Gun Twirling: Difference between revisions

categories and general cleanup
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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* In one ''[[Lucky Luke]]'' album, one guy tries this -- and shoots himself in the hand.
** In the album ''The Klondike'', [http://en.[ Smith|Soapy Smith]] had the habit of doing this. One gag involved Smith trying to shoot a Mountie only for Luke to shoot his gun, causing it to start twirling.
** In the same album, Luke and Waldo like to make an enemy do this at gunpoint. Especially Smith, whose finger eventually swells up to the point of making him unable to shoot.
* ''Vengeance'' features rookie hero the Ultimate Nullifier, who wields dual hip-holstered pistols that temporarily depower anyone hit by their bullets. He likes to spin them when he's bored, when he's trying to make a point, or when he just wants to look cool.
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* "[http://en.[ Little Duckaroo|My Little Duckaroo]]": [[Daffy Duck]] twirls his gun and ends up shooting himself in the head, showing why this is a bad idea.
* Being a cowboy-themed superhero, Vigilante of the ''[[Justice League]]'' naturally does this.
* [[Quick-Draw McGraw]] has done this a few times.