Heroic BSOD/Anime and Manga: Difference between revisions

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** Natsuki suffers a mental breakdown, unable to summon her CHILD for a few episodes after she learned that {{spoiler|the story about her mother escaping from the First District lab to save her was a lie, and that Saeko was actually going to hand her over to Searrs to continue her research}}. Another few traumatic episodes later, it takes a [[Friendship Moment|pep talk with Mai]] to snap her out of her funk.
*** It also happens to her in [[Mai-HiME (Manga)|the manga]], when {{spoiler|it becomes evident that [[First Girl Wins|Yuuichi has chosen Mai over her]]}}. This is also roughly the point where {{spoiler|[[Not Quite Dead|Saeko herself steps in]] and takes over the school}}.
* ''[[Mai-Otome (Anime)|Mai-Otome]]'' -- after the events of the [[Mood Whiplash]] [[Wham! Episode]] near the midpoint of the series, Arika is virtually catatonic.
** Shizuru has one in the picture drama "Shizuru Viola Memoirs", when Natsuki rather forcefully rejects her offer to make her one of her room attendants because she thinks of Natsuki as just another [[Fan Girl]]. It takes Haruka coming up with a plan to make having Natsuki as a room attendant the stakes of the welcoming duel between them, as well as Natsuki retracting her decision and accepting after talking wtih Mai, to get Shizuru back to normal.
* ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'': Asuka after being [[Mind Rape|mind raped]], and Shinji during most of ''End of Evangelion'' after being forced to [[Shoot the Dog]]. He spends the entire first half of the story barely able to walk and completely unable to speak, and occasionally curls up into a ball when he hears about more imminent danger. Misato evokes [[Distracted By the Sexy]] to get him conscious again: she gives him a "grown-up kiss" and promises "the rest" if he manages to survive. He snaps out of his BSOD and goes to find Unit 01. {{spoiler|Of course, as soon as he can't see Misato anymore, she collapses and dies.}}
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* This occurs in ''[[Hotaru no Haka|Grave of the Fireflies]]'' to the main character Seita before he dies, though it is no wonder due to him {{spoiler|losing his entire family and everything that he ever cared for in a horrifically tragic manner}}.
* ''[[Elfen Lied]]'': Kouta, the male lead, suffers amnesia and spends an entire year in an [[Angst Coma]] after {{spoiler|watching his little sister Kanae and his father get slaughtered right in front of him by Lucy}}. Lucy herself suffers some pretty bad ones, like...her ''entire'' <s>childhood</s> life.
* In ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (Manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'', Alex Louis Armstrong, known best for being the [[Plucky Comic Relief]], has a complete nervous breakdown during the Ishval massacre, [[Pieta Plagiarism|clutching a dead Ishvallan child]] [[Fullmetal Alchemist (FranchiseManga)/Tear Jerker|while crying]], and is forced to go home.
** [[Axe Crazy|Barry]] suggests to Al (just for shits and giggles) that he may actually [[Replacement Goldfish|just be a construct built by Ed]]. Poor Al got the [[Cloning Blues]] until [[Wrench Wench|Winry]] [[Percussive Maintenance|went to town on him with her wrench]], [[Berserker Tears|complete with angry tears.]]
** Ed occasionally gets this too. After the failed attempt to bring back their mother, Hawkeye even notes that he looks lost. Of course, in this series, characters get the BSOD so often, they must be running on [[Windows]] [[Take That|Millennium Edition.]]
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* Luffy gets three of these in ''[[One Piece (Manga)|One Piece]]'', all under similar circumstances. The first is in the sixth movie when he thinks his crew is dead after witnessing them being absorbed into a life force draining plant. The second happens later in the manga when {{spoiler|Bartholomew Kuma vanishes his crew one by one before his eyes}}. In both cases, he gets better after realizing that they are still alive. The third case occurs at the end of the Marineford arc when {{spoiler|his brother Ace dies in his arms}}. This case is by far the worst of them all and this time Luffy was already pushed his body past his limits and doesn't have the benefit of {{spoiler|realizing that they're alive (as he's [[Killed Off for Real|"dead for reals"]]).}}
** The sixth movie probably pulls it off the best. The latter two he really just freaked out, no matter how heart-wrenching it may be. In the movie, he loses any will to fight, or even do anything at all, which is a far more serious reaction.
** The second one is a particularly long-lasting one. In both Manga and Anime, the entire crew gets one of these as they simultaneously face off against {{spoiler|an [[Authority Equals Asskicking|Admiral]], the admiral's top subordinate (who [[Deadly Upgrade|Monster Chopper]] couldn't land a single hit on), and a SECOND Pacifista, after they struggled to beat the FIRST Pacifista, and were more tired than they'd been in recent memory, '''Then''' Bartholemew [[Trickster Mentor|Kuma]] shows up, and [[Hopeless Boss Fight|utterly]] [[Faking the Dead|annihilates]] them}}. in the anime adaptation, it starts off as this at the BEGINNING of the episode, and by the end becomes one of the most heart-breaking [[Freak -Out|freakouts]] possible when a hero of this caliber realizes he's failed completely, and never stood a chance.
*** The way he acts after {{spoiler|waking up after Ace's death and realizing that it actually happened}} is even worse, with him {{spoiler|attacking everything in sight in order to try to dispel the memories of Ace's death}}. It's pointed out that the emotional strain of such a tragedy, {{spoiler|fighting so hard to save Ace, only for Ace to die saving him}} would easily break a normal person.
{{quote| '''Ikanov''': And to think that {{spoiler|that same elder brother died in front of his very eyes, so that he would be saved…}} What God or Buddha would permit that…?! That’s something that could easily crumble one, nay, two minds!!! }}
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* ''[[Loveless]]'' the manga (possibly the anime too if they ever make a second season following the manga): Soubi has a complete and utter Heroic BSOD when he {{spoiler|not only discovers that his previous Sacrifice, who had staged his own death, was well and truly alive, but was ordered by said Sacrifice to destroy the windows of the compound he is trapped in so that he can make his escape. (Keep in mind the Sacrifice is a serious bad guy and would routinely torture the sh* t out of Soubi, who was rather powerless to defend himself, given his status as the Fighter unit.) Following the escape, Soubi breaks down to the obvious horror of those who care about him, especially Ritsuka. Soubi says over and over in a quiet voice, "I don't want to," meaning he didn't want to help the Sacrifice escape, but had no choice.}}
* Shingo from ''[[Bio Meat]]'' has not one, but three of these. First is when he's thirteen and {{spoiler|leads a group of BM onto a room full of survivors and kills everyone but a six-year-old girl}}, then a minor one when {{spoiler|he fails to keep the BM from escaping into Takachiho, which was hardly his fault anyway}}, and another one after he fails to {{spoiler|keep his more than a little messed-up father from committing suicide}}. It's even better that he's not technically considered to be the [[Big Hero]].
* In ''[[Et Cetera]]'', Mingchao has one when it's revealed that Mr. Gothic, the terror behind the whole Syndicate and the man who the group has been waiting so long to destroy, {{spoiler|is her father and her last living relative.}} This is followed by a slight [[Freak -Out]]. Baskerville also gets one during a flashback when {{spoiler|he comes home to find his [[Ill Girl]] little sister dead.}}
* In ''[[Holyland]]'', Yuu suffers one of these after {{spoiler|Shin gets beaten up because of him.}} This does [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|not end well for the bad guys.]]
* ''[[Black Butler (Manga)|Black Butler]]'': While Ciel's intentions for the circus children back at the workhouse might not be described as "heroic" so much as "self-serving with a side of philanthropy", Ciel's reaction in chapter 36 upon realizing that the entire workhouse was empty and abandoned, and had been for what looked like years, meaning ''the circus children had fought—and died—in vain'' can be aptly described as a BSOD. A very, very frightening one.
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** In the movie, Eureka does not fully understand [[Love Martyr|Renton's feelings for her and the lengths he would go to protect her]] ([[Tsundere|even rebuking him for it]]) until she sees him get shot by Hap while pummeling him for assaulting her. She then spends a brief period sulking in the dark outside Renton's hospital room blaming herself for being so inconsiderate, and later ultimately realizes how far she herself will go to save his life.
* In ''[[Kitchen Princess]]'', Najika loses her sense of taste after {{spoiler|Sora dies after a truck hits him as he's crossing the street, holding vanilla beans he meant to give to Najika.}} She later {{spoiler|loses}} the competition that he was bringing the ingredient to her for.
* In ''[[Ride Back]]'', Rin undergoes a monstrous BSOD (even her friends can't help her out of it) when {{spoiler|her friend Suzuri gets killed because the government thinks it's her, and that [[Wham! Episode|she's a terrorist]]}}.
* ''[[Ah! My Goddess (Manga)|Ah My Goddess]]'' plays this for laughs. Whenever something happens that makes Belldandy jealous, she blanks out, her eyes go wide, and she stares off into the distance. She does this because jealousy is so unfamiliar to her that she can't handle it. Her jealousy also sometimes manifests itself paranormally -- nearby glass shatters, the power goes out, pipes burst, and there's sometimes an explosion. Often, this will put a stop to whatever was making Belldandy jealous so she can just snap out of it.
* ''[[Baki the Grappler]]'' gets one when his mother beats him and chews him out for not being as strong as his father. He's so bummed afterwards that he doesn't even defend himself when three punks start roughing him up. Fortunately, [[Friendly Enemy|Hanayama]] comes along and snaps him out of it.
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** {{spoiler|Sayaka}} not only suffers one {{spoiler|when she starts angsting and realising what being a Puella Magi ''truly'' means (isolation, becoming a Lich, etc.)}}... but she actually [[Despair Event Horizon|goes further]] {{spoiler|and becomes a witch.}}
** A cross between fiction and [[Real Life]]: Seiyuus [[Aoi Yuki]] (Madoka) and [[Emiri Katou]] (Kyubey), and also character designer [[Ume Aoki]] have a slight case of this upon seeing the script for the third episode.
** In [[Wham! Episode|Episode 10]], {{spoiler|We find in one timeline that Mami utterly breaks down, kills Kyouko, and would have killed Madoka, Homura, and ''herself'' upon finding out that Puella Magi eventually become witches.}}
* In ''[[Junai no Seinen (Manga)|Junai no Seinen]]'', Kaoru has a panic attack the first time Daigo leaves him, and then again when Daigo shows up at Ian's farewell party with a date.
* In ''[[The Prince of Tennis (Manga)|The Prince of Tennis]]'', Kaidou Kaoru has a really hilarious one when Inui {{spoiler|tells him that they're going on a date just as Kaidou's phone runs out of battery. Inui actually meant that he believed Momoshiro and An are going out, but he couldn't say it for the above mentioned reason.}}
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* In ''[[Tsukigasa (Manga)|Tsukigasa]]'', Azuma has one for months after cutting off Kuroe's arm while under the influence, and is [[Driven to Suicide]] at one point.
* Joe Yabuki from the classic boxing manga [[Ashita no Joe]] suffers a huge one when {{spoiler|his best rival, Tooru Riikishi, dies of internal injuries ''right after their match is over''.}} It's actually so bad that {{spoiler|for several months he cannot bring himself to punch his other rivals on the face, since that's what caused Riikishi his fatal [[Heroic RROD]].}}
* In ''[[Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (Manga)|Sekaiichi Hatsukoi]]'', {{spoiler|[[Unlucky Childhood Friend|Yanase]]}} shuts down not only because {{spoiler|[[Oblivious to Love|Chiaki]] rejected him a second time again without giving him a reason why he would choose [[Yandere|Hatori]] over him, but also when Hatori breaks into his place and [[Kick Them While They Are Down|proceeds to beat the crap out of him.]]}} Chiaki prevents anything worse from happening the but the episode leaves him in that state. And this is supposed to be a shonen ai romantic comedy with some drama but not [[Wham! Episode|this]] [[Tear Jerker|episode.]]
* In ''[[Oniisama E (Manga)|Oniisama E]]'', several characters find themselves at the receiving end:
** The lead Nanako Misonou has a huge one that lasts for at very least ''two days'' when {{spoiler|her love interest Rei dies, after she falls from a bridge and gets fatally hit by a train while trying to catch a falling bouquet of flowers... [[Stood Up|on her way to their first date]].}} She had several others in the course of the story, but she put herself back to her feet thanks to [[The Power of Friendship]]; this one, however, is so powerful that she almost crosses the [[Despair Event Horizon]]. {{spoiler|Though she does get better in the end.}}