Humans Kill Wantonly: Difference between revisions

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== [[Film]] ==
* Ripley's famous quote above from ''[[Aliens]]''.
* Used in ''[[Grosse Pointe Blank]]'', where Martin claims that he's better than a psychopath ''because'' he kills for money (while psychopaths have no reason at all). He quickly backtracks into a [[That Came Out Wrong]], of course.
* In the live-action adaption of ''[[The Jungle Book (film)|The Jungle Book]]'', Mowgli explains that animals only kill to eat or to keep from being eaten. He doesn't understand the concept of killing out of hatred or sport and gets pissed when one of the hunters tries to explain it to him.
== [[Literature]] ==
* The dragon's justification in ''[[Discworld/Guards! Guards!|Guards Guards]]''. Dragons kill because they're ''supposed'' to, humans kill for a variety of flimsy reasons, or sometimes just for the hell of it.
{{quote|''We never tortured and killed each other and called it '''morality'''.''}}
** In ''[[Discworld/Pyramids|Pyramids]]'', the [[Murder, Inc.|Assassin's Guild]] says that killing for money is the only sincere reason to kill, unlike killing "for honor" or "for love". Since they value life, they only kill for a lot of money. They also only kill people capable of defending themselves (skilled fighters or those rich enough to hire their own assassins) and have a list of rules of how a person can be killed, such as not killing bystanders.<ref>although, as Teatime learnt, that one's more of a guideline</ref>
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