Hotel Mario/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Memetic Mutation]]: The cutscenes of this game have been used almost religiously in a style of absurd video editing known as [[Youtube Poop]], since pretty much every scene is chock full of meme fodder thanks to the bizarre animation, hokey script, silly voices, and downright weird electronic/funk music.
** The unofficial slogan for Youtube Poop is even made of two different audios from the game. "Where there's smoke, they pinch back".
* [[Narm Charm]]: No one would care about these games if it weren't for the bad voice acting and goofy lines. "Ya know what they say: [[Projectile Toast|all toastas toast]] <s>[[The LegendofLegend of Zelda CDI Games|dodongos]]</s> ''[[Projectile Toast|toast]]''!"
* [[So Bad It's Good]]
* [[They Just Didn't Care]]: To the point that they recycled their own animations. Compare the bros approaching the Kingdom gates to them approaching the tree hotel. Or compare the "pennies pinch back" scene to the "where there's smoke..." scene. <ref>This is where the [[Youtube Poop]] catchphrase "Where there's smoke, they pinch back" comes from. [ A scene cut that shows just how identical the two scenes are]</ref>