Growing the Beard/Web Original: Difference between revisions

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* Red Letter Media's ''Plinkett'' reviews were excellent deconstructions of the [[Star Trek]] film franchise, but there was little else to them other than the movie reviews. It wasn't until the [[Star Wars]] prequel reviews that Plinkett became a fully fleshed out character: kidnapping, rape, murder, and all. The reviews themselves were also a significant jump up in quality, to the point of being a must-see for any sci-fi fan.
* While not ''bad'' in the least, [[The Nostalgia Critic]] was a little less focused in subject matter at the start of his show. He found his footing and niche sometime after starting up and uploading to A good bet would be his review of ''[[The Wizard (film)]]'' or ''[[Batman and Robin (film)|Batman and Robin]]''. His yelling felt less like pathetic whining and more hammy and over-the-top, more visual gags were in place and the increased time limit of Blip meant he could focus on more aspects of the film. Both reviews had gags that still resonate two years later.
** [[Doug Walker]] feels somewhat embarrassed when commentating on his review for ''[[Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue]]'' in 2010, spending most of the review explaining what he hadn't got right with the Nostalgia Critic character.
* While opinions differ on where exactly [[The Nostalgia Chick]] got consistently good (whether it was Nella coming in more often or it was where she started looking at tropes as well as doing reviews), but the first step was probably the [[Black Comedy]]-filled "Top 10 Disturbing Songs" list where she proved dark humour is what she's incredibly good at.