Homestuck/Characters/Trolls Two: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ship Tease]]: The entirety of her [ Shipping Wall] is this. The topmost pairing relates to her specifically, showing that she has a crush on Karkat, of all people. According to him, he's aware of this and has been trying to sidestep the whole thing for quite some time now.
** Jaspersprite relates a story to her about his time with Roxy and how he got to meet Rose again after death. [ Nepeta asks if that means she'll have to die to get to be with Karkat]. When we next see Nepeta after death, [ she's wandering a dreambubble with a dead Karkat at her side].
* [[Shout -Out]]: Probably not an intentional one, but [[Doraemon|does that fursuit remind you of anyone?]]
** An alternative theory on the forums is that it's a Cathearst suit (from the epilogue of ''[[Problem Sleuth]]'', a Catwoman [[Expy]])
** Her relationship to Equius is evocative of the relationship of Enkidu and [[The Epic of Gilgamesh|Gilgamesh]].
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{{quote| <code>{{color|#008141|Types By Capitalizing The First Letter Of Every Word And Rarely Punctuates Her Sentences}}</code>}}
* [[Back -Alley Doctor]]: As a favor for a friend.
* [[Back From the Dead]]: As a [[Our Vampires Are Different|Rainbow Drinker.]]
* [[Badass]]: [ She] [ strolls] [ over,] and [[Groin Attack|NUT-SHOT-PUTS]] [[Ax Crazy|the crazed troll]] [[Super-Powered Evil Side|sober]] [ Gamzee] [ over the edge,] [ stunning] [[Power Gives You Wings|God-Tier]] [[Munchkin|Vriska]] [[Mood Whiplash|in]] [[Didn't See That Coming|the]] [[Crowning Moment of Funny|process.]] ''[ Then she clocks Vriska with one punch!]'' Then she [[One-Hit Kill|One Hit Kills]] Eridan with her chainsaw.
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{{color|#008141| GA: Its Paler Red Than That Ok}}<br />
{{color|#6a006a| CA: pshhhhhh that is a fuckin laugh and you knoww it [[Everyone Can See It|evveryone does]]}} }}
* [[Shout -Out]]: She reads [[Our Vampires Are Different|rainbow drinker]] [[Twilight (Literature)|romance literature]].
** She's [[Monty Python's Flying Circus|a lumberjack and she's okay]], she sleeps all night and works all day. She cuts down trees, she skips and jumps, she likes to pick wild flowers. She puts on [[Unlimited Wardrobe|women's clothing]], but doesn't hang around in bars.
* [[Sincerity Mode]]:
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** Fans have compared her to [[Mary Worth]].
* [[Theme Naming]]: Kanaya's Zodiac sign is Virgo.
* [[Three -Point Landing]]: Invoked with the [ perfect landing of shades falling from the sky.]
* [[Token Minority]]: An in-universe minority, being the one of the few on Alternia with her particular hue of blood, and as such one of the few who could have a Virgin Mother Grub as a lusus, which is so uncommon that it is considered a historical event. She also loves sunlight, though nearly all other trolls are nocturnal. She's also the only one of the twelve trolls who isn't bisexual.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: [ YES,] [ oh] [ so] [ much.]
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** Remains one of the few people who disagrees with the [[You Can't Fight Fate]] mentality of Sburb.
{{quote| {{color|#008282| <nowiki>GC: LUCK DO3SNT 4CTU4LLY M4TT3R >8]</nowiki>}}}}
* [[Self -Defeating Prophecy]]: [ Predicting what would have happened if she had let Vriska escape to fight Bec Noir]
* [[Sense Freak]]: She's really interested in the scent and taste of various blood colours, and really curious about Dave's eyes.
* [[Ship Tease]]: With everyone she talks to. John, Dave, Karkat, Sollux, even Rose and Nepeta. Dave even more now that the two of them are exchanging ironic comics and are generally in cahoots.
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** "She wouldn't dare harm sweet, precious [[Monster Clown|Gamzee]], would she? [[You Make Me Sick|The thought is almost more than you can bear]]."
* [[Shoot the Dog]]: Does this to Vriska to preserve the Alpha timeline.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Terezi is basically Alternia's version of [[Daredevil]]. It's even alluded to in the comic.
** Her use of a coin in the trial scene is a reference to [[Batman|Harvey Dent]] aka Two-Face.
** Her track on the [ official troll album] is called "The Lemonsnout Turnabout". The ''[[Phoenix Wright]]'' games are known as ''Turnabout Trials'' in Japan, and each case in the games has Turnabout in the title (barring the DS extra, which is more a pun on the attorney's name).
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** Later given a proper [ reveal].
* [[Theme Naming]]: Terezi's Zodiac sign is Libra.
* [[Two -Headed Coin]]: Albeit scratched on one side, like [[Batman|Two-Face's]].
* [[Vampire Bites Suck]]: After [ Terezi steps away from pestering Sollux,] she [ awakes] with [ two puncture wounds.] May slide into [[Kiss of the Vampire]] territory due to the white bandage covering the marks, possibly showing the drinker is considerate of his or her actions.
* [[Vein -O -Vision]]: She claims in [ this] conversation with Karkat that she can "smell" his red blood underneath his skin.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Predicts this relationship for Rose and herself.
{{quote| "{{color|#008282|YOU S33 W3 4R3 M34NT TO B3 B3ST H4T3FR13NDS FOR3V3R}}"}}