Gundam: Difference between revisions

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* [[Sliding Scale of Gender Inequality]]: Tends to hover between "Male Superiority" and "Men are More Equal".
* [[So Last Season]]: The [[Fan Nickname|Mid-Series Upgrade]] has been a staple since [[Zeta Gundam]], and even [[Mobile Suit Gundam]] had a limited version of it.
* [[Space Friction]]: The aversion of this is why mobile suits have limbs. The series is not 100% consistent on remembering this however.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Whoo boy. Too many examples to list, but common to a greater or lesser extent in basically every series. The most infamous examples are probably the Principality (Duchy/Archduchy/Grand Duchy) of Zeon (Zion/Jion) and Mu (Muu/Mwu -- though thankfully no Moo) la (ra) Flaga (Fllaga/Fraga). And then there is Quattro Bajeena, whose name has on at least one occasion been translated as "Quattro Vagina", due to the katakana used in his name.
* [[Standard Sci Fi History]]: Many series features Stage 1: Exploration and Colonization of Space. And then jump right into Stage 2: World War changing the world.