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== [[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets|Harry Potter]] ==
* There is also the ending of ''Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets'', when Dumbledore finally learns that Harry has been [[Wangst|Wangsting]]ing that he was only fit to be in the house of Slytherin, the so-called "house of villains." That moment, when Dumbledore proves to Harry that [[You Are Better Than You Think You Are|he is better than he gives himself credit for]], is a truly magical one.
== [[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban|Harry Potter]] ==
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** And don't forget the whole "Remember {{spoiler|Cedric Diggory}}" speech.
** Also, after being named the Fourth Champion, nearly everyone - including Ron, Harry's best friend - believed that Harry had somehow found a way to sneak into the tournament, just to gain fame. However, the next morning, before demanding answers from Harry or even mentioning the whole fiasco, Hermione brought Harry a piece of toast, knowing he didn't want to eat in the Great Hall with all the attention he was getting, and asked him if he wanted to go for a walk. Harry later told her everything that happened and ''"to his immense relief, Hermione accepted his story without question,"'' as quoted from the book.
* A rather minor one, but in ''Goblet of Fire'', I always found the fact that Harry takes it upon himself to warn Cedric about the dragons in the First Task to be an immensely heartwarming simple gesture of genuine, selfless decency. It's moments like that just as much as -- oras—or more than -- thethan—the huge battles which make Harry a worthwhile hero.
** Likewise, the conversation leading up to Harry and Cedric grabbing the Cup was to this troper (and still is) among the most heartwarming moments of the series. Cedric, who was so popular during the tournament, giving up glory to Harry, who had been tormented all year long. Harry, who had held a serious grudge against Cedric because of his relationship with Cho, suggesting that they take it together. It was a beautiful moment -- andmoment—and it made what happened next that much more shocking and terrible.
* A very small, subtle one in ''The Goblet of Fire''. Harry has rescued Ron and Gabrielle from the Lake when "[...]Percy, who looked very white and somehow much younger than usual, came splashing out to meet them. [...] Percy seized Ron and was dragging him back to the bank ("Gerroff, Percy, I'm all right!")" Percy, who has always been seen as pompous and annoying, caring more about his job than his family, was plainly terrified for his little brother despite knowing Dumbledore would never have let anything happen to him.
* While the entire scene where Dumbledore, Hermione, and Harry confront Hagrid after he is outed as Half-Giant by Rita Skeeter is this, the part where Dumbledore casually mentions that many parents have written letters in Hagrid's defense always gets to me. It's not just that his friends love him, it's that many people who have known him do so as well that just makes it that much more awesome.
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* The teachers all deciding, at the end of ''Half-Blood Prince'', that Hogwarts must remain open.
* The scene where, after Fleur says she loves Bill despite being scarred, Tonks {{spoiler|shakes Lupin yelling at him that ''Fleur'' loves Bill no matter what, and she loves ''him'' even if he's a werewolf.}}
* "It is high time your grandmother appreciated the grandson she has, rather than the one she thinks she ought to have." -- Minerva—Minerva McGonagall to Neville Longbottom. Professor, you rock.
* In Half-Blood Prince, after Harry saves Ron from being poisoned and the Weasleys are huddled around his (Ron's) sickbed, Mrs. Weasley remembers every time Harry has saved one of them and we get this golden line from Mr. Weasley:
{{quote|"It was a very lucky day for the Weasley family when Ron decided to sit in your compartment in The Hogwarts Express that day."}}
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* ''Deathly Hallows'' - {{spoiler|The Will of Albus Dumbledore:}} Molly gives Harry his traditional 17th Birthday present: a unique, gold watch. And Harry gets up and hugs her.
** What makes the watch better isn't just that it's his 17th birthday watch, it's the fact that it belonged to her brother Fabian. She was effectively giving Harry a Weasley hand-me-down, as if to say "you're not just as good as family, you ''are'' family."
** Made even better ''again'' considering an obscure line in Philosopher's Stone, when Harry is locked in the cupboard (after the zoo incident, I think) and he considers sneaking into the kitchen for food, but doesn't know if it's late enough that the Dursleys will be asleep. He stays put, wishing he had a watch. Think about that -- ifthat—if he had a watch, he also wouldn't be living with the Dursleys or sleeping under a staircase, he'd be with a family that loves him. Six freakin' books later, JK gives us the payoff for that microscopic scene: he has his watch ''and'' a family that truly loves him along with it. Yeah, I think there were a lot of unsaid things in that hug after all.
** Fabian and Gideon, Molly's brothers, were killed by Death Eaters. She gave Harry one of the few mementos of her brother that she still had. Considering that their deaths are probably a major reason why she was so overprotective...
* Near the end of Deathly Hallows, when {{spoiler|Harry and Dumbledore talk and Harry tells Dumbledore about Grindelwald protecting his grave.}}
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** It gets even better in the epilogue when Harry and his friends bear Draco no true lasting hatred.
* {{spoiler|[[Mama Bear|"NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!!"]]}}
* {{spoiler|Snape's}} last words, "Look at me" -- wanting—wanting to see {{spoiler|Lily's eyes}} again before he died.
** The film adaptation doesn't stop there. {{spoiler|"You have your mother's eyes..."}}
* When {{spoiler|Percy}} comes back at the end of Deathly Hallows, and that entire reunion scene.
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* All of Potterwatch. The whole thing. In a time of fear and chaos, a few brave people risk their lives to give hope to everyone via a regular radio broadcast. It's especially a Crowning Moment when they say that, if Harry is listening, they're all rooting for him.
* When Lupin travels to Shell Cottage to deliver the news of the birth of his son, and immediately seizes Harry in an embrace and {{spoiler|asks him to be godfather}}, their previous argument forgotten.
** The line "Lupin, who appeared dazed by his own happiness." It doesn't matter if you ship [[Official Couple|Lupin/Tonks]], [[Ho Yay|Lupin/Sirius]], [[Foe Yay|Lupin/Snape]], [[No Yay|Lupin/Hermione]], or [[Crack Pairing|Lupin/Whomping Willow]] -- you—you teared up at that line.
* Another gem from Deathly Hallows, Dudley says goodbye to Harry; it's not much, but considering their history...
{{quote|I don't think you're a waste of space... You saved my life.}}
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* Going back to the first book, there's the beginning of Harry and Ron's friendship with Hermione, when they go back to save her and she winds up lying to protect them. It's really all summed up with the classic line, "There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them."
* One of the best things in the series is the friendship of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I can't really think of any moments involving Hermione that haven't been mentioned, but there's two with Harry and Ron that make me "aww" every time. The first is in ''The Goblet of Fire'', right after Harry wins the first task. Ron and Harry have been fighting, but Ron comes back after this, and immediately starts complaining that Harry should have gotten more points for fighting the dragon. Harry thinks to himself that Ron's friendship is worth all the points in the world. The second is in ''The Deathly Hallows'' when Ron returns after running off, telling the story of how the Deluminator led him back. He says, "I guess Dumbledore always knew I'd leave." Harry says, "No, he knew you'd always want to come back."
* To finish off the series, Jo writes in her dedication: "...and to you, if you have stuck with Harry until the very end." A touching nod to all the HP fans -- manyfans—many of whom did start the series as children right around Harry's age and finished it as adults. Personally, as eager as I was to dive headfirst into the final book, that little acknowledgment gave me pause to reflect that after all this time it really was the end, guys!
