Haruhi Suzumiya/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: That's the whole point of the Kyon/Haruhi ship. Haruhi's a [[Jerkass Woobie]], Kyon's a [[Tsundere]] who doesn't dare beat up the universe's equivalent of a deity.
* [[Berserk Button]]: An upskirt directed at Mikuru, be it ever so accidental, has set her off at least once.
* [[Bi the Way]]: She makes it very clear right from the start that she doesn't care about the gender of the one she is with, as long as he or she is not an ordinary human being. She doesn't seem to have been dating girls though, but perhaps that was simply because only guys confessed to her.
** Also, the only person she ever shows any explicit sexual interest in is Mikuru. Make of that what you wish.
*** It's also very clear she wants Kyon in the worst possible way too.
* [[Black Comedy Rape]]: With molestation rather outright rape.
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* [[Loveable Rogue]]: Kyon is careful to not ask where all the stuff in the clubroom comes from.
* [[Magic Skirt]]: Never gets so much as a [[Panty Shot]] despite her reputation as an [[Innocent Fanservice Girl]].
* [[Male Gaze]]: There's a lot of focus on her butt in the Endless Eight arc. [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Repeatedly]].
* [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]: She takes the job seriously enough to graph out how he's failed to progress, even after a year of her hard work.
* [[Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds]]: Several times, Haruhi endangers the universe without realizing it.
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* [[Reality Warper]]: Although she doesn't realize it, but maybe its for the best.
* [[Really Gets Around]]: A mild example, since in middle school Haruhi had the tendency to date every guy who confessed to her. Even if the relationship would only last ''five minutes''.
* [[Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl]]: Energetic Girl to Kyon's Savvy Guy.
* [[Serious Business]]: To Haruhi, ''everything'' is [[Serious Business]].
* [[A Simple Plan]]: Form a club, pass out flyers, win a baseball game, make a movie. There must be a conspiracy sabotaging each of her simple plans.
* [[Shameless Fanservice Girl]]: She doesn't care if guys see her naked. Kyon concludes that mentally she views them as being the same as potatos. The point where she starts kicking Kyon out of the room when changing is therefore pretty telling on her part.
* [[She's Got Legs]] - Which gets ample emphasis in the anime.
* [[Skepticism Failure]]: Haruhi ''causes'' skepticism to fail.
* [[Skirt Over Slacks]]: Briefly in ''Disappearance'', when she's changing into Kyon's tracksuit. When trying to fit the skirt of her uniform underneath, she fails miserably, basically says "Ah, forget it!" and drops the skirt entirely.
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* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Demonstrates this after finding Nakagawa's written love confession to Yuki. She does it again in "The Melancholy of Mikuru Asahina".
* [[Strange Girl]]
* [[Summon Magic]]: Every time Kyon copies one of her drawings, alien monsters appear.
* [[Supreme Chef]]
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]: Has the looks, [[Deconstructed Trope|but not the behavior.]] The reason for her aloofness is [[Not Good with People|her lack of interest in "ordinary" people]], she cuts her [[Rapunzel Hair]], she deliberately looks for things out of this world and she toys the resident Moe girl via [[Black Comedy Rape]].
* [[Team Mom]]: Yes, really! {{spoiler|Especially in the first chapter of Vol. 10, where she takes care of a sick Nagato.}} Also, when she plays with a bunch of kids in Endless Eight.
** In Snowy Mountain Syndrome she almost overbearingly insists on caring for {{spoiler|Nagato, even overriding Yuki's claims of being okay now.}}
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* [[Badass]]: All things considered.
** [[Badass Boast]]: The message he gave to the Data Entity. {{spoiler|"If anything happens to Yuki Nagato; I will let all hell break loose." He tells Yuki to tell the Data Entity that if it ever remotely thought of punishing her; he'll tell Haruhi everything. And make her believe it with "I am John Smith." Then he and the SOS would go as far as destroying existence and rebuilding it to get Yuki back. Oh, and the rebuilt reality would not have the Data Entity in it.}}
** [[Badass Bookworm]]: Not in Yuki level, but qualifies to a degree. For bookworm part, he can make references on obscure and complex topics. For [[Badass]] part, he can freaking {{spoiler|recreate the world by telling Haruhi and he's John Smith}}.
** [[Badass Normal]]: It´s really impressive, how far a humble human being can get just by saying the [[Trust Password|right words]] at the right time.
* [[Beleaguered Assistant]]
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Dear God, ''the'' [[Deadpan Snarker]].
** Taken to hilarious extremes in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7bQG6LcMDY his version of Hare Hare Yukai] in his [[Image Song]] album, where he keeps interjecting in between ''his own singing'' to snark at the lyrics.
** Just read the [http://animetranscripts.wikispaces.com/Haruhi%3E25.+The+Adventures+of+Mikuru+Asahina+Episode+00 script for episode 0]. Any text in blue is Kyon and is pretty much 100% free range organic snark.
* [[Did I Just Say That Out Loud?]]: Both the novel and the anime play with this. In the novel, Kyon's dialogue is very rarely formatted as such, leaving it indistinguishable from his usual narration. The only way to tell if he's either saying or thinking something is from his interlocutors' responses. The anime achieves this effect by having his mouth offscreen during these parts. In both cases, it is the audience that is meant to be confused, Kyon himself never makes the mistake.
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Did you just French the Lord thy God? And in the second season of the anime, he literally tries to punch out God. And for his next trick, one must emphasize, he {{spoiler|''blackmails'' the ''[[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|Data Overmind]]''}}. Really, considering the nature of both Haruhi and the threats he faces, [[Did You Just Index Cthulhu|this entire index]] applies to him. Thankfully [[Endofthe World As We Know It|given what it would most likely lead to]], [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]] has thus far been averted (just).
* [[Dismotivation]]: One might ask himself if he's gonna be an [[Almighty Janitor]] someday.
* [[Even the Guys Want Him]]: [[Memetic Mutation|Everyone is Itsuki for Kyon!]]
* [[Expy]]: He can arguably considered as, despite what many fans believe, more jaded and snarky Yuuichi Aizawa from [[Kanon]] (which came out in 1999). In short, Kyon is VN!Aizawa's Expy while the latter's 2006 [[Kyo Ani]]'s incarnation is Kyon's [[Expy]]. Yeah.
* [[Face Palm]]: Often does one anytime Haruhi brings up her crazy ideas for the SOS brigade.
* [[Female Gaze]]: The Endless Eight arc just loves showing Kyon [[Shirtless Scene|lacking upper body wear]], and in some shots he's noticeably more muscular than others
* [[Fauxlosophic Narration]]
* [[Filming for Easy Dub]]: Used in the anime to recreate the novels' lack of distinction between Kyon's thoughts, narration and speech.
* [[First-Name Basis]]: With Haruhi.
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{{quote|I did not want to remember that bespectacled Literature Club member who wore a troubled face in front of an outdated computer at a time like this. Seeing her in my dreams at night is enough. }}
* [[Foil]]: Arguably the whole point of the Haruhi/Kyon relationship is how their opposing personalities come to a balance.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Yes, he really is. Only Yuki and he worked out what happened on Remote Island Syndrome, and Yuki worked it out only because she's an alien with special powers.
* [[Grammar Nazi]]: To give just one example, he always uses 訊く for "kiku" in the sense of "to ask". 聞く is the accepted norm, because although it isn't strictly correct -- it actually means "to hear" -- the character 訊 occurs rarely and is not taught in school.
* [[Gratuitous English]]: Dubbed in one instance into [[Gratuitous Japanese]].
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** {{spoiler|There's doubt about this? Yuki says outright at the end of the movie that while she couldn't prevent herself from rewriting reality, she COULD ensure that Kyon would be unaffected. The reason he needs protection when he goes back is because her failsafe was used up when Kyon chose to activate it at the famous READY? prompt. The program said that once it was run it would be deleted, so it time-travelled him outside the sphere of effect at his choice. Presumably had he chosen to stay, he would have subsequently be subjected to the re-write (as seen in the spin-off manga).}}
* [[Role Playing Game Terms]]: In the novels, Kyon often makes tongue-in-cheek references to his HP and MP and Haruhi's negative effects on both.
* [[Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl]]: Savvy Guy to Haruhi's Energetic Girl.
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right|Screw What I Said I Wanted I'm Doing What's Right]]: Kyon's personal theory as to why Yuki granted him his [[Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory]] in ''Disappearance'', because he would choose to do the right thing and stop her despite being granted his fantasy.
* [[Secret Keeper]]
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* [[True Companions]]: Starting around the third through fifth published books.
* [[True Love's Kiss]]: Sort of.
* [[Trust Password]]
* [[Tsundere]]
* [[Unfazed Everyman]]
* [[Unreliable Narrator]]: Essays can be written here.
* [[Unwanted Harem]]: It's perfectly easy to make the case that everyone in the SOS Brigade, ''even Itsuki'' (what with the [[Ship Tease|sheer amount of]] [[Ho Yay]]), is out for him. Though somewhat subverted in that he actually WANTS Mikuru, who is '''not''' the archetypal "first girl" of the Harem. He has also expressed interest in Yuki. Most of all, he did make out with Haruhi, which is followed by him cursing away at his subconscious, and noting that it doesn't take Freud to comprehend the dream.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With both Haruhi and Koizumi.
* [[What Beautiful Eyes!]]: At least according to {{spoiler|Kuyo, in her first coherent sentence ever.}}
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]]: Answer: [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|exactly the same]].
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* [[Big Fancy House]]: The huge sparse apartment in the anime is a downgrade from the three bedroom spread she has in the novels.
* [[Bob Haircut]]
* [[Broken Bird]]: {{spoiler|The experience of living out 2 weeks repeatedly for more than 15,000 times in Endless Eight gave her emotions, and eventually made her steal Haruhi's powers and create an alternate universe where everyone is normal and Haruhi is [[Put on a Bus]].}}
* [[Character Development]]: Her development goes in the direction of emotions and individuality. In one of the later novels, she {{spoiler|refuses to synchronize with her self from a different time, in order to retain her individuality.}} She flat out ''says'' {{spoiler|"Because I don't want to."}} She also begins to treat the SOS-dan more akin to [[True Companions]], going from caring about Kyon in particular, to ''also'' caring about the rest of the members.
** Some of this may be due to Kyon becoming an expert Yuki watcher or projecting his feelings on what he sees from her. For example when he's feeling guilty about a date with Mikuru he sees Yuki as being colder than usual towards him.
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* [[Magic From Technology]]: Yuki's powers are described as "magic" but basically come from post-mechanical technology overwriting local reality. As a bonus, her "incantations" are Microsoft SQL scripts sped up and backwards.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Yuki's given name is obviously meant to evoke "snow", especially given her hinted-at backstory and [[Image Song]], but is written with the kanji for "hope".
* [[Meganekko]]: Subverted (and lampshaded).
* [[Nerds Are Sexy]]: Yuki and her large fanbase ''within'' the story.
* [[Never Gets Drunk]]: Yuki is shown to be capable of downing several glasses of wine without so much as a stagger.
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** In ''Melancholy'', she claims that she will not travel through time. {{spoiler|She prefers cross-temporal synchronisation.}} However, it's unclear if this means that she permanently lacks the ability to travel in time, whether she's generally capable of doing so but unable or unwilling at that time, or whether she simply hasn't learned how to do it (given her remark that time travel is "not difficult"). In ''Disappearance'', Nagato says that {{spoiler|she cannot accompany Kyon and future Asahina back to December 18 because she must stay and guard their time-frozen past selves in her guest room}}, and for all we know, this may be the only reason for her statement in ''Melancholy''.
*** In the novels after ''Disappearance'', {{spoiler|Yuki reveals to Kyon that she has voluntarily had the Entity restrict her time-related powers, because synchronizing with her future self robbed her of the ability to freely choose her fate.}}
** More or less, it seems she self-imposes a limitation not to cause any significant harm and maintain the [[Masquerade]].
* [[Prescience Is Predictable]]
* [[Purely Aesthetic Glasses]]: Until she loses the glasses.
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* [[Femme Fatale]]: At least Itsuki suggests this to Kyon. More obvious in her older version.
* [[Fetish Fuel]]: [[Invoked Trope|Invoked]] by Haruhi - She wants to make her as 'fetishy' as possible.
** [[Fetish Fuel Station Attendant]]: She's a big-boobed moe blob who [[Cosplay Otaku Girl|cosplays]] in [[Meganekko|glasses]], [[Meido|maid outfits]], and [[Playboy Bunny|bunny girl]] costumes and who is frequently [[Black Comedy Rape|molested]] by the show's [[Les Yay|heroine]].
* [[Fish Out of Water]]: [[Fish Out of Temporal Water|Temporal Water, specifically]].
* [[Fragile Flower]]
* [[Future Badass]]: Maybe not badass, but Mikuru's future self [[Plucky Girl|is rather competent and self-confident]], compared to her younger self. On the downside, she's [[Manipulative Bastard|alot less morally clear.]]
* [[Future Me Scares Me]]: Averted insofar as Mikuru doesn't know that her boss is her future self. However, Koizumi is highly suspicious of the future Mikuru and by the end of ''Scheme'' Kyon's starting to agree.
** Koizumi re-iterates this in the 11th book, telling future Mikuru to her face that he considers ''present-day Mikuru'' a friend, but he's not so sure about her.
* [[Gainaxing]]
* [[Gaussian Girl]]: Mikuru in a Yukata from Kyon's POV.
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* [[Team Pet]]/[[The Chick]]: How Haruhi sees her. And well, she really ''is'' [[The Chick]].
* [[Time Travel]]
* [[True Companions]]: As Koizumi points out in the 11th book, whatever future Mikuru is like or feels on the matter, ''present'' Mikuru is unquestionably a loyal friend.
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Itsuki Koizumi. [[New Transfer Student]]. [[The Philosopher|Prodigious talker]]. Perpetual annoyance to Kyon, and toady to Haruhi. Also the wielder of (rather specialized) [[Psychic Powers]] and representative of a shadowy conspiracy of similarly-empowered people, who credit Haruhi as the source of their abilities. Like Yuki and Mikuru, he's here to observe Haruhi and, more so, keep her under control; he knows from regular experience the highly destructive nature of Haruhi's teen angst, and his "Agency" is tasked with keeping it under control.
Itsuki is the most active in interacting with Haruhi, usually actively finding ways to keep her occupied and feeling good via thorough ass-kissing. Aside from that, he greatly enjoys [[Contemplate Our Navels|Contemplating His Navel]], spouting [[Expospeak]], and playing a variety of board games (poorly), all but the last of which annoy Kyon immensely. In his spare time, he beats up [[Kaiju]] [[The Heartless|manifestations of Haruhi's irritability]] in Closed Space, a sort of [[Phantom Zone]].
If Kyoko's words in Volumes 10 and 11 are anything to go by, he is {{spoiler|[[King Incognito|the founder and the leader of the Agency]].}}
Tropes associated with Itsuki:
* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]: Oh, so much. That he keeps his own emotions hidden behind [[Stepford Smiler|a plastered smile]] makes him the one character in the series almost no one in the fandom agrees on.
** There's even a bit of this in-universe with Mikuru distrusting his motivations originally, Koizumi swearing loyalty to the brigade, and Kyon being simultaneously annoyed by and trusting of him. Koizumi himself all but confirms his personality is an act, but even then he might have been lying...
* [[Ambiguously Bi]]: His interactions with Kyon tend towards this, though he tells Kyon that he acts that way because it's how Haruhi expects him to. [[Rule of Funny|Doesn't stop the]] [[Ho Yay]]... which seems to be carried out when Haruhi ''isn't'' around or paying any attention, though. On the other hand, he tells Kyon in the fourth novel that he is in love with Haruhi. Given that this took place in an alternate universe, it may or may not be the case in the main reality. This could be more or less a result of him being an esper and knowing that all that matters in the world is the wishes of a teenage girl. He's a teenager, has magic powers and belongs to an organization that probably supports him in whatever way he needs. This is a kid with no worries.
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* {{spoiler|[[The Chessmaster]]: He's the leader of [[Organization Index|The Organization]]. That should tell enough}}.
** {{spoiler|He eventually reveals that he's not the leader. When asked by Kyon if Mori is his superior, he is surprised by Kyon's assumption and states that the Organization does not run like a normal one, and that everyone is on the same level.}}
*** {{spoiler|It's ''Koizumi'', people- note the lack of specifics in the above revelation. We never know when he's being entirely truthful.}}
* [[Contemplate Our Navels]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Shows hint of being one in volume 8 and onwards.
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* [[Genre Savvy]]: His role as [[Yes-Man]] to Haruhi; even though she only listens to Kyon and herself, Itsuki apparently sees no wisdom in opposing the girl who may or may not be God.
* [[Gratuitous English]]
* [[Guile Hero]]: Even though he does let Kyon handle most things, he is, by all rights, {{spoiler|the leader of [[Organization Index|The Organization]]}}.
* [[Homoerotic Subtext]]: It makes Kyon pretty uncomfortable.
{{quote|'''Koizumi to Kyon in "Snowy Mountain Syndrome":''' "'You appeared in my room as well. The appearance might have been you, but the behaviour was just terrifying... anyway, you did things that you wouldn't do.'"}}
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* [[Trickster Mentor]]
* [[True Companions]]: He declares that he would choose the SOS Brigade over the Agency, effectively betraying them [[Heel Face Turn]] style, should they turn out opposing to the Brigade.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Kyon. He annoys Kyon most of the time, and occasionally gets back at Kyon for Kyon's obtuseness and neglect of Haruhi in his own passive aggressive way. But Kyon spends more time with him than any other member of the brigade and grows to trust him. And, when it comes down to it, Koizumi would side with Kyon over the Organization should it ever come to that. [[Alternate Character Interpretation|So he says.]]
* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: Itsuki tries to exploit Haruhi's Genre Savviness, but it generally doesn't work out so well for him.
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* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: All Ryoko wants to do is to break the status quo and incite some reaction from the titular character. Her method happens to be trying to murder the narrator, and major love interest, Kyon. {{spoiler|When she returns in the tenth novel as a Boxed Crook, she still wants to kill Kyon because she still believes that her actions were justified. Still, she protects him, because she wants to be the one to kill him.}}
* [[The Worf Effect]]: Has only nailed Yuki (who was using her own body as a distraction) and Kyon when she took him completely by surprise.
* [[Yandere (disambiguation)]]: Ryoko's human incarnation in ''Disappearance'' is very much one of these.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: Shamisen (the instruments) use cat skin in their construction.
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: He's a ''male calico cat''. Kyon mentally comments on this a single time.
** Actually, this ''is'' possible (though very rare) in real life, due to males with the XXY chromosome set. However, this also probably means that Shamisen is sterile.
== The Anti-SOS Brigade ==
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[[File:asos.jpg|frame|Clockwise from the top-left:Fujiwara, Kyoko Tachibana, Sasaki, and Kuyo Suo.]]
The "'''Anti-SOS Brigade'''" are [[The Psycho Rangers]]. While not nearly as cohesive as Kyon's [[True Companions]], they've more or less allied for differing reasons.
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* [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]: Feels the need to bring up the topic again and again to remind [[Not Love Interest]] Kyon (and herself) that about the [[She Is Not My Girlfriend]].
* {{spoiler|[[Token Good Teammate]]}}: {{spoiler|Just as Haruhi was [[Heel Face Turn|once]] the [[Token Evil Teammate|Token Antagonistic Teammate]] to the SOS Brigade, so is Sasaki ''this'' to the Anti-SOS Brigade, eventually to the point of actively trying to sabotage Fujiwara's goals with the help of Kyon and Yasumi.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]}}: {{spoiler|To the rest of her group, but especially Fujiwara.}}
** {{spoiler|She was one of few, however, to exactly ''know'' she was the group's pawn and secretly worked to stop it.}}
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* [[Wham! Line]]: Delivers the main one in ''Dissociation'': {{spoiler|"We believe the existence of the real god is not Miss Suzumiya, but Miss Sasaki."}}
'''Kuyo Suo''', an agent of the rival to the Data Overmind: the Canopy Domain. Has far, far less social skills than Yuki; she seems autistically unaware of anyone's existence. Has a lot of dark hair which is commented on, possible a reference to the [[Stringy -Haired Ghost Girl]] trope. She's a bit of an [[Ensemble Darkhorse]], and her managing to stuff her ridiculously large amount of hair into a tiny plastic umbrella has become a [[Memetic Mutation]], it seems. {{spoiler|She violently tries to attack Kyon in the tenth novel (or at least it seems), until she is stopped by Ryoko and has a knife fight with her. Kuyo almost kills Ryoko before Emiri intervenes.}}
* [[Artificial Human]]: She is an interface, after all.
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: Does not understand morality. All she knows is that she wants to communicate, but doesn't know what it actually means to communicate or to fully grasp what other entities are.
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* [[When She Smiles]]: Subverted; her smile is beautiful, but it's [[Uncanny Valley|just not right.]]
'''Fujiwara'''; Kyon believes this name to merely be a pseudonym, so he is commonly referred to as '''[[Smug Snake|that sneering bastard]]'''. The most villainous of the group, he is a Time Traveller who believes that [[Time Travel]] actually makes humans slaves to Causality.
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]]: Of "Scheme of Haruhi Suzumiya" and also ends up as "Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya"'s one too.}}
* [[Deicide]]: Goes out of his way to {{spoiler|make a ''very'' serious attempt on Haruhi's life}} at the climax of ''Astonishment Vol. 2''.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Mikuru, even though he more resembles Itsuki.
* [[Have We Met Yet?]]: To Mikuru in Novel 7.
** {{spoiler|[[Long-Lost Relative]]: In Novel 11, it's revealed that Mikuru is Fujiwara's elder sister (well, he claims it to be, but it seems that he isn't her brother anymore due to alterations to the timestream).}}
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** {{spoiler|Of course, given his nature as a time-traveller, there's always the possibility a Fujiwara from a different point in time could decide to drop in...}}
* [[Knight Templar]]: He pretty much drops all claims to well-intentioned extremism after he tries to {{spoiler|[[Deicide|kill Haruhi]].}}
* [[No Name Given]]: For a while, he eschews names, and only adopts an obvious pseudonym at the insistence of the rest of the Anti-SOS Brigade.
* [[Screw Destiny]]: He wants to prove that the future isn't dependent on predetermined events. {{spoiler|[[Timey-Wimey Ball|He's right]]... [[Mind Screw|maybe.]]}}
* [[Smug Smiler]]: His perpetual expression is described as "an evil version of Koizumi's smile."
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* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]: In the 11th novel, complete with [[Motive Rant]].}}
* [[Wham! Line]]: During the climax of the 11th novel: {{spoiler|"Go kill Haruhi Suzumiya!"}}
* {{spoiler|[[Yandere (disambiguation)]]: A brotherly one toward Mikuru.}}