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* Linnea Sinclair uses this in ''An Accidental Goddess''. The time traveling protagonist claims to be visiting from another spaceport, which in her day didn't have a lot of traffic. Unfortunately, the woman sitting next to her at the bar is from there, and is suspicious when the protagonist doesn't recognize the name of a local bigshot. Fortunately, the protagonist is also telepathic, and can pull the relevant details out of the woman's mind.
* In ''[[Catch Me If You Can]]'', con artist Frank Abagnale pretends to be a lawyer who studied at Harvard, which works fine until he meets someone else who actually ''did'' study there. The guy asks him a load of awkward questions, gets suspicious, and Frank soon has to cut his losses and disappear. Which makes this [[Truth in Television]].
* Donald Westlake's unlucky criminal John Dortmunder once, under pressure, claimed his name was "John Diddums," and then started to use it as a regular alias. Whenever people asked about the name that sounds like babytalk, he'd tell them, "It's Welsh," and they'd be embarrassed for questioning it, which made them a bit less likely to question anything else he said. And then he ran into a British gentleman who remarked, "I know a [[Accidental Truth|Diddums family near Caernarvon]]. Might you be a relative?"
* Used and played with in [[Josepha Sherman]]'s ''The Shattered Oath''. A prince of the Sidhe has been exiled into ~9th century AD Ireland, claiming to be an exiled prince from Cathay (China). Naturally a trader who's been in Cathay comes calling. Played with because, even then, China was a huge country. Ardagh, the prince, cannot answer the trader's questions...but the trader, who does know how big Cathay is (generally at least), also has to admit to not knowing how to answer Ardagh's questions, nor having heard of his family or even dialect (actually the Sidhe tongue).
* In the first [[Confessions of Georgia Nicolson|Georgia Nicolson book]], Georgia walks up to a cute guy on the street, pretending to have a limp, and starts speaking to him in fake French ([[It Makes Sense in Context]]... or, well, as much sense as [[Cloudcuckoolander|Georgia]] ever makes). The guy, in an attempt to help her, leads her to a restaurant nearby whose waitresses speak French.