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Sometimes, it feels like the only difference between humanity and the chimps is that we're only slightly less hairy.
A subtrope of [[Humans Are Flawed]], [['''Humans Are Morons]]''' shows that, when compared to other civilizations in works of [[Speculative Fiction]] (or even lesser animals, on occasion), humans are nowhere near as technologically advanced, incapable of understanding such civilizations as being any different than [[Alien Invasion|the most generic Sci-Fi stories]], very gullible, insanely superstitious, constantly having more astounding lapses in judgment than a more sensible being could possibly tolerate, far more primitive than realized (possibly even more savage-like than realized), and completely oblivious to all of this.
Humans are not [[Humans Are Special|special]]. They're just an oddly evolved ape<ref>Many apologies to any [[Insult to Rocks|apes out there who now feel insulted]].</ref> out in [[Insignificant Little Blue Planet|the boondocks of the galaxy]] where, thankfully, intelligent life is so far away from us that we can live in our own squalor on this filthy planet without a care (or clue) in the world and not pose a threat to anyone out there [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|who may actually be decent and civilized]] (but God help them if they ever ''do'' actually come here).
This is often the source of [[Fantastic Racism]] exemplified in alien civilizations towards humans; whenever you see words like "monkeys," "primates," "chimps," and "apes" used as [[Fantastic Slur|Fantastic Slurs]]s, you're generally dealing with an alien species that believes humans are pretty far down on the totem pole. This may also lead to [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|a sufficiently advanced species]] to note that there is [[No Intelligent Life Here]].
Outside of the [[Speculative Fiction]] genre, [['''Humans Are Morons]]''' may be invoked in works with more political contexts, especially with those that argue [[Hobbes Was Right]] or that [[Democracy Is Bad]], again emphasizing that there is still a very savage, primal side of human nature that clouds our better judgment and hampers our social progression towards a more [[Wide-Eyed Idealist|idealistic]] [[Utopia]].
This can overlap with [[Humans Are the Real Monsters]] in the event that any brutish or violent human actions are more closely perceived as being [[Hanlon's Razor|thoughtless, rather than malicious]], but usually these two tropes are separate. When trying to figure out whether an act of violence counts as humans being bastards or morons, there's always one easy distinction to tell the two apart:
* If [[E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial|E.T.]] comes to Earth and the humans attack him with [[Torches and Pitchforks|pitchforks and sticks]], it's [[Humans Are the Real Monsters]].
* If [[E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial|E.T.]] comes to Earth and the humans attack ''each other'' with pitchforks and sticks, it's [['''Humans Are Morons]]'''.
If this trope is ever [[Subverted Trope]], it will involve a human talent or trait that [[Humans Are Special|makes us special]] for [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|some reason totally not]] [[Most Writers Are Human|related to the author's species]].
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* In another ''[[2000 AD]]'' strip, ''Bec & Kawl'', [[The Greys]] who abduct Pierre seem to view humans as play-things to be abused and toyed with for their amusement, when not partaking in the traditional [[Anal Probing]] and [[Half-Human Hybrid|alien-human hybrid]] experiments, of course. One grey even refers to Pierre as a [[Fantastic Slur|"monkey-man."]] [[The Greys]] do, however, decide to recruit Pierre (who is a pest control expert) for the job of "taking on the filthiest vermin of all" (a separate malevolent alien race hiding amongst us on Earth, waiting for the opportune moment to strike), which turns out to be {{spoiler|A [[Batman Gambit]] for [[The Greys]]' own gain.}}
* In the ''[[Strontium Dog]]'' story arc "Bitch," aliens who have taken [[Ronald Reagan]] hostage find The Gipper to be so astonishingly stupid that they can't fathom how this man could possibly be "the leader of the human race" without assuming that the rest of us aren't that bright, either.
* Throughout [[Silver Surfer|Silver Surfer's]] solo series, Surfer, confined to Earth by Galactus in punishment for rebelling against his master, constantly bemoans the madness of men. No matter what he does to try and fit in, he encounters human prejudice and fear. His evaluations vary from [[Humans Are the Real Monsters]] to [[Humans Are Morons]] though.
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* ''[[Mars Attacks!]]!'' features many situations where people want to believe that the Martians are peace-loving and our friends, despite them repeatedly vaporizing everyone.
* In ''[[Men in Black (film)|Men in Black]]'' humans are the least technically advanced space faring race in the galaxy. Most of the better technology the MIBs have is acquired from elsewhere, and the greater human population cannot be allowed to know the truth. Also, aliens that come here seem to have a rather high mortality rate. An early scene in the film has Agent K noting that humans are immune to an alien brain scanner because, "Human thought is so primitive it's looked upon as an infectious disease in some of the better galaxies. That kind of makes you proud, doesn't it?"
** The Bug even dishes out the [[Fantastic Slur|Fantastic Slurs]]s, calling Agent K a "monkey-boy" and claiming that compared to us, he's "on the top of the evolutionary ladder!"
{{quote|'''Agent K''': A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.}}
* In ''[[Star Trek: First Contact]]'', humans of the 21st Century live in a post-apocalyptic society with just barely enough infrastructure to continue research on warp drive, while the other races have already begun exploring the galaxy and view humanity as being "too primitive." However, this is ultimately [[Subverted Trope|subverted]] by the rest of ''[[Star Trek]]'' canon as we somehow nonetheless become one of the dominant space faring races.
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== Webcomics ==
* In ''[[Drowtales]]'' humans are considered to be a type of goblin. Though considered somewhat cunning individually (like Vaelia, the [[Badass Normal]] human bodyguard of Ariel) collectively humans are viewed as less intelligent than orcs. In one chapter, a group of drow children with the help of said [[Badass Normal]] and a squad of [[Mauve Shirt|Mauve Shirts]]s, took down an entire human castle, which was being used to sacrifice elves as part of [[Blood Bath|a hairbrained bid for immortality]].
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** And again in the episode "The Late Philip J. Fry" where we see Fry, Bender, and The Professor time-travel forward to the year 5 Million AD where they learn that [[The Time Machine|human evolution has deviated along two paths]], one evolving from intellect and reason and the other evolving from brute strength [[Dumb Muscle|and very little else]]. The mentally superior race explain that they can devise a backwards time-travel device for our characters to use within five years. Cut to five years later where we find that the brainless apes have sacked the settlements of the more intelligent, reasonable species.
*** That last part may have been a reference to how the Morlocks appeared to be nothing more than brutal savages but were actually maintaining the machinery that supported their Eloi cattle.
* On ''[[Aqua Teen Hunger Force]]'' the Mooninites ''believe'' that they are superior to Earth in every possible way; however, [[You Fail Logic Forever|the logic and reasoning they use to enforce their position is very, VERY flawed]]. Truth be told, they're probably dumber than all life on Earth--humanEarth—human, food product, or otherwise.
* The 100th episode of ''[[South Park]]'', "Cancelled," reveals Earth to be a giant [[Reality TV]] show for the rest of The Universe's silly amusement.
** Not to mention the whole "Space Cash" incident.
