Haruhi Suzumiya/WMG/Misc: Difference between revisions

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They have to carefully screen out/ delete anything that their test audiences (who were carefully selected to be on a similar mental level) react too positively to, otherwise she'll change everything into what she's been watching. And this group fears the day that the SOS Brigade fails, Haruhi gets really depressed, and engrossed by [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|a series that's too well known and too much of a marketing giant]] for the organization to [[Ret-Gone]]
== Haruhi takes place in the [[Shin Megami Tensei (Franchise)|Shin Megami Tensei]] universe ==
If we take Kyon to be a [[Mega Ten]] MC, then look at it. He can't use any supernatural abilities, but he has an uncanny knack for persuading various 'demons' to side with him. The Data entities can use digital machinations to interfere with reality, and probably could write a program that summoned demons. The presence of time travel was demonstrated in Raidou's games. The 'Espers' are likely Avatar Tuners, albeit ones that can only transform in innately unreal places. The factions are The Organization, the IDE, and Mikuru's employers on the Law side, and the SCD, future dissidents, and rogue espers are the Chaos sides. Kyon is currently on the nuetral path, and has actually persuaded the representatives of Law to side with him over their fellows. The Enclosed Spaces are miniature Vortex Worlds created by Haruhi, who somehow has YHVH's power to recreate the world. Also consider that Haruhi's agents within the enclosed spaces are what appear to be Gog Magog http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Gogmagog except with glowing red orbs...a sign of her control?
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== Haruhi is TV Tropes. ==
At some point,this website becomes a sentient entity.And its powered by the imagination of tropers.Face it,Haruhi is the poster girl for Wild Mass Guessing,and knows her tropes.Not to mention,it'd be AWESOME
* This means that ''[[Kyon: Big Damn Hero (Fanfic)|Kyon Big Damn Hero]]'' is a crossover between Haruhi and itself. That's not actually any more confusing than a crossover involving TV Tropes, so I guess it doesn't matter much.
== The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya take place in The World of Darkness after The Time of Judgment. Haruhi is an Archmaster of Prime who retread to a pocket universe that she carved out of the UMBRA several centuries after the end of the Ascension War == Haruhi Suzumiya was originally a Japanese Hollow One with a knack for magic of The Prime Sphere. Who formed an eclectic Cabal while in high school. Consisting of a pair Of Sleepwalkers, Kyon and his little sister. A quite Virtual Adepts named Yuki Nagato. A positively adorable and seemingly incompetent Etherite from an alternate timeline,Mikuru Asahina. And a flamboyant Celestial Chorister, Itsuki Koizumi.
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== There ''was'' originally a death in the Island Mystery, but Haruhi/Kyon rewrote it so it became an elaborate "game" instead. ==
When they realized the full implications (namely, that {{spoiler|Kyon and Itsuki had accidentally killed the victim}}), they rewrote the entire scenario at that very spot, including the past leading up to it. This makes sense whether the one doing the reality-altering is Haruhi ( {{spoiler|who is visibly shaken by her own deduction and refuses to say anything that would incriminate her friends--incidentally showing that she has had some [[Character Development]] as well}}) or Kyon ( {{spoiler|who obviously doesn't want to be guilty of someone else's death, accidental or not}}).
* With the aid of [[Umineko no Naku Koro Nini|Battler Ushiromiya]], who knows a thing or two about temperamental young women.
* Glad I'm not the only one who thought that was the implication.
** I assumed that was the whole point. Note how she wants an actual mystery on the trip, so whatever happened as a result would be real. It only becomes unreal when she realises that the murderers would be Kyon and Itsuki, and there being no mystery becomes more important than there being a mystery. My evidence? The visual references to Phoenix Wright during the revelation scene; that entire section is made up by Haruhi/Kyon and the visual reference comes from her expectation of what a revelation scene should look like.
== In the previous iteration of the universe, [http://everything2.com/e2node/The%2520world%2520was%2520designed%2520for%2520giant%2520squid octopi were the dominant species]... ==
... however, octo-Haruhi frequented the molluscan version of the TV Tropes Wiki, and became entranced by the idea that [[Everything's Better Withwith Monkeys]]. The rest followed naturally.
* Going by the same logic, the next iteration of the universe will be populated by [[Everything's Better Withwith Penguins|intelligent penguins]].
** Does that mean we're safe from a [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bears|future run by intelligent bears?]]
** Well, at least we know why [[Everything's Even Worse Withwith Sharks]].
== The whole universe the series is set in is one big experimental scenario run by a wacky [[King of All Cosmos]] ==
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== The members of the SOS Brigade are overestimating the amount of danger Haruhi really represents if she discovers what she is. ==
Or worse, her not knowing is actually putting the universe at GREATER risk. Haruhi might certainly enjoy having the power, but the real threat of her overwriting the current universe is because she ''doesn't know to prevent it'' as things stand. If she became aware, [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold|she might indulge in some godly mischief, but she wouldn't actually destroy anything.]]
* I find it difficult to refute this argument. Frankly, I'd rather have the local equivalent of God knowingly giving out [[Psychic Powers]] and bringing in the occasional alien invasion than accidentally ''unmaking the entire universe with a temper tantrum''.
* I agree. Consider that Haruhi is aware that [[Good Feels Good]], demonstrably prefers a nice day hanging out with her friends to actually finding the supernatural stuff she claims to be hunting for, and can be relied upon not to wish people dead even when it would otherwise serve her desires perfectly. Most tellingly of all, Kyon would rather tell Haruhi everything than let Yuki be deleted. Either he has the worst case of [[Always Save the Girl]] in history, or he -- the person who knows Haruhi best -- doesn't really expect the results of her finding out to be that bad.
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** Or both made it up. This would also explain, why the time-loop even IS stable, because, as Kyon said, it doesn't make much sense.
== The members of the SOS brigade are different aspects of the same being ==
On this page we have Haruhi is Kyon, and Kyon is the slider. The [[Lucky Star (Manga)/WMG|Lucky Star]] pages shows the Konata is Haruhi and Koizumi. Furthermore, Nagato was able to steal Haruhi's powers without Kyon's consent because the powers see them as the same person. Finally, the [[Haruhi-chan]] anime clearly shows that Mikuru is Jesus and by extension Haruhi.
== The members of the SOS Brigade are exactly what they appear to be. ==
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Yes, yes. Nagaru Tanigawa is just like [[Tite Kubo]].
* Positing an alternate theory, fun times abound: Nagaru Tanigawa actually [[Creator Backlash|hates the series]] but is trapped writing it, much like Anno was with Evangelion and Toriyama was with most of Dragonball Z. Originally, Tanigawa planned Haruhi as a one light novel story: think about it, this explains why everything is wrapped up so nicely, and the ending is left nice and ambiguous so that each reader can come up with their own conclusions. However, after giving the rights to Kadokawa, the popularity of the series exploded, and Tanigawa was left forced to keep milking the cash cow. [[Haruhi Suzumiya (Light Novel)|Haruhi Suzumiya]] is a [[Franchise Zombie]]. Now, this is where things get interesting: all those points of contention in the story and the anime: fully intentional. Tanigawa tried the best he could after learning he had to make more to sabotage the series by adding nonsensical elements like screwing up the order, giving Haruhi [[Out of Focus|less and less screentime]], dancing around the question of [[Will They or Won't They?|Kyon and Haruhi's relationship]], shortening the length of the novels, and lately, putting two alternate versions of events in one novel. However, despite his best efforts, [[Misaimed Fandom|the fans ate it up]], and the series became more popular than ever. This is why the 10th novel has still not come out over 2 years after it's slated release date, because it IS supposed to be the final, but Kadokawa will not allow the cash cow to die, so Tanigawa is left languishing over a series that he never intended to be his magnum opus, and that he doesn't even care for that much.
** So its persistence is a result of [[Executive Meddling]]. [[Kyoto Animation]] saw that this show was practically an open surgery and ripped it apart to create a confused fanbase that would embarrass the above authors. I still refuse to believe that the spinoff series are official products, but if they are, then all the better for this theory.
*** Seven of the novels were published before the anime came about, before it was this apparent cash cow.
== Mikuru is actually [[Azumanga Daioh (Manga)|Chiyo-chan]] [[She Is All Grown Up|All Grown Up]]. ==
As explained here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[[Crcu D Kac]]_1I
== There is no coherent meaning in Haruhi whatsoever. The real reason why there are possible infinite Wild Mass Guesses about [[Haruhi Suzumiya (Light Novel)|Haruhi Suzumiya]] is because of its heavily archetypal memetic nature ==
It's also noticable in Wall-E's own WMG page, with it having a WMG dart board rivaling Haruhi Suzumiya's own WMG dart board because of its archetypal "Noah's Ark" structure, and ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'''s own WMG page, because of Evangelion taking Character Archetypes for [[Deconstruction]] and [[Mind Screw]]. There is the possibility that the infinite WMG dart board is the result of its memetic construction: Let's see, a [[Five-Man Band]] composed of a reality-warping God, said God can be an infinite WMG dartboard in itself because it's God, an alien [[Emotionless Girl]] with Matrix-like programmable powers, a [[The Smart Guy|philosophical]] esper who is a part of a secret organization, a [[Ms. Fanservice]] time traveller (don't get started on the [[Time Lord/WMG|Time Lord]] page), and a normal [[Real Life]] person stuck in the middle, said real life person was [[Chosen One|chosen]] to have the responsibility to save the world (and then [[The Hero's Journey|the monomyth]] takes place on said person). If that ensemble can't be sandwiched in various types of fanfiction, then I don't know what else from Haruhi can be.
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At the beginning, she's going through a depressive episode. She's not interested in anything and finds everything boring and dull. Then she enters a [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl|hypomanic episode]] and starts the S.O.S. brigade. According to the other wiki, hypomanic episodes are characterized by... pressured speech, inflated self-esteem/grandiosity, flight of ideas, [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny|easy distractibility]], and involvement in pleasurable activities that may have negative social consequences [[Comedic Sociopathy|(such as dragging Kyon through the corridors by his tie, usurping the Literature room, molesting Mikuru, and blackmailing the computer club president)]]. Note that depressive / hypomanic episodes typically last several days. Later in the series she's going through a "normal" period, though she's still eccentric.
== ''[[Angel Beats (Anime)|Angel Beats]]!'' is in fact a prequel to ''Haruhi''. ==
The cast of ''Haruhi'' is the cast of ''[[Angel Beats (Anime)|Angel Beats]]!'' several lifetimes on. Yuzuru and Kanade, essentially the two more virtuous people in their ''[[Angel Beats (Anime)|Angel Beats]]!'' days, have progressed up the cosmic orders of beings to become a god and the Data Integration Thought Entity respectively. Yuri, on the other hand, being a more ambiguous person, is still languishing in the human stage of her existence, having lived some good lives and some... not so good lives. This also applies to much of the rest of the SSS, who are also still human. Taking pity on his former friends, and particularly Yuri, who he had unresolved romantic feelings for despite being more attracted to Kanade the last time they all met, and so decided to give his powers to her for a little while so that she can have fun - and in doing so, he hopes, eventually mature as a person. He then incarnates as a human destined to meet her so as to enjoy himself as well, though also to keep an eye on her; however, to enhance his own enjoyment of the experience, he either temporarily erases his memories of his true nature or simply suspends them for the time being. What he also does, however, is make contact with the DITE and record what actually happened with part of it, the part which then happens to become a certain humanoid interface used by the DITE to interact with the newly-found anomaly on a certain plane of existence. And so, the ball starts rolling...
== The three explanations for how the world came about are adaptations of similar views in real life ==