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* The [[Starfish Alien|Festum]] from ''[[Fafner in the Azure|Fafner in The Azure Dead Aggressor]]'' are a [[Deconstruction]] of this; because they are all controlled by a single mind, they have no concept of life, death, emotion, or even ''information''. The [[Bishonen Line|Master-type Festum]] are their version of a [[Hive Queen]], as they can greatly influence the whole ({{spoiler|Idun}}) or {{spoiler|become entirely separate entities}} ({{spoiler|Mjolnir/Akane Makabe, Kouyou}}). They also demonstrate the ability to learn, especially in the case of {{spoiler|Idun}}; it learning hatred and wrath was what provoked their ferocious attacks.
* Heavily implied to be true of {{spoiler|Kyubey}} in [[Puella Magi Madoka Magica]]. [ Later confirmed] by [[Word of God]].
* Saika's "children" in ''[[Durarara!!]]''. A particularly strong-willed individual can become [[Hive Queen]], but usually this just means becoming the voice of the [[Hive Mind]]. {{spoiler|Anri Sonohara}} is the only one capable of actually controlling it.
* This appears to be the case for the Anti-Spiral in ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]''. Though we only ever see the one, he doesn't appear as though he has a fixed physical form, and always refers to himself in the plural, or refers to himself ''as'' the Anti-Spiral race. It's thought that the Anti-Spiral shown is a psychic manifestation of the combined wills and minds of the entire species.
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* The Zoni from ''[[Ratchet and Clank]]''. As revealed and explicitly stated in ''A Crack in Time'', they become like ADHD-afflicted children when separated from a group. It appears that two or more are required for the creatures to exhibit any semblance of sanity; however (as far as the storyline is concerned), they are never shown in any less than a group of three.
* From ''[[Dragon Age]]'', The Darkspawn, tainted creatures that dwell in the underground caverns of the Deep Roads. Whenever an Archdemon (old gods manifested in the forms of powerful dragons) awaken, the darkspawn function in a sort of hive-mind. Otherwise they war amongst each other as much as against the other races.
** They wage war against the Dwarves between Blights. [[Hopeless War|One that the Dwarves are slowly losing when the game starts]]. Blights are actually a brief ''respite'' for the Dwarves since most of the Darkspawn go off to attack the surface instead. While Darkspawn do fight against each other, being [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]] {{spoiler|most of them anyway}}, their taint drives them to focus on attacking anything that isn't a darkspawn {{spoiler|or a completely tainted being like a ghoul}} which helps spread the taint even further.
* The Silithids from ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' probably are such. Their [[Hive Queen]] (King rather) appears to be [[Eldritch Abomination|C'thun]].
* The Wisps in the ''[[Ultima]]'' games all share a single mind, which calls itself Xorinia and claims to be an interdimensional information broker. It/they are quite puzzled by the fact that humans are individuals, and don't quite understand why they have to repeat everything from scratch every time they speak to the human race.