comprehensive.
** Careful watchers have noticed that the content of the book changes; for example, Phoebe at some points adds information on Cole, the human form of Balthasar - but the information is gone at later points, replaced by either blank pages or completely different information. This is actually the result of the prop and art department placing new or different pages into the book based on the episode. It's easier to open the book near the center of the book, so pages were often moved around. The actual prop had three posts to put in removable pages so new entries could always be added as needed.
* The diary of John Winchester in ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'' has been dubbed the [[Charmed (TV)|Book of Shadows]] by the recappers at [[Television Without Pity]], based on how often it has all the answers the brothers need.
** This is true for the first two seasons, but Sam and Dean become much less dependent on John's journal during Seasons 3 and 4. They use Bobby's library as a resource more often now, and they have to search more to find information about the [[Monster of the Week]]. Then in "Weekend at Bobby's", his [[Lower Deck Episode]], we find out what happens when he needs a certain book from a closed library; he simply breaks in and steals it.
* The diary of Laura Palmer from ''[[Twin Peaks]]'', which was Defictionalized as a companion book to the seres.
* In the final season of ''[[Angel (TV)|Angel]],'' Wesley gets access to a set of books which really do have all the information in the universe; however, they are magical (they can, on command, display the text of any book ever written), and their power becomes a plot point in one episode.
* ''[[Power Rangers Mystic Force]]'' has a temperamental version in the Xenotome: Its pages are blank until it decides to show the Rangers something.
* In the early days of ''[[Smallville]]'', everything Clark and Chloe needed to know about the [[Freak of the Week]] could be found on either the Wall of Weird, or the past issues of the Torch. These days it's from the Daily Planet archives.
* The Professor from ''[[Gilligans Island|Gilligan's Island]]'' has one, but instead of a single book, it's a [[Bag of Holding]] backpack that always had the right book on top.
* The Book of Changes in ''[[Ghost Whisperer]]'', well, ''changes'' every so often to include the latest vague supernatural prophesy. It's also a last-minute [[MacGuffin]] at the end of season four.
* During their "shopping" episode (showing where they get all their stuff), the ''[[Myth Busters (TV)|Myth Busters]]'' have a book of knowledge filled with the usual things like conversion tables but also a lot of obscure information that would be important for their show. [[wikipedia:Pocket Ref|The Pocket Ref]].
* The archaeologist River Song's diary in ''[[Doctor Who]]'', a diary of her adventures recorded on her own, combined with eyewitness accounts of the Doctor through the ages, as seen in "Closing Time".
* One of many, many tropes the Intersect in ''[[Chuck]]'' embodies at one time or another. The Intersect is a massive database of secrets and information vital to national security, uploaded to the protagonist's head in the first episode, and accessed involuntarily whenever he needed to know something related to that week's plot. Later upgrades included such things as combat skills, all of which went to whoever had the Intersect at the time via [[Neural Implanting]].
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== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Mage: The Awakening (Tabletop Game)|Mage: The Awakening]]'' has a book called "the Invisible Codex" which is able to contain whatever information the reader most requires at the time. This is because it is an [[Eldritch Abomination|Abyssal meme]], and its granting information is a ploy to get the reader invested enough in it so that it can devour their soul.
* [[Dungeons and Dragons (Tabletop Game)|Dungeons and Dragons]]
** ''[[Forgotten Realms (Tabletop Game)|Forgotten Realms]]'' has Golden Skins of the World Serpent -- an artifact made by one of [[Precursors|Creator Races]] and more widely known as Nether Scrolls. It looks like 50 golden and platinum scrolls (there were two copies, thus 100 pages total), thematically divided into 5 equal sections that cover arcane themes from the basics of magic to creation of major artifacts -- advanced topics require understanding prerequisites. The unusual part is that the scrolls contain practically infinite amount of magical knowledge -- one could study them again and again and uncover more and more of such lore. Moreover, elves discovered that a set of scrolls can be transformed so that it provides lore which couldn't feasibly be possessed by their creators, that is of intrinsically elven magic developed later.
** In ''[[Ravenloft]]'', the lich-king Azalin owns a magic book that records the biographies of all of the sentient inhabitants of Darkon (Uncoincidentally, the very first biography the book recorded is of Azalin, which began writing the very moment he stepped into Castle Avernus for the very first time). Newcomers to Darkon eventually lose their memories of having ever lived elsewhere due to the book magically editing their memories concerning their origins. There are only two ways to recover or preserve a foreigner's memory, in that either Azalin or one of his enslaved scribes personally edits that particular entry, i.e., like writing "the ambassador from Nova Vaasa is not subject to Darkon's memory-eating," or by having the afflicted person leave Darkon. The primary problem with the latter is that such new natives never find a reason to ever leave Darkon, for any reason...
* ''[[Traveller]]'' : The AAB the Vilani Repository of Knowledge, a great big library of everything.
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== Video Games ==
* In ''[[Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door (Video Game)|Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door]]'', one of Mario's partners has a book with information and pictures of every enemy in the game. This even includes {{spoiler|Princess Peach after being possessed by the final boss}}.
** However, it does not have infinite knowledge; this is demonstrated when Goombella [[Lampshades]] that it doesn't answer her real question: [[Hammerspace|where all the hammers come from]].
** It doesn't have {{spoiler|Doopliss's name}}.
** ''[[Super Paper Mario (Video Game)|Super Paper Mario]]'' has the Dark Prognosticus, a book which has prophesied every event of the game. The villain, Count Bleck, has it, and often quotes directly from it, with the effect of [[Third Person Person|narrating his own life]].
* Rosalina's Storybook from [[Super Mario Galaxy (Video Game)|Super Mario Galaxy]] has elements of this, if the second game's ending has credence.
* The Traveller's Tome in ''[[Okami]]'' even gives you information on hidden god powers - with a treasure chest popping out of nowhere to give you information on whatever new power you gain
* ''[[Uncharted]]'' opens with the recovery of Sir Francis Drake's Lost Diary, by his remote descendant, Drake. The Diary then serves in this regard for adventures in both the Amazon Jungle and an uncharted island in the South Pacific... somehow, it always has the key for whatever puzzle stands in your way.
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== Western Animation ==
* "The Book of KND" from ''[[Codename: Kids Next Door]]''. Apparently when it is found by the first kid to fight against adults ever, it already has every information he needed from building tree-houses to building sophisticated kid weaponry.
* "Tobin's Spirit Guide" from ''[[The Real Ghostbusters]]''. In ''[[Extreme Ghostbusters (Animation)|Extreme Ghostbusters]]'', we find Egon has added to it.
* The ''[[FilmationsFilmation's Ghostbusters (Animation)|Filmations Ghostbusters]]'' team have a Ghostbusting Manual in the first episode, which details the features of Ghost Command, the equipment, and the Ghostbuggy. It is never used again.
* The Great Book of Gummi in ''[[Adventures of the Gummi Bears]]''.
* The Golden Grimoire, which Eric (who's been temporarily infused with Dungeon Master's powers) once attempts to use to send himself and his friends back home in the ''[[Dungeons and Dragons (Animationanimation)|Dungeons & Dragons]]'' TV series.
** Also, in one of the choose-your-own-adventure books, Sheila (or better said, the reader) must help the good witch Agnes to recover her stolen spellbook. Said 'book contains, among other incantations, a very powerful spell that can be used to fight the dragon Tiamat {{spoiler|via enchanting her seven heads and turning them against each other}}. Obviously, you have to go through lots of crap for it, which includes going against [[Big Bad]] Venger alone {{spoiler|and resisting his offer to actually ''[[Enemy Mine|co-work]]'' to put a stop to Tiamat (which leads to a Bad End in which Tiamat is defeated, but [[The Bad Guy Wins|Venger still wins]] because you're forced to let him take Agnes's spellbook away.)}}
* ♪Iiiiiiiiiittttttt's the great big book of everything, with everything inside / See the world around us, this book's a perfect guide♪ - In the Playhouse Disney show, ''[[Stanley]]''.
* In ''[[Phineas and Ferb (Animation)|Phineas and Ferb]]'', the Fireside Girls have a guidebook that goes far and beyond camping or selling cupcakes. There are instructions on how to fix a [[Time Machine]] or refuel a NASCAR racer or wrestle an alligator.
* ''[[Danny Phantom (Animation)|Danny Phantom]]'' has two: The book that details Fright Knight and his defeat in one episode and another, a Greek Mythology book that tells a [[Sadly Mythtaken]] version of Pandora's Box. All conveniently held by [[Mr. Exposition|Sam]].
* In, [[Chuck Jones]]' 1942 ''[[Merrie Melodies]]'' short "[[The Dover Boys]]," villainous [[Dastardly Whiplash|Dan Backslide]] consults a ''Handbook of Useful Information'' for "How Best to Remove Young Lady from Tree (Fig. 1)."
* The book of rules in ''[[The Fairly Odd Parents]]'', which describes the limitations on what wishes can be granted.
* ''[[Mucha Lucha]]'' has the Code of Masked Wrestling, which even detailed what to do when you are [[Bound and Gagged|tied up]] in the middle of three bad guys using [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|their signature attacks]] against you. {{spoiler|In a word, [[Prepare to Die|say your prayers]].}}
* The Hero's Enchiridion in ''[[Adventure Time (Animation)|Adventure Time]]''.
* In ''[[Dragon Tales]],'' The Magic Story Book serves as both an anthology of stories and an all-purpose guide to Dragonland. Complete fiction and non-fiction in one text!
* [[Catch Phrase|According to my research]], Dorothy Ann on ''[[The Magic School Bus]]'' carries a book with answers to every possible scientific question. At least, answers sufficient for an elementary-school kid's needs.
* The titular Book of Virtues in ''[[Adventures From the Book of Virtues (Animation)|Adventures Fromfrom the Book of Virtues]]''.
* ''[[Thundercats 2011 (Western Animation)|ThunderCats (2011)]]'' has the "Book of Omens", a combination of [[Magitek|science and sorcery]].
* In [[Winx Club]], Faragonda gives the titular group a book that details every part of their newest transformation, Believix.
* In ''[[Harvey Birdman, Attorney Atat Law]]'', Birdgirl has a book for [[Sidekick|sidekicks]] that she uses when she is not sure what to do.
== Multiple Media ==
* The ''Encyclopedia Galactica'' from ''[[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy]]'' metaseries, being the eponymous Guide's somewhat stuffier main competition. The Guide, however, is more popular because it's slightly cheaper and has the words "DON'T PANIC" inscribed on the cover in large, friendly letters. (The EG still pales in comparison to the Ultra-Complete Maximegalon Dictionary of Every Language Ever, modeled closely on a [ certain real world dictionary], which requires a fleet of lorries to transport even in miniaturized form.)
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* ''Dr. Ankowitschs Kleines Universal-Handbuch'', containing a large variety of practical and some of the rather bizarre points of information, from how to clean a feather boa to the break-down schematics of BMW Isetta 250-model's chassis. Sadly this book is apparently only available in Germany and Finland.
* The 44th edition of the ''CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics'' is another candidate and expanded far beyond what the title suggested, unlike later editions.
* [[The Talmud (Literature)|The Talmud]].
* Does the ''[[Oxford English Dictionary]]'' count?
* Another possible real-life influence on this trope: ''[ The Everyday Reference Library]''.
* William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England.
* [[The Other Wiki]], which often seems like [[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy]] of our universe.
* [[Captain Obvious|The internet]], duh.
* The 1911 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica was thought to be this when it was released, covering practically everything involving scientific and historic study known at the time when the world was seen as static: It was possible to know everything. After 1911 things got...complicated.
* [[This Very Wiki]] strives to be one. Compared to [[The Other Wiki]], it is still in its infant stages, but, as [[There Is No Such Thing Asas Notability]], we're definitely catching up.