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* [[Arranged Marriage]]: Between {{spoiler|Snoutlout and Camicazi}}, to the girl's displeasure, {{spoiler|as Hiccup found out, painfully.}}
* [[Badass Adorable]]: Camicazi
* [[Badass]]: Hiccup eventually becomes this.
* [[Bow and Sword In Accord]]: Hiccup's [[Weapon of Choice|weapons of choice]] are a bow, a sabre and a dagger.
* [[Character Development]]: Hiccup chooses his own path with Toothless, which leads to him meeting different peoples and learning from them, eventually becoming a [[Badass]]. Astrid's character is given more emphasis to it -- instead of as in the movie, where we don't really ''know'' Astrid that well, this story takes her and rounds her out, meaning at first she is rather well... unlikable, but as the story progresses she and her struggles and goals become more sympathetic. {{spoiler|Toothless also matures, coming to trust in Hiccup as a team mate rather than someone who needs to be protected.}}
* [[Chick Magnet]]: Hiccup in this story. Several young women and even a few supernatural females in the story have been attracted to him. Some have even fallen in love with him. Because he is shy and modest, it is usually the woman who makes the first move. {{spoiler|However, his shyness and evasiveness can make him inept with handling the advances or returning the affection.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Chosen One]]: Hiccup is the Chosen One of Thor, much to his surprise.}}
* [[Cliff Hanger]]: Oh so many. And very good at making readers go "Tell me what happens ''next'', '''please'''!"
* [[Coming of Age Story]]
* [[Cuteness Proximity]]: When Toothless acts cute, he causes this in {{spoiler|the Bog Burglars}}, to Hiccup's surprise.
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{{quote|'''Hiccup''': "There's a Human Manual?"
'''Toothless''': "No! You gullible idiot. But if there was it wouldn't be very flattering!" }}
* [[Doorstopper]]: The story has reached completion with ''forty'' chapters and 330,217 words, -- this fanfic is essentially a novel!
* [[Horse Archer|Dragon Archer]]: Hiccup, once he learns how to use a bow.
* [[Dragon Rider]]: Hiccup of course, {{spoiler|but after he come back to Berk, many other young Vikings quickly become one. The first were Astrid and Tuffnut.}}
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* [[Fan Service]]: The scene with Hiccup bathing in the pool {{spoiler|and being found by Astrid}}, who is highly amused by this pleasurable find -- as are the (female) readers. This also happens "off-screen" when {{spoiler|Hiccup gets spanked and startled by a tree limb when intruding in a forest occupied by hamadryad beings.}}
* [[First Love]]: Hiccup is this for Gudrid.
* [[Foil]]: Camicazi is this for Astrid, who is likewise for her. Ironically, Astrid is (canonically) the [[Expy]] of Camicazi herself. On the male side, {{spoiler|Hiccup and Snoutlout, when he come back to Berk}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Good People Have Good Sex]]}}
* [[Guilty Pleasure]]: Camicazi enjoys sewing but she would die a crone's peaceful death before admitting it to anyone.
* [[Heartbroken Badass]]: {{spoiler|Toothless' attraction to a Night Fury dragoness}} leads to a tragic outcome for him, {{spoiler|losing not only the chance to win her affection, but also losing his freedom}}.
* [[The Hero's Journey]]
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: Hiccup and Toothless. By the author's own words, "They’re brothers from another mother".
* [[I Got Bigger]]: Hiccup got a lot taller after hitting puberty.
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* [[Lady Land]]: The Bog Burglars
* [[Memento MacGuffin]]: Astrid's axe
* [[Missing Mom]]: Hiccup {{spoiler|lost his mother after she fell from a dragon. Her death had a profound impact on Hiccup and Stoick, leading in part to the awkwardness surrounding Hiccup and Stoick's dysfunctional relationship. If Val had been there, she could have been the mediator between father and son and probably understood Hiccup better.}}
* [[Mugging the Monster]]: Some would be thieves who learned that Hiccup has a dragon. {{spoiler|The Væringjar also learned to '''THEIR''' shock that Hiccup has some very divine people who would like to see him live.}}
* [[Mythology Gag]]: Several to the books, and the movie itself. Examples:
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* [[Recursive Fanfiction]]: This story has a spin-off oneshot focusing on Hiccup and the Elder called [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7250994/1/The_Elders_Prediction ''The Elder's Prediction''].
* [[She's All Grown Up]]: Although, it did take Hiccup getting drunk to realise/accept this of {{spoiler|Camicazi}}.
* [[Ship Tease]]: Plenty, the most notable ships teased being Hiccup/Gudrid, {{spoiler|Hiccup/Camicazi and Hiccup/Astrid}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Victorious Childhood Friend]]: Camicazi, in the [[Babies Ever After|post-fic]] one-shot.}}
* [[Shown Their Work]]: The author has done her homework about the historical period and the encountered languages. It shows when we have some pleasant surprises like accurate French or ''Hungarian''. Still, it is the current version of these languages, but not the ones spoken at that time.
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* [[This Is Sparta]]: Camicazi does something like this after hearing that {{spoiler|Hiccup doesn't regret leaving in the first place}}.
{{quote|'''Camicazi''': "{{spoiler|I! Am! Marrying! Snot! Lout!}}"}}
* [[Tomboy]]: Camicazi and Astrid.
* [[Throwing Down the Gauntlet]]: {{spoiler|Snotlout to Hiccup.}}
* [[The Time of Myths]]: The setting of the story.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Hiccup, {{spoiler|but only after a training by a Hungarian seer and having matured a little.}}
* [[Walking the Earth]]: Well, Flying The Earth, the result of Hiccup's self-exile with Toothless. [[The Hero's Journey|It helps Hiccup to grow as a person]].
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: As part of a running gag, Toothless expresses his interest in eating the messenger hawk Hiccup uses for communicating with Berk.