Haruhi Suzumiya/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* Does Kyon actually spill the beans to Haruhi at the end of Part 6? The rest of the series would indicate otherwise.
** '''Answer''' He does; the scene is shown in the novels. [[Cassandra Truth|She doesn't believe him.]] "That would be too easy."
*** This is why all three SOS paranormals are cast semi-accurately in the [[Non -Indicative First Episode]] -- Haruhi took the idea from Kyon's attempt to clue her in.
**** New question. If the paranormals were able to use their powers, then why were most of the special effects in ''Mikuru Asahina's Adventure'' so terrible? Koizumi apparently used his esper powers at the end (even though they weren't in closed space), yet Yuki didn't use any of her reality-hacking effects.
*** The event is also shown in the anime, as of the second season. The event is a part of ''Sigh'', so it happened in that group of episodes.
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***** This is not a guess. The later novels are driving at exactly this point. This may explain why Kyon understands his puppet Haruhi better than he does his servant Yuki.
** Well, at least Haruhi made herself extremely good-looking, which is not that bad.
** To answer this and the previous top-level question: I'm not convinced that Yuki ever presents a theory of Harhui's powers that's understandable to us poor language-ridden earthlings, and I think it's fair to say that Koizumi and his Organization's just don't have a complete understanding of Haruhi's power. Koizumi himself says that "Haruhi = God" is the theory that the Organization is acting on because it's the "worst case scenario." This is a form of [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal%27s_Wager:Pascalchr(27)s Wager|Pascal's Wager]]: you better worship God even if you can't prove that He exists, because if He does exist and you don't worship him, you might go to hell. At any rate, Haruhi powers ''are'' a mystery.
** It always seemed to me that whatever Haruhi wants, Haruhi gets, but always in a way that doesn't interfere with her [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief]]. At some superconscious level she just wants to be a normal girl, and that level grants the whims of the more limited aspect of her mind in such a way that it still appears as though everything happened normally.
* It's mentioned that before founding the SOS Brigade, Haruhi briefly joined and quit ''every single club'' in the school. Did that include the literary club (of which the only member was Yuki) and the computer club?
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** Those events were [[Retcon|Ret Cons]]. There may have been a universe before 07/07/07, but it's been overwritten by Haruhi's and only exists where it serves to fill in details she isn't interested in.
** Besides, if the entire universe was destroyed then remade with changes including everyones memories being retroactive...how would YOU know? Does it really make a difference if it has been or not, then?
*** Unless someone has [[Ripple -Effect -Proof Memory]], there is no way of knowing. But the only characters who demonstrated this trait are Nagato&co and Kyon. And this ability failed them as often as not. Integrated Data Entity is likely to have been created by Haruhi at 07/07/07, and Kyon is not particularly reliable.
** I think most people go with it because they're just not skeptical enough of Koizumi, and it's the only explanation presented in the anime so far. The first season of the anime doesn't really do a lot to cast doubt on the Organization's theory about Haruhi, as told by Koizumi to Kyon. The novels do so, and the anime will likely pick this up in the second season.
** It's also mentioned that the people of the future can't travel back in time before past 07/07/07, because the timeline may ''start'' at that date.
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** The stable time loop only exists because Yuki didn't act earlier. You don't see her jumping off a bridge because she remembered jumping off a bridge. She has been seen remembering the future for less useful purposes, such as fortune-telling and blocking airsoft BBs. Admittedly, those examples she'd know when to remember the future, but you'd think she'd figure at least the movie Haruhi made would be dangerous enough to merit it the whole time. Also {{spoiler|if it's just Yuki that doesn't like synchronizing, that doesn't explain why Ryoko didn't know Yuki would beat her, or why Yuki's higher-ups didn't warn her.}}
** Yuki may not jumped from a bridgebut the same principle can be used to other acts, like why did she keep wearing glasses after the synchronization. Again, that's what a [[Stable Time Loop]] is all about (note: it's never addressed how much Yuki remembers of the synchronizations, specially the second). I don't consider Yuki's fortune telling as using synchronization, it's more like simulations she executed that predicted which things will happen, the same with blocking BBs (by the way, what are BBs?). As about why Asakura didn't use it, I can throw three wild guesses: she didn't consider synchronization as neccessary, synchronization was denied to her, and that [[Haruhi Suzumiya (Light Novel)/WMG|she was ordered to attack Kyon and fail.]]
*** [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/BB_gun:BB gun|BBs]] are small round pellets shot from <s> [[My Little Panzer|toy]]</s> [[Nerf|air]][[Paintball Episode|soft]] guns.
* I got the impression that the nanomachines Yuki was giving Mikuru were supposed to make the various versions of the Mikuru beam impossible. They were already impossible. Is making it more impossible supposed to stop Haruhi's reality-warping?
** It looks like the nanomachines Yuki injects Mikuru work only for neutralize one kind of Mikuru Beam. So each time Haruhi changes the kind of beam Mikuru has to be bitten again.
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** I understood how it worked... [[Timey-Wimey Ball|until the last two novels messed everything up.]]
* So what the hell is Ryoko's problem with Kyon? No matter the situation, no matter the place, whether Data entity or human, she seems to really want to stab him? [[This Is Sparta|What. Is. Her. Beef?]] It can't just be her original rationalization anymore can it?)
** She said herself that she (or rather, her organization) wanted to see how Haruhi (because of her [[Reality Warper|powers]]) would react if Kyon was stabbed/killed. Most likely, it's [[Ridiculously -Human Robots|programmed into her]] to kill Kyon, no matter what.
* Excuse me, but where the hell are Haruhi's parents? Her dad is mentioned during her recollection of the ballpark incident, ("I asked my dad how many people were in the stadium") but her parents are never mentioned again. Do they know that Haruhi is the leader of the SOS Brigade? Do they know about their daughter's obsession with the supernatural? [[Fridge Brilliance|Do they have powers, too?]] And wouldn't that make Haruhi a demi-god? Is she [[Parental Neglect|really a]][[Parental Abandonment|n orphan?]] It just bugs me how there's nothing about her parents, when there's so much potential there...
** She mentions in ''Surprise'' that her mother has a job and is a [[Cordon Bleugh Chef]], which implies she at least still lives with her. (It also implies her mother is powerless, as Haruhi makes it seem as though she's oblivious to the fact that she can't cook; if she had powers, her cooking would probably be delicious 'cause she wanted it to be.)