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** It's named after a game mode from the Tabletop. It begins with only deploying scouts and working your way up. It starts at Dawn, and it's a War. Lazy Pun, but, hey, it works.
* Even though they weren't the original names, shouldn't Proto Man, being less advanced than ''[[Mega Man (Video Game)|Mega Man]]'', be called Kilo Man? And since X is his successor, shouldn't he be called Giga Man?
* Why is it that, on ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'', everyone acts as though the Ninth Doctor never existed? They almost never mention the regeneration or the fact that he used to have a different face (except in "The Christmas Invasion," "New Earth," and "Utopia"). It seems that the writers only want us to remember David Tennant, even though Christopher Eccleston did a [[Catch Phrase|FANTASTIC!]] job as well. Hell, the only other regeneration that the Tenth Doctor has acknowledged is the Fifth Doctor, and that's not exactly canon...
** In fairness, the classic series never used to frequently make a big deal about the previous selves either. But I can't help but get the feeling for some reason that there's a certain rift between Christopher Eccleston and the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' production team...
*** It's worse than that from what I can see. Notice how in ''Journey's End'', the Doctor condemned his Ninth self for the same dubious moral reasons that he condemned his clone? It's as if the writer's are retroactively smearing the Ninth Doctor's good name for whatever reason.
**** Just a question for the above troper (or anyone who reads this really): when/how in Journey's End did the Doc condemn his Ninth self? I don't recall his previous incarnation being mentioned.
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** Eccleston apparently hated working on the show and everyone knew it. Unlike many of the other Doctors he also didn't participate in any of the charity events. Combined, I'm sure those are two of the most significant reasons why no one ever talks about him, even on the spinoff of the show born from his one season.
** 'Time Crash' isn't canon?! If anyone official has implied or confirmed that, they will be found. And punished.
* Another about ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'': when Ten first met River whe supposedly told him his name and that's why he trusted her. But if "Doctor Who?" is the question that can't be answered then how did she now it?
** She presumably read it off {{spoiler|his crib. That's Gallifreyan writing on its sides, not just designs.}}
* Every day I'm more and more certain that the writers on my favourite show are trolling. And we, as a fandom, have fallen for it big time.
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*** Because he knows that he'll be [[Screwed By the Network]] yet again. He's good at pattern regonition.
**** Because there's a difference between the internet liking something and having good enough TV ratings to justify a second season. Also, the movie tanked, hard, so maybe Extremely Popular isn't the right way to put it.
* Where is our [[Zeerust]] Home, Our [[Flying Car]], Our [[Ridiculously -Human Robots|Human-like]] [[Robot Buddy|Robot]], [[Food Pills]], and our [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]??? [[I Want My Jetpack|We Want Our]] [[Jet Pack]]!!!!
** People can't even drive in two dimensions. Want to try three? Human robots are being worked on. [[Food Pills]] are unnecessary and stupid. [[Frickin' Laser Beams]] are being worked on too. Jet Packs have too poor mileage.
** We have the flying car, but it's classified as personal aircraft, so I hope you've been logging your pilot hours. You can get a Zeerust home right now, but it'll cost you.
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** I agree and disagree. It may sound like this site is written by three year olds, but that is because [[Nightmare Fuel]] talks about things that scared you as a child. I agree though that some of the things weren't scary at all for me when I was a child and sound just like pure Wangst. Either that or I'm just de-sensitized to that stuff.
*** Different people have different fear factors. Just because some are wimpier than you doesn't mean their fears are invalid. Besides as the above commentor said: it's about age sometimes too. The pilot episodes for [[My Little Pony]] scared the crap out off me as a six year old. Now I kinda wish the whole series had been like that...
** ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' is the out-and-out worse example. I'm fairly sure if half the contributions made about it are true, the people who wrote them would have an epileptic fit if they cut their finger. [[Doctor Who (TV)/Nightmare Fuel|Don't believe me?]]
** I think High Octane Nightmare Fuel is the worse of two evils. [[Nightmare Fuel]] is what scares you and isn't supposed to, and HONF is something terrifying. It's a wonder people even leave their houses if they're that honestly scared of everything. It's difficult to not go through the [[Mass Effect]] HONF and not start serial editing.
*** The entire Nightmare Fuel entry isn't written by the same person or just a few people, therefore I doubt the people posting there are all a bunch of phobics scared of everything that breathes. Different people have different fears. I agree however that High Octane Nightmare Fuel could probably do with some preening. It's hard to see how some examples could compare to others but that could just be my opinion talking there. Something that's scary to someone else may seem dumb to another, is all.