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[[Immortality]] is a sweet gig. Whether it's because the character can download into a new body as part of a [[Hive Mind]], has a [[Healing Factor]] strong enough to reconstruct [[From a Single Cell]], or possesses some even stranger way of staying among the living. The downside is everyone else now considers you fair game for target practice.
It's common sense. There's nothing wrong with using non-lethal force to stop someone. So what if it just so happens that, with this person, non-lethal force happens to include bullets? It's not that [[Thou Shalt Not Kill|the code against killing]] doesn't apply. They're just not killing anyone. Which means heroes who normally have to fight with [[Swords Set to Stun]] to avoid [[Could Have Been Messy|things getting messy]], or otherwise take pains to [[Never Bring a Knife To A Fist Fight]] can now [[I Am Not Left -Handed|cut loose]] against the immortal enemy.
This can be implicit or acknowledged in the story. The characters might never come out and say that they feel no remorse for blowing off a regenerator's head or throwing a grenade into a room full of robo-clones, or they may well explain it at length as a form of dehumanizing their enemy or as [[Trash Talk]] in a fight.
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** Mokou actually endorses this on herself as a way to toughen up her body against attacks, in Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the earth. Amusingly, this is with Reisen, probably the only person in the series who wouldn't be looking for an excuse to get in a fight.
* As they're more or less human souls encased in cheap penguin suits, Prinnies of the ''[[Disgaea]]'' universe are infinitely revivable (slap on another suit and they're good as new), and thus infinitely ''expendable''. Invoking this trope quite literally, it only costs 1 HL to revive a Prinny at any level, so their bosses will kill them for just about any reason.
* ''[[Tales of Monkey Island]]'': {{spoiler|1=Near the end of Chapter 5, LeChuck gives zombie Guybrush [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|a terrible beating and maiming]] that [[Normally I Would Be Dead Now|would have killed an ordinary human being]], often [[Evil Gloating|gloating about many ways to kill our hero]] and [[Trash Talk|trash-talking him]], yet unaware that Guybrush can't die, thanks to the effects of the Spirit Gum inside him. And while Guybrush is continuously beaten, he feels so exhausted and in so much pain that he can't even ''quip'', indicating that [[Immortality Hurts|immortality]] ''[[Immortality Hurts|does]]'' [[Immortality Hurts|indeed hurt]]. He eventually finds a way to get back to the rip in the Crossroads and destroy LeChuck with help from Elaine and Morgan in the end, just to end our hero's [[Fate Worse Than Death|continual suffering]].}}
* [[Fate Stay Night|Fate Route Shirou]], not that he realises it. Thank god for {{spoiler|[[Healing Factor|Avalon]]}}.
* There is also Raziel from the ''[[Legacy of Kain]]'' series. Managed to get yourself killed? No worries, you just get sent to the spectral realm where sucking on souls floating there gets you back to the land of the living. Managed to somehow get yourself killed in the spectral realm? No problem, you just get sent to an earlier check point in the spectral realm where there are lots of free floating souls to eat. There is no way to get a game over because you died.
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[[Category:This Index Will Live Forever]]
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