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== From actual media ==
* [http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/811075/posts 50 reasons] that ''[[Lord of the Rings]]'' sucks. [[PoesPoe's Law]] may apply.
== [[Just for Fun|From us tropers]] ==
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***** Nope, [[TV Tropes]].
****** It's both, really.
* Why does everybody on here hate ''[[Club Paradise]]''? [[Tropers/Cabbit Girl Emi|This troper]] has seen worse movies with [[Rick Moranis]] in it than that. Which ones do I speak of? ''[[Big Bully]]'' and ''The Wild Life''. The latter half is [[So Bad ItsIt's Horrible (Darth Wiki)|much, much worse]].
* What's with [[Devil May Cry|Nevan's]] [[Godiva Hair]]? Is it glued to her nipples or something? (Ouch.)
* In the earlier episodes of ''[[Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch]]'', They go out in the rain all the time, yet once you get to episode 25, they can't go out when it's raining!
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* How the HELL did [[Heroes (TV)|Niki's]] {{spoiler|body not get damaged in the explosion?!}}
** Better yet, why the hell is [[Ali Larter]] still on the show? If other series follow suit, we may have [[Ali Larter Job Security]] as a trope.
*** ...[[Money, Dear Boy|The money?]] Just for shiggles? Because she claims that her characters are "[[Blatant Lies|strong women]]?" There's a reason why she is one of the [[Fallen Creator (Darth Wiki)|Fallen Actresses]] (and former ''Heroes'' worker [[Jeph Loeb]] is a Fallen Creator, what do ya know?).
* Why are their celebrity fragrances? Who wants to smell like them? Who tests these smells? Are they're really people obsessive enough to want to smell like their favorite celeb?
** Yes.
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** Burden of proof lies with you, buddy. ''You'' deal with it.
* Why is there no [[Fetish Fuel]] section for [[Fan Art]]?
** [[Rule Thirty Four34]], dude, [[Rule Thirty Four34]].
*** I mean non-pornographic [[Fan Art]].
** Because you haven't made it yet.
** Why isn't there a ''[[Nightmare Fuel]]'' section for fan art? [[Squick|Makes sense]]...
*** [[Rule Thirty Four34]], dude, [[Rule Thirty Four34]].
* The ''Resistance'' games for [[PS 3]]. America joins the war in Britain with not the slightest idea the Chimera exist. A few days later, Hale, the only person the Brits have seen to been resistant to the virus, is taken back by the Americans to join the Sentinels... a unit of men resistant to the Chimera. This troper is having a hard time deciding whether this will be explained more in Resistance 3, as R2 seems to hint, or is simply an [[Ass Pull]], given how different Resistance 2 was, stylistically.
** Also: the battleships, furies, and kraken. The Chimera had to tunnel under the English Channel to invade Britain. One would think they would have brought forth the battleships and sea-going critters rather than bothering with the tunnels.
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** You just answered your own quesiton.
* Markov Jump Processes. Fuck you Mr. Markov. You and your infinitesimal generator.
* Where are the [[Troper Tales]] for [[Screw Yourself]] already? We've already got [[Troper Tales]] for everything else, even [[Brother -Sister Incest|social taboos]]. Now where's the granddaddy of social taboos already?
** [[Troper Tales/Screw Yourself|There is one,]] but if you are talking about [[A Date With Rosie Palms|something else,]] Then I don't know.
* What is up with [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Princesses|Princesses]] and [[Princesses Prefer Pink|PINK]]?! This is SO annoying!
** Blame [[Sleeping Beauty (Disney)|Aurora]]. I always liked the blue dress better.
** Explains, in part, why the only Princess I really like is Belle. Blue and gold-what's not to like?
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*** Because he knows that he'll be [[Screwed By the Network]] yet again. He's good at pattern regonition.
**** Because there's a difference between the internet liking something and having good enough TV ratings to justify a second season. Also, the movie tanked, hard, so maybe Extremely Popular isn't the right way to put it.
* Where is our [[Zeerust]] Home, Our [[Flying Car]], Our [[Ridiculously Human Robots|Human-like]] [[Robot Buddy|Robot]], [[Food Pills]], and our [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]??? [[I Want My Jetpack|We Want Our]] [[Jet Pack]]!!!!
** People can't even drive in two dimensions. Want to try three? Human robots are being worked on. [[Food Pills]] are unnecessary and stupid. [[Frickin' Laser Beams]] are being worked on too. Jet Packs have too poor mileage.
** We have the flying car, but it's classified as personal aircraft, so I hope you've been logging your pilot hours. You can get a Zeerust home right now, but it'll cost you.
** Technology does improve, you [[The Aesthetics of Technology|just have to look a bit closer]]. Seriously, take a time machine back to 1999 and prepare to be shocked at the primitiveness. In fact, the more 'advanced' something is the less likely it is you will notice it. Or as [[Douglas Adams]] said: "Technology is a word that describes something that doesn't work yet."
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** And now it doesn't work anymore. Boo.
* ''[[Total Drama Island (Animation)|Total Drama Island]]'': The bear's vote off. ''What kind of a stupid reason to vote someone off was that''?<ref>[[Great Pikmin Fan|I]] was going to say in the edit reason "What, it did say we can make up fridge logic, but I ended up sending this with It saying "none given" for the reason.</ref>
** Because [[EverythingsEverything's Worse With Bears]]
* I found some MAJOR [[Gosh Dang It to Heck|Butt]] [[Ass Pull|Pulls]] that show up [[Reality Is Unrealistic|EVERYWHERE]]
** Bombs explode!
** People bleed when they're hurt
** [[What an Idiot!|Isn't]] [[Did Not Do the Research|doing research]] [[What an Idiot!|against the law?]]
** You can say ass. Ass ass assity ass. See?
* How does ''[[Bleach]]'' keep from getting canceled despite doing the '''exact same things''' that made other manga get canceled?
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** All you need to do is calmly tell them your beliefs and they'll most likely [[Easy Evangelism|agree with you]]. If not, just [[Master Race|rally all your fellow believers]] behind you to send all the fools to special camps [[Utopia Justifies the Means|and kill them all]].
*** Isn't that what [[Adolf Hitler]] did?
*** [[GodwinsGodwin's Law]]!
* Think of the following:
## [[King of the Hill|The Hills]] showed up in ''[[The Simpsons]]'', meaning that ''Simpsons'' and ''KotH'' are in the same universe.
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** "Troperette" would have been better. Actually, no - ''"I"'' would have been better. Why, back in troper tales, did no one ever use "I"? All the third person was just pointless and silly.
* Where RPG elements are concerned - would hot lasers hurt fire elementals?
* Why is [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|Rainbow Dash]] so Celestiadamned popular? She's narcissistic and annoying. What the hell is the appeal?
** It must be that she's 20% cooler than the other ponies.
** What's the big deal with the My Little Pony fad in general? I don't get it. It's a show meant to teach 3 to 9 year-old girls the importance of friendship, sharing, and caring, it's not something that 20 to 40 year-old men should be jacking off to.