Gushing About Shows You Like (Sugar Wiki)/Video Games/Q to Z: Difference between revisions

rewriting links: Wo W=>WoW
prefix>Import Bot
(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Gush.VideoGamesQToZ 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Gush.VideoGamesQToZ, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
m (rewriting links: Wo W=>WoW)
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* ''[[World of Warcraft]]''. No other game has kept me entertained for four years. Especially the expansion pack worlds are so incredibly varied and beautiful that sometimes I just want to move permanently to Nagrand or Terokkar Forest.
** And, say what you will about MMORPGs, it's just an excellently built rpg. The one to entertain the most players ever. The one to achieve an unprecedented level of immersion. Just. Plain. Fun.
*** Over the past 8 or so years, I've played 3 [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games]], Guild Wars, [[Wo WWoW]] and City of Heroes, and [[Wo WWoW]] is by far my favorite. I started almost exactly 5 years ago and I'm still going strong, a core raider in my 25 man guild in ICC, and I just love everything about the game (well, most of it). The thing I love best is how Blizzard really does listen to its player base.
*** I liked Warcraft itself, and when i found out about the [[Wo WWoW]] i was more than happy. But what takes the cake is that you can jump in this game XD
** Say what you will about it. Say that something missing, a class is messed up, the system is outdated, the graphics are bad, etc. [[User:Shadow Stained Sky|This troper]] still enjoy playing [[World of Warcraft]]. The regions each have a different personality and section of lore, where any adventurer/myth-fan/histroy-fan/general wanderer could simply lose themselves in. The water-ways of Howling Fjord? The Shimmering Flats at night? ''[[Ghibli Hills|The Hinterlands]]''? It all seems beautiful. The playable races have their own part of lore and own culture. Playing as a Troll ''is'' more fun. This Troper ''enjoys'' making new characters and going through those 80 levels again. (He does groan when it comes time for Outland, but that's a different story)
* ''[[Wild Arms]]''. A Japanese RPG series set in [[The Wild West]]. And although there are typical fantasy-style tropes involved as well, it was probably the fact that the protagonists are more likely to wield guns than swords that drew me to the series in the first place. I can't even describe what it is about the games that I love so much, as they are, for the most part, rather typical Japanese RPGs. It's likely because the story draws me in every time, and the characters are some of the most memorable in history - every single party member undergoes a huge amount of [[Character Development]]. If nothing else, the series invests a huge effort into making the player love the characters, ''and by god do I ever.'' The fact that [[The Gunslinger|most of them use guns]] and [[Badass Longcoat|several more have cowboy motifs]] is icing on the cake.