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Hook himself ([[Dustin Hoffman]]) is horrified to discover what's become of his nemesis -- Peter hasn't just [[Forgot I Could Fly|forgotten how to fly]], but has a ''fear of heights'' -- and Tinker Bell makes a deal with him to straighten Peter out in three days so that the war the villain always wanted can take place. Peter is taken back to the hideout of the Lost Boys (now led by the cunning Rufio) to relearn his old ways. As his skills slowly return to him, he comes to remember both why he left Neverland and what he lost ''and'' gained in doing so. But in the meantime, Hook discovers and plays upon Jack's resentment towards his dad to prepare the ultimate revenge...
Highly anticipated, but with a difficult shoot and a big budget to earn back. The film got a mixed critical reception when it opened a few weeks before Christmas 1991 (Disney's ''[[Beauty and The Beast (Disney)|Beauty and the Beast]]'' opening beforehand to great reviews likely didn't help. While it did well at the box office, it is now regarded as one of Spielberg's weakest films; some critics did not let the fact that [[Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory|the film appears to be Steven Speilberg working out his real life issues onscreen go unnoticed]]. It does have its own charm nevertheless, due in part to its, well, different take on the Peter Pan mythos. Among the current generation of 20-somethings, who grew up with it, it has all the makings of a [[Cult Classic]].
Compare and contrast with ''[[Return to Oz]]'' and ''[[Alice in Wonderland (Filmfilm)|Alice in Wonderland]]'' (2010).
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* [[Actor Allusion]]: Tootles shouts "Seize the day!" in the final scene, a reference to ''[[Dead Poets Society]]'' and Robin Williams' character.
** And also Smee shouting "GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING NEVERLAND!", in reference to ''[[Good Morning Vietnam]]''.
** One that is also a case of [[Real Life]] [[Actor Allusion]] for [[Robin Williams]] occurs when Peter learns to use his imagination again. Rufio gets pissed and throws a coconut at him. Someone throws Peter a sword; he sticks the sword out and executes a perfect [[The Legend of Zelda (Franchise)|spinning blade attack]].
* [[Adult Child]]: Peter after he regains his memories. Inverted slightly with Rufio.
* [[Adult Fear]]: Not only does Captain Hook kidnap Peter's children and threaten to do the same to his descendants, he tries to brainwash them into loving ''him'' instead.
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* [[Foreshadowing]]: After Smee prevents Hook from killing himself (again), the gun accidentally hits a model of the Jolly Roger. The model which is set on fire and sinks into the model sea, a clear sign that the upcoming battle will not go well for the pirates.
** Jack's picture on the plane. "How come I didn't have a parachute, Jackie?" "Take a wild guess." The intention was that Jack wanted his father to drown and die, but it takes on a whole new meaning when it turns out the latter is Peter Pan.
* [[Flying Dutchman]]: [[Playing Withwith a Trope|Played with:]] Peter comes back to Neverland as an adult, and the crux of the film is his search for a niche (cf., [[Growing Up Sucks]] or [[Stranger in Aa Familiar Land]]) in a Neverland he doesn't remember.
* [[Generation Xerox]]: "Boy who dislikes home life ends up in Neverland, forgets his semi-neglectful family and decides to stay, {{spoiler|only to come to his senses once he realizes that the outside world is more important}}" certainly describes both Peter and Jack pretty well. There's also a few dropped hints that Maggie would have been the perfect successor of her grandmother Wendy.
* [[Groin Attack]]: Peter gets hit with one of the Lost Boys' fruit-tipped arrows, and cries "I've been shot!" in a falsetto voice. Thudbutt delivers this to one of the pirates in the climactic "war".
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* [[Hey, It's That Guy!]]: Gwyneth Paltrow as young Wendy.
** [[Dante Basco]] (Rufio) went on to voice [[American Dragon Jake Long|Jake Long]] and [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|Prince Zuko]]. This also makes ''[[But I'm a Cheerleader]]'' a hell of a lot more funny.
** The guy who played [[Who Framed Roger Rabbit?|Eddie Valiant]] and [[Super Mario Bros. (Filmfilm)|Mario]] is British?!
** Um, hello? Dame Maggie Smith as older Wendy -- it's [[Harry Potter (Filmfilm)|Professor McGonagall!]]
** That flying couple appearing as Tinker Bell sends Peter to Neverland? It's [[Star Wars|George Lucas and Carrie Fisher]]!!
** [[Phil Collins]] as the police detective.
** {{spoiler|Glenn Close}} as Gutless, the Boo Box pirate. [[Dropped a Bridget On Him|No, really.]]
* [[Hook Hand]]: Naturally. Presenting the Captain with a new hook is a big deal in Pirate Town (Hook even has his own grindstone to sharpen it on). He also has items he can swap the hook out for as needed -- including a baseball glove, and a [[So Cool Its Awesome|wine goblet!]]
* [[Identity Amnesia]]: Peter for a good chunk of the movie. Only {{spoiler|[[Tap Onon the Head|Jack's home run ball]]}} manages to help him get back on his feet.
* [[Interacting Withwith Shadow]]: Peter's shadow points him to his old house in the hollow tree.
* [[I Surrender, Suckers]]: After Hook is disarmed a second time (with Peter deciding to leave him instead of finishing him off), Hook pulls out a knife and tries to take out Peter.
* [[I Want My Mommy]]: Maggie's initial protest; {{spoiler|[[Ironic Echo|Hook's last words.]]}}