Immortal Life Is Cheap: Difference between revisions

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If a character is immortal -- evenimmortal—even if it's the "immortal but can die temporarily" type -- thentype—then their opponents don't need to hold anything back. Not even if those opponents are good guys.
[[Immortality]] is a sweet gig. Whether it's because the character can download into a new body as part of a [[Hive Mind]], has a [[Healing Factor]] strong enough to reconstruct [[From a Single Cell]], or possesses some even stranger way of staying among the living. The downside is everyone else now considers you fair game for target practice.
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* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'': In the first season, Darla at one point shot Angel. She told Buffy, "Don't worry, guns can't kill vampires. Hurts like hell, though."
* ''[[Angel]]'': Played increasingly for comedy, to the point where Angel will walk around with a sword through his chest, looking only slightly miffed.
* In ''[[Smallville]]'', the [[Lesbian Vampire|Lesbian Vampires]]s have fun throwing each other off the balcony. Since this is done to [[Creator's Pet|Lana]], the scene might be [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|favored]] [[Take That Scrappy|more]] [[Karma Houdini|than]] [[The Woobie|it was intended]].
* ''[[Red Dwarf]]'': The crew discovers that all (except one) of them are destined to survive the accident they are stuck in. Kryten proves this by shooting his gun at each of them. It jams each time. The Cat joins in by hitting Lister over the head with an iron bar, since he can't die. Lister is not amused and points out that he can still feel pain.
* The writers of ''[[Misfits]]'' seem to gain some kind of sadistic pleasure out of killing the immortal character {{spoiler|Nathan Young}} week after week in ways so gory and painful that it [[Crosses the Line Twice|quickly becomes hilarious]]. The fact that he's a total [[Jerkass]] might have something to do with it.
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== Mythology ==
* Baldur, the Norse god of beauty, had a prophetic dream of his own death. His mother, the goddess Frigg, responded by making everything on Earth vow never to harm Baldur--effectivelyBaldur—effectively making him [[Nigh Invulnerability|Nigh Invulnerable]]. The other gods react to this, in jolly Norse God fashion, by making a game of hurling things at him, all of which harmlessly bounce off. (Unfortunately for Baldur, his mother neglected to bother with getting the lowly mistletoe to take the promise, so Loki, the [[Jerkass]] [[Trickster Archetype|Trickster]], made an arrow out of mistletoe and tricked Baldur's blind twin brother Hod into shooting Baldur with it, killing him dead.)<br /><br />Another (completely different, by the way) version of the myth simply has Baldr as the rival of Hod (who is mortal) and already pretty much resistant to anything but a certain sword, whose name is Mistletoe.
Another (completely different, by the way) version of the myth simply has Baldr as the rival of Hod (who is mortal) and already pretty much resistant to anything but a certain sword, whose name is Mistletoe.
== Tabletop Games ==
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* Subverted in ''Sorcery 101''; Danny casually shoots Brad in the heart to demonstrate how [[Our Werewolves Are Different|Werewolves]] can't be killed by normal bullets. Turns out that you can cure a werewolf, but it reverts all the injuries they've suffered. So now Brad can never become human without getting an instantly fatal gaping chest wound. D'oh!
** To be fair to Danny, Brad already had all sorts of injuries that he couldn't survive that weren't Danny's fault... {{spoiler|except for the first one}}
* In one ''Muertitos'' arc showing Death's brief career as a cartoon hero, Death fights a number of villains, including Multiple Chin, a chinese acrobat with multiplying powers -- whopowers—who is actually a hero who's been brainwashed to work for the bad guys. Death slaughters Chins with wild abandon even over the protests of his sidekick, claiming that she's fine as long as there's at least one left. Then he realizes he's killed them all without thinking. The Commissioner even makes a brief mention of this at the end.
== Western Animation ==
