Haruhi Suzumiya/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** If you want to see Haruhi bending the world more freely to her whim, go read the second novel (the making of the movie). The subconscious restraint on her powers is significantly relaxed because she starts viewing the world as a stage for her movie. The cat still doesn't talk in front of her, though.
**** I thought that the cat did speak in front of her though (assuming that she was there on the roof when the filming of that scene happened, it's never explicitly mentioned) and then Yuki handwaves it to be ventriloquism.
*** Maybe her powers work the same way [[Preacher (Comic Book)|Jesse Custer's]] do...
**** Jesse has conscious control over his powers.
*** There's also the "Kyon Is God" theory: that Kyon is the one controlling reality and wishes Haruhi into existence to fulfill the childhood fantasies of aliens, time travelers and espers that his cynical side won't let him admit. He passes the role of Mystical God to Haruhi because he sees himself just as every supporting character does: a normal human. In truth, he's [[The Man Behind the Man]], he just doesn't realise it. Thus, the reason that the world is just as uncooperative as ever is Kyon's cynicism and down-to-earth view at work.
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** If it wasn't an ancient conspiracy, it began three years ago, but immediately had all the members it has now. Once enough time passed for them to organize, it wasn't a question of how long they existed; just who was in it.
* I just have to say this. Who puts their digital pornography on the desktop these days?! The hidden folder flag would have been a clever trick in 1999, but these days we have flash drives, password protection, and several more reliable ways to keep files out of reach that I'm sure any of the computer-literate characters could have come up with on their own. [[What an Idiot!]].
** For easier storytelling purposes I believe. In the novels he uses a password-protected folder, but consider that you had... 3 seconds? so show something and let everybody understand Kyon is hiding the photos.
* Who's the adviser for the Literature Club?
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*** Sounds like the timeloop from [[Stargate SG 1]] to me.
* More importantly, how on earth are Bandai going to dub this?! Will they be able to improve it somehow through varying the deliveries or the dialogue up? Or... I dunno. I hope they do SOMETHING.
** They're dubbing every episode of endless eight, and releasing them as if the weren't the same episode 8 times in a row....[[What an Idiot!|Oh Bandai...]]
* Okay, here's a question that has nothing to do with Season Two, any of the [[Mind Screw|craziness and plotlines of the light novels]], or Haruhi herself. Itsuki (or was it Yuki?) said that the corrupted SOS logo in "Mysterique Sign" was some number of pictobytes or some other large file size. The thing is, if it ''was'' that big, wouldn't it take hours or days to load, even with good internet speed?
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* Why was ''The Adventures of Asahina Mikuru'' so terrible? Haruhi both ''wants'' the film to be really good, and ''believes'' that the film is really good (apparently the conditions necessary for her powers to be invoked), so reality should have warped and made the film really good. Yet, clearly, it's still a terrible film.
** You answered your own question. Haruhi believes it to be a good film, and that's enough. Film quality is subjective, anyhow.
** Original poster: I asked before seeing ''Sighs'', which indicates that all the special effects in the film were (probably) generated by reality warping. Thus, Haruhi's powers did activate, because the movie was terrible, and said powers produced the special effects. Presumably said powers are the reason why the film is [[So Bad ItsIt's Good]] and not [[So Bad Its Horrible]].
** Furthermore, she was able to archive her main goal. It was displayed in the festival ''and'' it bombed. Half of the school (the male half) watched it.
* Ok, this troper is not very familiar with the show in general, but he saw the scene with Haruhi blackmailing the computer club president through false incrimination, who then... gave in. What the hell? Aside from the moral implications of such appeasement, what is to stop her from distributing the pictures ANYWAY, after having been given the computer? After all, if someone is willing to BLACKMAIL through FALSE INCRIMINATION, it shows how dishonest she is willing to be. A better solution would have been for Kyon to block the door, and if she tries to escape, to knock the camera out of her hand and shatter it against the floor. That blackmail and false incrimination would be played for laughs in the first place also bugs this troper...
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* Just wondering, does everyone in the fandom, at least those who read the novels, actually understand all that [[Time Travel]] from the 4th novel and on? I'm not going to lie here, I have no idea how Kyon solved all that clusterf**k that is the 4th novel. D:
** I haven't read anything past the fourth novel, but I'm with you. The fourth novel was confusing, to say the least.
** I understood how it worked... [[Timey -Wimey Ball|until the last two novels messed everything up.]]
* So what the hell is Ryoko's problem with Kyon? No matter the situation, no matter the place, whether Data entity or human, she seems to really want to stab him? [[This Is Sparta|What. Is. Her. Beef?]] It can't just be her original rationalization anymore can it?)
** She said herself that she (or rather, her organization) wanted to see how Haruhi (because of her [[Reality Warper|powers]]) would react if Kyon was stabbed/killed. Most likely, it's [[Ridiculously Human Robots|programmed into her]] to kill Kyon, no matter what.