• Growing the Beard: The first series or so contained sketches which were more situational and character-based. Arguably, the show became much funnier when the pace became faster and the sketches became an excuse for a series of rapid-fire puns and jokes.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The series made a Running Gag out of characters being given OBEs due to the popular perception at the time that they were being given out too freely. Since then, Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden, and Bill Oddie have all received OBEs, while David Hatch received first a CBE and then a knighthood[1], and John Cleese was offered a CBE but turned it down.
  • Once-Acceptable Targets: The many, many gay jokes, as well as less frequent jokes about blacks and/or Indians most probably could not be done today.
  1. albeit for his work for the Parole Board rather than for his work in broadcasting