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* Max Beerbohm's ''The Happy Hypocrite'' And why is he happy? Because he [[Becoming the Mask|became the mask]]. Literally.
* Henry Crawford of ''[[Mansfield Park]]'' claims to be a [[Ladykiller in Love]] with the heroine, yet has no problem running off with her cousin after proposing to her and considering them engaged; fancies himself a [[Prince Charming]] who wants to make Fanny Price happy, yet deliberately averts [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]] because, truthfully, [[It's All About Me]]. In contex, even ''he'' has no idea how contradictory his statements and actions are.
* In ''[[The Diamond Age]]'' hypocrisy is examined by several characters, notably Finkle-McGraw and Napier.
{{quote|"We take a somewhat different view of hypocrisy,” Finkle-McGraw continued. “In the late-twentieth-century Weltanschauung, a hypocrite was someone who espoused high moral views as part of a planned campaign of deception-he never held these beliefs sincerely and routinely violated them in privacy. Of course, most hypocrites are not like that. Most of the time it’s a spirit-is-willing, flesh-is-weak sort of thing.”
“That we occasionally violate our own stated moral code,” Major Napier said, working it through, “does not imply that we are insincere in espousing that code.” }}
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* In ''[[Community]]'' episode [[Community/Recap/S1 E18 Basic Genealogy|Basic Genealogy]] Amber points out that Pierce is a hypocrite for saying who she can and can't have a relationship while having left Amber's mother for another women himself.
* Dan Humphrey and Vanessa Abrams on ''[[Gossip Girl]]''. They spend half their time judging the UES kids for the things they do and the other half of their time doing the exact same things as the UES kids. In season four Dan even told his sister Jenny she would be better off leaving Manhattan because she sunk to Chuck and Blair's level by scheming against them, and in the very next episode Dan himself schemed against Chuck and Blair.
* While it isn't done on purpose, Kurt from [[Glee]] is a huge hypocrite. During the first season, he comes out of the closet and starts to get used to living as an out gay man, and he begins to assert that he was born gay, and that he can't change who he is for someone else...but at the same time, he tries to seduce Finn, who happens to be decidedly straight. Despite his own opinion that he is who he is and that that can't change, he constantly tries to get close to Finn and keeps telling Finn that girls are all catty and troublesome, and that he should go out with boys instead - in other words, he tries to turn Finn gay. The second season has Kurt act like a hypocrite as well - Despite Kurt's talks about how important LGBT rights are and gay visibility, the second that Blaine confesses that [[Bi the Way|he might be bisexual,]] Kurt has a huge rant about how [[No Bisexuals|bisexuals don't exist,]] and how they're all [[Unfortunate Implications|"gays who are too afraid to come out completely".]]
** Blaine makes a big deal of having a sexy performances for Regionals (to the point of forcing Kurt to make sexy faces in the mirror) in Season 2's episode "Sexy", yet in "Hold onto Sixteen" he slut shames Sam for suggesting that they do the same thing
* Pretty much everybody on ''[[Smallville]]'' from [[The Hero|Clark]] and [[Love Interest|Lana]] to [[Big Bad|Lionel Luthor]]. The worst example, however, has to be Lex, who constantly bitches about Clark keeping his secret from him, while simultaneously keeping an army of skeletons (all of them far, far darker than Clark's) in his own closet.
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* ''[[Ace Attorney]]'' - Franziska von Karma constantly refers to people by their full names. When she is called by her first name, she says that calling people by their full names is rude. Like father, like daughter, at least in regards to hypocrisy. {{spoiler|Case four of ''Investigations''}} has a great example of this:
{{quote|'''Manfred''': There shall be no yelling in this sacred hall of law! [Coupled with a loud cane slam and the sound effects denoting yelling.]}}
* ''[[Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice]]'' has {{spoiler|Super Hero Aurum is a gigantic hypocrite. He kills a nice guy, imposes as a loyal butler, and messes up the next two hundred years of Mao's life to raise him as a cruel and wicked overlord, and all so he (Aurum, that is) could have a truly evil villain to fight. He even abuses his number one fan with a death curse while the poor lad remains painfully oblivious to the fact his mentor betrayed him up until the last moment. By the time Mao turns things around ([[Multiple Endings|if he does turn things around]]), the entirety of his party is more than ready to tear him a new one for committing hypocritically evil acts on such a grand scale.}}
* The Ascalonians of ''[[Guild Wars]]'', and particularly Gwen, decry the Charr for destroying their country and killing most of them. Unfortunately, they then go on to try to commit genocide against the Charr. Since the RPG elements of Guild Wars Nightfall are gone by EotN, the player has no real choice but to go along with it.
* ''[[Bioshock]]'' series.
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* Isamu in [[Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne]] intends to create Musubi, a world of complete isolation in which all beings are self-reliant and allowed to pursue their own goals without any interaction with each other. He has to rely heavily on the Demi-fiend in order to bring about this vision.
* ''[[Pokémon Black and White]]'' has Ghetsis, who {{spoiler|claims N is a freak without a human heart, when it was Ghetsis who was manipulating N the whole time. N is his ''son''. Cheren and Alder do note this, though. N was only trying to do what he felt was right, but Ghetsis is a self-serving monster.}}
** We also have Team Plasma in general who fight for the freedom of Pokemon while at the same time abuse the Pokemon they catch when nobody's looking.
* Sylvanas Windrunner in ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' makes a big deal over how she and her followers the Forsaken were raised as undead against their will and forced to serve the Lich King. The ''moment'' she gains access to the power to create new Forsaken, she sets about a campaign of murdering every human in the Eastern Kingdoms to raise as new Forsaken who are forced to serve her.
* [[Red Dead Redemption|Federal Agent Edgar Ross]] constantly derides John Marston about how Marston was (and, as Ross sees it, still is) a criminal, never letting up on how morally superior he is because Marston kills people. Although, Ross never seems to make the connection that Marston is only killing people now because Ross has taken his wife and son hostage and is forcing him to hunt down the members of his old gang. And whats more, it was Ross' job to bring in those men, so he's basically having Marston do ''his'' job for him. {{spoiler|And then, when Marston has fulfilled his end of the bargain and goes back to living peacefully on his ranch with his family, [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog|Ross sends the army to kill them anyway]].}}
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** Made even more blatant, when he claims that even if the iPhone counts, "[[You Keep Using That Word|At least I'm not a hypocrite.]]" The Critic is so irritated that he has to hand the conversation over to [[Jew Wario]].
* In a slightly less... kill-happy example, [[The Nostalgia Chick]]. While calling guys out for putting their dicks in their creations, she's leaning on her own [[Sex Bot]].
* [[The Nostalgia Critic]] isn't exactly innocent either. He refuses to accept Ma-Ti's death, but he was ready to die ''twice'' in ''[[Suburban Knights]]'' at the sword of the incompetent Jaffers.
== Western Animation ==
* Brian in ''[[Family Guy]]'' has a nasty tendency to be a huge hypocrite. He claims he likes women for their personalities but we only ever see him dating bimbos, and even then only in short-term relationships. He has plenty of liberal opinions but we never see him DO anything about them. He has no obvious job and just leeches off the Griffin family. He drinks and smokes quite heavily. In "Dial Meg For Murder" he voices his opinion that the prison system has turned the innocent Meg into a hardened criminal but it's obvious that nobody, including him, went to visit her during the three months she was in prison. Quagmire eventually [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|calls him out]] on how he really can be a prick. Glenn points out he himself has plenty of problems, but at least he ''admits'' them.
** The fact that Quagmire gave that speech at all is completly hypocritical since he is guilty of almost every crime he accuses Brian of and more. Brian dating Bimbos and saying he loves a womans mind is pretty minor when Quagmire has commited 'every' sexual offence there is.
** He did once hold the Mayor hostage over the issue of same sex marriage.
* ''[[The Legend of Korra]]'' has [[Big Bad|Amon]], who despite being the leader of a powerful [[Muggle Power|anti-bending]] movement called the Equalists, {{spoiler|can take a person's bending away. But to do that, he appears to use "energybending", which is the oldest form of bending.}}
* ''[[Adventure Time]]'' is chock full of this, played for comedy.
{{quote|'''Lemongrab''': STOP SCREAMING!!! WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?!?!}}
* ''[[Justice League (animation)|Justice League Unlimited]]'' has General Wade Eiling, who goes after the Justice League because he believes metahumans are dangerous and can't be trusted. He ends up becoming a metahuman himself, and goes after a group of heroes who have no powers. when a nearby civilian points out that's the only one at the site of the battle with powers, he concedes the kid's point, and leaves, and is not seen again.