Guide Dang It/Game Guides: Difference between revisions

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** Hold on, what about Brady's guide for Ruby and Sapphire? Among other things, no maps for the Trick House, and a Pokédex that consists of the names, height, weight and "species" of the 200 Hoenn dex Pokémon. No moves, no stats, absolutely ''nothing'' of in-game value.
** Prima's Emerald strategy guide was good and bad at the same time. There are no maps for the Team Aqua Hideout, it doesn't list the Gym Leader rematch teams neither the Frontier Brains ones for the Gold symbol battles (the Silver ones were listed), and (at least in the Italian version) every pic in the guide (included maps and the extremely needed ''Braille key for the Regi quest'') is low-res and blurred.
* Prima's guide for [[Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga|Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga]] details how you need to get the GameBoy Horror SP before fighting the Pirahna Bean boss to get a [[Lost Forever|rare piece of equipment]]. They give you general locations of a few Invisible Blocks containing Hoo Beans needed to get the item beforehand. However, they don't give you the exact details for finding them, because "it takes the fun out of finding them all for yourself," which is probably why you bought the damn guide in the first place. Oh, and the guide doesn't have any maps, instead going for a "higher-quality" version of the in-game maps.
** Furthermore, the guide leaves out several locations of Hoo Beans, to the point of not showing enough to ''get'' the Piranha Suit. Luckily, [ this forum post] details the locations of all of the hidden Hoo Bean blocks, including the ones the guide left out.
* The Official Nintendo Guide for ''[[Animal Crossing]]: Wild World'' blantantly omits the entire Nintendo Set, which includes the Master Sword, Triforce, Arwing, and Metroid. In fact, that guide is chock-full of errors.