Humongous Entertainment: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Wiki_Welcome_7877.png|frame|[[Drum Roll, Please|*drum roll crash*]] [[Signature Sound Effect|Ayahooyahooyahoohoohoo!]] ]]
[[Humongous Entertainment]] (now [[Humongous Inc]]) was a company for children's computer games, which is now owned by [[Atari]]. Their five biggest franchises were ''[[Putt Putt (Video Game)|Putt-Putt]]'', ''[[Freddi Fish]]'', ''[[Pajama Sam (Video Game)|Pajama Sam]]'', ''[[SPY Fox (Video Game)|SPY Fox]]'', and ''[[Backyard Sports (Video Game)|Backyard Sports]]'', although they had plenty of other small franchises such as ''[[Fatty Bear (Video Game)|Fatty Bear]]'', ''[[Buzzy the Knowledge Bug (Video Game)|Buzzy the Knowledge Bug]]'', and ''[[Big Thinkers (Video Game)|Big Thinkers!]]'' Humongous was founded by Ron Gilbert of [[Lucas Arts]] fame and Shelley Day, beginning with ''[[Putt Putt (Video Game)|Putt-Putt]] Joins the Parade''. They became one of the most successful companies for children’s games, especially when their big hit, the ''[[Backyard Sports (Video Game)|Backyard Sports]]'', came out, and actually became [[Cash Cow Franchise|the only reason Humongous made a profit]]. They also made ''[[Moon Base Commander (Video Game)|MoonBase Commander]]'' and many ''[[Blues Clues]]''' [[Licensed Game|Licensed Games]], and their sub-division [[Cavedog Entertainment]] made a few non-children's computer games including ''[[Total Annihilation]]'' and its follow-up ''[[Total Annihilation Kingdoms]]''.
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* [[Pop Up Video Games]]
* [[Same Language Dub]]: Several of the games were released in the UK with tweaked scripts and re-recorded dialogue using British voice actors.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Hoo boy. Humongous did a LOT of self [[Product Placement]]. They would advertise another one of their games wherever they could, such as on bill boards and click points.
** One of the billboards on ''[[Putt Putt (Video Game)|Putt-Putt]] Saves the Zoo'' says "Shameless Humongous Entertainment self-promotion to be placed HERE."
* [[Spiritual Successor]]: Hulabee Entertainment.