Hellgate:London: Difference between revisions

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=== The game provides examples of: ===
* [[Abnormal Ammo]]: See [[Bee -Bee Gun]] below. Other examples include "Greek Fire" flamethrowers, tesla guns, palladium bullets and other craziness.
* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: Much of the game takes place underground, in ruined subway tunnels and sewers.
** One of the rare inversions of the trope. The actual London Underground is substantially larger than it is portrayed in the game.
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* [[Bad Powers, Bad People]]: [[Averted Trope|Averted with]] [[Black Magic|Cabalists.]] Some can be pretty ornery, but are ultimately on the side of good.
* [[Battle Aura]]: Templar characters can learn various auras that provide different effects, though you can only employ one of them at a time.
* [[Bee -Bee Gun]]: The Wasp Hive-type guns shoot a swarm of glowing green insects that devour and demolish everything as long as they last. Perfect DoT-dealer for the first part of the game at least. Unfortunately, available only to Cabalists. Templars can use "Hive Swords", [[Cool Sword|blades for which the grip is a hive and the blade is formed of the insects themselves]], who presumably bite as they go. Both inflict [[Universal Poison|toxic damage.]]
* [[Beethoven Was an Alien Spy]]: Various historical events are said in the [[Backstory]] to be averted demonic invasions, most notably [[The Crusades]] and the Great London Fire.
* [[Black Magic]]: This is the Cabalists' [[Planet of Hats|Hat.]] The Cabal as such formed during or after the invasion, but it's made up of the same sort of fringe scientists and arcane scholars that have been hanging around for centuries. [[Beethoven Was an Alien Spy|Famous proto-Cabalists]] include [[Isaac Newton]], [[Nikola Tesla]] and [[Aleister Crowley]]. The Cabal want humanity to progress to something called "The Awakening", [[Evolutionary Levels|an evolutionary breakthrough]] brought about by demonic power.
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* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Templar lord Arphaun, a kindly soul who dispenses [[Koan|Koans]], extols the virtues of patience and [[True Companions]], [[Crowning Moment of Funny|and warns of the dangers of mayonnaise left unrefrigerated.]]
{{quote| Arphaun: ''"You must always be wary of poorly-stored condiments."''}}
* [[Cool Sword]]: Templars can use a variety of [[Cool Sword|Cool Swords]], like the aforementioned [[Bee -Bee Gun|Hive Swords.]] Each has it's own element and associated [[Standard Status Effects|status effect]], even the humble Negotiator which can stun enemies. In particular there are two [[Hellfire]]-imbued [[Flaming Sword|Flaming Swords]]: The Firebrand and Molten Edge. The former can inflict splash damage.
* [[Cool Train]]: One quest has you clear out one of the last stretches of usable tunnel to allow one passage back to Templar territory.
* [[Crate Expectations]]: Start-To-Crate time is instant; the first crate appears within 12 degrees of your first-line of-sight.
** Also overlaps with [[Die, Chair, Die!]], since the 'crates' include cardboard boxes, paint cans, barrels, oxygen tanks, and, yes, chairs along with the standard wooden boxes.
* [[Crapsack World]]: Life for humans is hard in this demon-infested future, but that's not even taking into account that this particular demon horde has conquered untold other civilizations and worlds. [[Humans Are Warriors|Though, humanity is the first to survive The Burn,]] so there may be hope yet.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: The Cabalists use the powers of the demons against them, though they claim to be on the side of good and have often proven themselves as such. Evokers use their offensive magics, and Summoners create elementals and enslave demon minions. Many regular humans distrust them, [[Church Militant|especially the]] [[The Knights Templar|Templars.]]
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* [[Fan Service]]: The female Templar from the trailers, dubbed Avalon, appeared topless in a [[Playboy]] spread.
* [[Fetch Quest]]: Unfortunately frequent, often combined with [[Twenty Bear Asses]]. One Cabalist NPC [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades this]], she's preparing a ritual or spell of some sort [[It's Up to You|and commands you to gather reagents]] because she's too damn lazy.
* [[Fighter, Mage, Thief]] - Templars are characterized by raw combat prowess, Cabalists cast direct damage and debuff magic, and Hunters' skills include evasion and critical strikes.
* [[First-Person Shooter]]: Default view is a third-person chase cam, though when using exclusively guns you can zoom in to a first-person view with a smart reticule that shows the current accuracy of your guns based on movement and firing speed.
* [[Gameplay Ally Immortality]] - Any NPC accompanying you, even [[Non-Action Guy]] Murmur, is immune to damage from monsters. {{spoiler|But not scripted death. Or your guys in the Millenium Battle}}
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* [[Our Zombies Are Different]]: The zombies of this setting are the tortured remains of humans attacked by spectral demons, [[And I Must Scream|left with only the barest vestiges of a soul that keeps them in mindless, perpetual agony.]] Many zombies [[Universal Poison|are poisonous.]]
* [[The Plan]]: Hunter Jon has a date planned with another Hunter he has a crush on, knowing full well she intends to use him as monster bait to collect a few kills during the outing. He sets up elaborate plans to establish the appearance of success for her without actually putting himself in danger.
* [[Post -Modern Magik]]: [[Powered Armor]], [[Energy Weapon|Energy Weapons]] and other high tech coexist with demonic magic and [[Holy Hand Grenade]].
* [[Powered Armor]]: Used by all human factions, [[Holy Hand Grenade|though the]] [[Phlebotinum|power source]] [[Hellfire|varies.]] Higher level armors often feature [[Tron Lines]].
* [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]]: The survivors of the whole, but also specifically the Hunters, who are made up of former soldiers, secret agents, [[Private Military Contractors]] or what have you. They waged a [[Secret War]] on behalf of their governments for many years- [[Enemy Mine|until the demons came.]] The Hunters were quick to share knowledge and technology with one another and dedicate their skills towards the cause of humanity's survival.
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* [[Summon Magic]]: Eastern variant played straight by the Summoner's Reaper. It's only around for under a minute, but will wreak unholy havoc for the duration of its stay.
* [[Shock and Awe]]: The Marksman class has a skill with this exact name.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Many from the [[Expy|Expys,]] among other things.
** An NPC named George gives you a quest chain that begins with [[Night of the Living Dead (Film)|Night of the Zombies]] and progresses to [[Dawn of the Dead (Film)|Dawn of the Zombies]] and finally [[Day of the Dead (Film)|Day of the Zombies.]]
** In the same station as George is a boy named [[Diablo|Wart who has you retrieve his missing peg leg.]]