Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Harry is not very patient with what he perceives as stupidity, and will violently mock it, especially if it gets people hurt.
* [[Determinator]]: Heroic responsibility means you have to get the job done ''no matter what''.
* {{spoiler|[[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|Did You Just Kill A Dementor?]]}}
* [[Ditzy Genius]]: Deconstructed. He doesn't understand normal people very well, and has almost zero common sense. He tries to compensate for it with intelligence, but it doesn't always cut it. When you are a hero with ambitious plans to change the world, this is a ''huge'' liability.
* [[Encyclopaedic Knowledge]]: His (foster) father was an Oxford professor, his house is full of books, he is intensely curious and has the intelligence to assimilate the knowledge. Do the math.
* [[For Science!]]: Actually, for Humanity and/or for Truth, but Harry thinks Science is essential to serve the first and find the second.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: When Harry hears {{spoiler|[[Call to Adventure|"Ssalutations from Sslytherin to Sslytherin: if you would sseek my ssecretss, sspeak to my ssnake." when the Sorting Hat calls out Slytherin]]}}, Harry is [[Genre Savvy]] enough to know to tell McGonagall about it.
* [[Guile Hero]]/Magnificent Bastard: The goals of a guile hero, the tactics of a magnificent bastard.
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==== Draco Malfoy ====
* {{spoiler|[[A Father to His Men]]}}: Strange as it may seem he actually manages to become this.
* [[Anti -Villain]]
* [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick]]: All the time.
* [[DaddysDaddy's Little Villain]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Evil Chancellor]]: His family's dynasty basically revolves around this.
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==== Blaise Zabini ====
* {{spoiler|[[Double Reverse Quadruple Agent]]: '''[[Up to Eleven|quintuple]]''', even. In a battle between only '''three''' armies.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Laser -Guided Amnesia]]: To remove the knowledge that he is a [[Double Reverse Quadruple Agent|quintuple agent]] bringing him down to [[Double Reverse Quadruple Agent|quadruple]].}}
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]
* [[Wild Card]]
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==== Fred and George Weasley ====
* [[Crazy Awesome]]: Manage to royally screw over Rita Skeeter by forging a betrothal contract between Harry and Ginny, manufacturing a ''lot'' of evidence that ''should'' have been impossible to forge, and did it all in a time frame of less than twelve hours and on a budget of forty galleons.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: ...And then [[Laser -Guided Amnesia|Obliviated themselves]] so that if they got caught, they wouldn't be able to divulge the details. It's implied that this is a fairly common procedure for the twins whenever they achieve some kind of grand-scale prank.
* [[Overshadowed By Awesome]]: After Snape's apology speech...
{{quote| At the Gryffindor table, where a cake waited with fifty-one unlit candles, Fred whispered, "I think we may be out of our league here, George."<ref>each candle was for one point Harry managed to lose during his first Potions lesson.</ref>}}
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* [[Shell Shocked Senior]]
* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]]: Used to believe this.
* [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]]
=== Minerva McGonagall ===
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* [[It Was His Sled]]: {{spoiler|Quirrelmort.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Nineties Anti Hero]]}}: {{spoiler|What little we know of his "hero" days indicate that he was this type of hero.}}
* [[The Obi -Wan]]:
* [[Retired Badass]]
* [[Retired Monster]]
* {{spoiler|[[Self Made Orphan]]}}
* [[Weapon of Choice]]:{{spoiler|[[One -Hit Kill|Avada Kedavra!]]}}
* [[You Are Too Late]]:{{spoiler|[[Just Between You and Me|Harry, my horcrux is in space!]]}}
** [[Crazy Prepared]]: The steps taken by Quirrel to protect his plans led to the Space-Time Continuum telling Dumbledore that he was Too Late.
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* [[Hoist By His Own Petard]]: {{spoiler|Harry uses his (probably false) claim that he was placed under the imperius curse by Voldemort to insist on a blood debt from House Malfoy in return for killing Voldemort and "freeing" him.}}
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Oh yeah.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]
** [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]
* {{spoiler|[[Would Hurt a Child]]}}
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** Chapter 78: {{spoiler|His army finally achieved a victory against Chaos and Sunshine, even managing to disabling Chaos's trump card against them. However, for Draco, [[Bittersweet Ending|being defeated by Hermione during the battle spoils everything]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Enemy Mine]]}}:{{spoiler|With Sunshine}}
* [[Five -Bad Band]]:
** [[The Big Bad]]: Draco
** [[The Dragon]]: Padma Patil
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* [[Crazy Awesome]]
* [[Doomy Dooms of Doom]]: Their theme song consists of nothing but the word Doom repeated over and over again to the tune of the Imperial Death March from [[Star Wars]].
* [[Five -Bad Band]]:
** [[The Big Bad]]: Harry/ General Chaos
** [[The Dragon]]: Neville of Chaos