Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past: Difference between revisions

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** Harry's ''modus operandi''. He ''did'' happen to overhear Draco boasting about a special room in his house full of illegal items, it just so happens that he did so in an alternate timeline.
** The Sorting Hat learns of Harry's secret the moment it's placed on his head, and decides to keep what it knows of Harry in confidence. When later asked if some "invading mental presences" were in Harry's mind, it coyly answered:
{{quote| '''Sorting Hat:''' "Oh no, no invaders at all. Nothing between his ears but Harry James Potter." }}
* [[The Glomp]]: Ginny glomps Harry during the [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]].
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: While it became a recurrent occurrence in the Bad future, mentions must go to:
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** {{spoiler|Above all, Mad Eye Moody, who executed all the Death Eaters in Azkaban and rallied the guards to a last stand against Voldemort's forces, to the point his catchphrase is considered taboo then on}}.
* [[Hypocritical Humour]]
{{quote| "What's not hard?" Ginny asked. <br />
"Talking to you when you're mad about something, without getting hexed," Ron said bluntly. <br />
"Ron, I do not go around -- how could you say such a thing?" she asked, fuming, reaching for her wand. }}
* [[Innocent Innuendo]]: While talking about playing Wizard's Chess:
{{quote| '''Ron:''' Hermione went thirty five minutes once, but she always took a while to make her moves.}}
* [[It Got Worse]]: In future!Harry's timeline, Voldemort's reign of terror gets so bad that the American Department of Magical Affairs has to send a peacekeeping force in because the British Ministry of Magic has been pretty much annihilated.
* [[I Just Shot Marvin in the Face]]: Mr. Weasley proves the inefficiency of a magic gun to Harry... by putting the gun to his head and pulling the trigger. The worst part? ''It was loaded and Mr. Weasley wasn't pulling the trigger with enough force''. It took Harry several minutes to stop shaking.
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* [[The Smart Guy]]: Harry presents the image of a bookworm to help explain any advanced skills he may let slip.
* [[Spit Take]]: After Luna makes a rather blunt and nonchalant declaration of how much she likes watching Neville, his response is described thusly:
{{quote| Harry dodged to the side as Neville sacrificed a mouthful of Pumpkin juice to the gods of the spit-take.}}
* [[Taught by Television]]: Leave it to Luna to learn the basics of [[Drunken Boxing]] from watching television.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: