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[http://www.fanfiction.net/~lightningonthewave Sacrifices Arc] by Lightning on the Wave (Very Long Completed AUs, Heavy Violence, Slash)
* Recommended by [[Tropers/Ptitlejg 85 gcuj|Ms. Byrd]], notsarah, starryblue, The Blood Sharpie, [[User:Lost Lenore]]
* ''Comments'': A seven fic series and related oneshot "Maze of Light," each novel-length work replaces its corresponding canon counterpart, and Lightning increasingly diverges from the source. Despite the oft-(mis)used premise "what if Slytherin!Harry had a BWL!twin," the plot manages to stay original and creative throughout, with truly inspiring [[Shout -Out|shout-outs]] to canon events. Canon characterizations aren't exactly possible, but there's a surprising amount of Original Flavor nonetheless. [[Magnificent Bastard|Snape]] is especially brilliant, and while Lightning never loses sight of the reality that spawned him, he progresses to the point of possibly being better than what JKR ever got around fleshing out. BE WARNED: the author really knows how to [[Anyone Can Die|turn on the water-works]], and pays careful attention to everything -- which means that while character interaction often = [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] and setting establishment/development = [[TV Tropes Made of Win Archive]], wartime realities = [[Nightmare Fuel]]. The dark tone does threaten to overwhelm things occasionally, but Lightning somehow knows just when things are heading towards unbearable, and is as good at inducing [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] as she is at creating tension.
[http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1228238/DisobedienceWriter DisobedienceWriter]
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