Horse of a Different Color: Difference between revisions

categories and general cleanup
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== Tabletop Games ==
* Other than the aforementioned Podog, in ''[[Gamma World (Tabletop Game)|Gamma World]]'' there also is the Hopper (A giant mutant jackalope who is as dumb as a brick), the Centisteed (A horse with a whole lot of legs, as well as bug-eyes and antennae) and the incredibly odd Pineto (Think a cactus plant merged with a horse, and you'll get the idea)
* In ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]''' Eberron campaign setting, the Kingdom of Breland is famous for their bear cavalry. As a certain image macro says: "[[media:[[Bear Cavalry]]BearCavalry.jpg|Bear Cavalry: Yeah, you're pretty much fucked.]]"
** Unless you have [[Memetic Mutation|Cat Snipers]].
** Or are a halfling, in which case you ride freaking ''dinosaurs''.
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[[Category:Travel Cool]]
[[Category:Cool Horse]]
[[Category:Horse Ofof Aa Different Color]][[Category:Pages with comment tags]]
[[Category:Pages with comment tags]]