Idiot Plot: Difference between revisions

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** The prequels were intentionally over the top, but at least things made sense in the bizarre world where police reality shows involve chainsaws and gang conflicts are solved with radioactive waste. The third game does away with realism altogether and relies on every NPC being an idiot.
** {{spoiler|At one point the military get involved.}} They occupy the city, erecting roadblocks and conducting a large scale search of the city to find you. Where are you? Maybe at the wheel of the luxury car that is blatantly painted in Saints gang colours. Or maybe in one of the obvious strongholds with the obvious fleur de lis logo on them. The only anonymous stronghold {{spoiler|is the one that actually gets attacked}}.
*** Errr, the game specifically points out that STAG is leaving the Saints for last precisely because they're the toughest gang in town by that point, and so they're going to clear out all the other gangs before concentrating on you.
* The plot of ''[[Magna Carta 2]]'' is driven by the fact that everyone believes [[Villains Never Lie|everything that the villains say without question]], even after it becomes [[Devil in Plain Sight|bloody obvious how evil they are]].
* ''[[Heavy Rain]]'' has a whole lot of it, broken down by character plot:
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** Norman Jayden: He (in some variants) helps Ethan escape police custody after clearly implicating himself in it, but nobody so much as questions him. He is also (potentially) killed when confronting an enormous violent felon alone in his junkyard, after discovering that he had murdered another cop that the police didn't even know about.
** Scott Shelby: His entire plotline involves going to the Origami Killer's previous victims' parents and collecting evidence that either the police never asked for, or the parents inexplicably didn't reveal. Later, he attacks a wealthy man's home, murders all his security guards (and potentially the man himself) and saunters away on foot without ever being questioned. And there is so much more.
== Web Comics ==
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