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A sister trope to [[Nuns Are Spooky]], [[Nuns Are Funny]], [[Nuns-N-Rosaries]], [[Naughty Nuns]]. Contrast: [[Nuns Are Mikos]]
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== Comics ==
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== Film ==
* ''[[Sister Act]]'' at once plays this straight and averts it, which is the source of most of the comedy. Incidentally, Whoopi Goldberg's character takes the name of "Sister Mary [[ItsIt's a Wonderful Life|Clarence]]" while in the convent.
* Sister Mary Stigmata ("The Penguin") in ''[[The Blues Brothers]]'' plays the "elderly, scary disciplinarian with a yardstick" role almost straight, except for the fact that [[Power Floats|she moves like she's on wheels.]]
* The two nuns in ''[[Film/Doubt|Doubt]]'' fit the two different temperaments pretty well.
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* Nuns appear in the series ''[[Father Ted]]'' on various occasions, varying from strict disciplinarians to sweet/tempting.
* ''[[Pushing Daisies]]'' had nuns in full habits, but in keeping with its setting in a candy-colored [[Retro Universe]], the habits were blue and white instead of black and white.
* In an early Season 2 episode of ''[[The A-Team (TV)|The A-Team]]'', the A-Team traveled to Ecuador to help a group of nuns (including Face's former One True Love from college) in full stereotypical-looking habits protect their mission from a bunch of nuns. Of course, the full habits helped Face and Murdock sneak into the mission to do reconaissance work. Also, Face's old flame had taken the name "Sister Theresa" and she fit into the second temperament.
* One episode of ''[[House (TV series)|House]]'' fully subverts this trope when a nun is found to be dying from a strange allergy. The convent she lives in only use the full habit on special occasions; the other nuns who visit her are dressed realistically in conservative dresses with headpieces. The sick nun herself was found to have had an abortion and used an old form of birth control that left a piece of copper in her body (which she was allergic to).
* Sister Peter Marie in ''[[Oz]]'' doesn't wear the habit, but seems to generally follow the rest of the trope (although being rather jaded due to being around the worst humanity has to offer).
* Averted with Sister Peg of [[Law and Order Special Victims Unit]]. She looks to be about middle-aged, doesn't wear the habit at all, and is neither naive nor excessively strict--whichstrict—which is reasonable for a nun who mostly works on aiding prostitutes to keep them safe and healthy.
== [[Stand Up Comedy]] ==