Guild Wars 2: Difference between revisions

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* [[Big Red Button]]: See [[Schmuck Bait]] below.
* [[Bottomless Magazines]]: Despite their single-shot apperances, rifles and pistols have a high rate of fire. A thief wielding [[Guns Akimbo]] can [[More Dakka|practically shoot at full auto]]. [[Acceptable Breaks From Reality]] and [[Rule of Cool]] apply here.
* [[Bow and Sword Inin Accord]]: Rangers, Warriors, and Thieves.
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]: The Nightmare Court is both justified and subverted-they formed as a reaction to what they viewed as an alien culture imposing their morals on the Sylvari, and so actively present themselves as violations of those morals-despite the fact they don't actually think they're evil, just fighting for survival.
* [[City of Adventure]]: Lion's Arch, former capital of the human kingdom of Kryta, is now an adventuring hub where all races converge.
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* [[True Companions]]: Charr Warbands, who are raised and trained together from a young age. A Charr's Warband is the most important thing to them in Charr culture, and one of the race specific questions for Charr in their Personal Story is which member of their Warband they're closest to. {{spoiler|Also the only one who survives your first mission.}}
* [[Turns Red]]: Why you don't anger the peaceful quaggan.
* [[A Worldwide Punomenon]]: Thieves have a special resource for attacking called Initiative. They have a skill that allows them to roll away from whoever they're fighting and gain Initiative. The skill is called [[Dungeons and& Dragons|Roll For Initiative]]
* [[The Wild Hunt]]: It's actually a Sylvari concept, [[The Fair Folk|fittingly]]. Certain members of the race are called to a mission for the Pale Tree (the [[Genius Loci]] "mother" of the race), and by extension the Sylvari as a whole. This quest is called the Wyld Hunt, and it presumably often involves destroying threats to the race as a whole.