Halloween World: Difference between revisions

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* [[Heel Face Turn]]- Numerous examples, one of the most blatant being the fact that the forces fighting on the good side in the final battle against Aizen included former Espada. As one of them put it “Following him didn’t turn out well in our last life."
* [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse]]-[[Berserk|Griffith's]] [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]].
* [[Hot Skitty -On -Wailord Action]]-Happens with a number of species, but Pokémon/[[Obake|Yokai]] hybrids are mentioned several times.
* [[Inferred Holocaust]]- After a fashion. There are plenty of survivors and they seem to be doing well, but between a quick and dirty form of natural selection (it's nigh impossible for a normal human to survive without protection from a colony or someone with superpowers) and the knock-on effects of the chaos magic, humanity as we know it is pretty much scuppered.
* [[Info Dump]]-A lot, usually from the narrator.
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* [[Psychopomp]]- Every conceivable version thereof. On of the side stories even featured them having a meeting to sort out how they were going to work together. Interestingly, the living can see them, know what they are, and following the timeskip at least don't seem to be particuarly bothered that Death is literally walking the streets.
* [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]]-Each of the final Big Bads have one.
* [[Red Sky, Take Warning]]- The Red Sky, a part-electromagnetic, part-magical barrier that doesn't allow anything to go through it, fries almost all forms of aircraft and periodically unleashes various kinds of hell on the world below.
* [[Ruins of the Modern Age]]- The story includes frequent mentions of ruined cities, most notably Los Angeles.
* [[Serial Escalation]]- It's safe to say that the latest plot arc qualifies.
* [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad]]- Xander gets far more attention than any other BtVS character.
* [[Slept Through the Apocalypse]]- One of the spin off stories involves a man who went into magically induced suspended animation in a desperate attempt to survive terminal cancer. He spent seventeen years in a locked trunk before being discovered by chance and revived. [[Fish Out of Temporal Water]], [[Values Dissonance]] and [[Post -Historical Trauma]] ensues.
* [[Time Skip]]- The first arc is set in the months after the Event; the second kicks off 12 years later.
* [[Translator Microbes]]- Done in a rather original way, namely a 'viral language' that spreads faster than the common cold.