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''W. C. Sellar & R. J. Yeatman: "1066 and All That"'' }}
'''The Hundred Years War''' (in French, ''La Guerre de Cent Ans'') was a 116-year period of conflict (of which 79 were active periods of war) between [[The House of Plantagenet]] who ruled England, Ireland, Wales and much of French territory, and France's [[Useful Notes/L 'Etat, CestC'est Moi|House of Valois]], who owned what was the remainder of the lands. Traditionally set between 1337 and 1453, although the peace was really acknowledged with the Treaty of Picquigny (1475).
The conflict was a large-scale [[Succession Crisis]], which came about after the death of the last French Capetian king, Charles IV the Fair. Contrary to common belief, Edward III and his successors ''didn't'' want to rule France; they were willing to set aside their claims at any time if the French kings acknowledged their overlordship in Aquitaine (their main source of salt and Bordeaux wine).
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** Also Patay (1429), where for once the French knights caught the archers with their pants down and all senior English commanders but one were captured (including the aforementioned John Talbot), and Formigny (1450; the English lost 3774 dead, the French a handful).
* [[Darkest Hour]]: In two parts, for France: crippling defeat at Agincourt (1415), leading to treaty of Troyes (1420). One can argue it became to get better for French when Henry V died ''before'' Charles VI the Mad.
* [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]]: Only it was 116 years long war.
* [[Faux Action Girl]] / [[Technical Pacifist]]: Jeanne d'Arc claimed at her trial that she never actually killed anybody. She had stated at some point that she "''loved [her] banner one hundred times more than her sword''" and held her banner in both hands so as to not actually fight.
* [[Fisher King]]: Played with. French king Charles VI became insane and it affected badly his country, leading to a [[Civil War]].
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* The 1948 ''Joan of Arc'' movie, starring Ingrid Bergman.
* The 1999 movie ''Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc'', directed by Luc Besson. Notable for being [[Darker and Edgier]] and leaning on [[Deconstruction]] at times. [[Love It or Hate It|A fairly polarizing movie.]]
* The 1944 and 1989 film adaptations of Shakespeare's ''[[Henry V (Theatre)|Henry V]]''.
== [[Literature]] ==
* ''La Pucelle'' ("The Maid") by [[Francois Marie ArouetVoltaire (Creator)|Voltaire]]: A burlesque on Joan of Arc.
* ''Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc, by the Sieur Louis de Conte'' by [[Mark Twain (Creator)|Mark Twain]]: In which the French are the good guys, but just barely. Twain's favorite of his own works.
== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
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== [[Theatre]] ==
* ''[[Henry V (Theatre)|Henry V]]'' and ''[[Henry VI (Theatre)|Henry VI]]'' by [[William Shakespeare (Creator)|William Shakespeare]]: In which the English are the good guys.
** Debatable. The French aren't portrayed as overly evil. The plays are a deliberate mixture of [[War Is Glorious]] and [[War Is Hell]]. What else could you expect from someone as [[Genre Savvy]] as Shakespeare ?
* ''Die Jungfrau von Orleans'' ("The Maid of Orleans") by [[Dichter and Denker|Friedrich Schiller]]: In which the French are the good guys.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* Some of the English missions in ''[[Empire Earth]]''.
* The Joan of Arc campaign and the Battle of Agincourt single mission in ''[[Age of Empires II (Video Game)|Age of Empires II]]''.
* Various games dealing specifically with the story of Joan of Arc.
* Mods for ''Medieval II [[Total War]]'' and ''[[Mount and Blade (Video Game)|Mount and Blade]]''.
* ''Bladestorm:[[The Hundred Years War]]'' has the PC as a mercenary involved in the war fighting for both sides.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* An episode of ''[[The Simpsons (Animationanimation)|The Simpsons]]'' had Lisa as Joan of Arc. The Hundred Years' War was originally called "Operation Speedy Resolution."