Immortal Procreation Clause: Difference between revisions

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* The Elves of Katherine Kerr's [[Deverry]] series usually live around 500 years, looking young until the last year or two of this, but have very few children during this time.
* In [[The Witcher]] cycle the Elves breed much slower than humans, because their women ovulate once in a couple of years (or even tens of years). Not to mention that after a hundred or so years, the sex gets boring. It's also mentioned they're only fertile at young age, but as later in the books a girl is bred with an elf over 500, it's probably only the women.
* In Mikhail Akhmanov's ''[[Arrivals From the Dark]]'' books, Paul Richard Corcoran, being a [[Half-Human Hybrid]], and his descendants have unnaturaly long lifespans (150-200150–200 years). However, this also means they are highly unlikely to have children until they are well in their 40s or even 50s. This could indicate a slower rate of maturity.
* Averted in [[The Dresden Files]] as well. Wizards are ''mostly'' immortal (they can be killed, but left to their own devices and otherwise unmolested, they'll go on for centuries), and they can reproduce. Molly Carpenter and {{spoiler|Maggie Dresden}} are wizard children.
* Georgie Kincaid, succubus, is unable to bear children since she became a succubus.
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** They say now that Elves do reproduce, but it's a long pregnancy, and that they need to wait 5 years to get pregnant again. But, of course, [[Your Mileage May Vary]].
** Another example is the 3.5 edition Elan, a race of psionically enhanced and modified humans who are functionally immortal. They can no longer procreate with humans due to their modifications (they are classified as [[Humanoid Abomination|aberrations]], not humanoids), and the only way to make more Elans is by modifying an existing human with a mixture of psionics and [[Super Serum|an alchemical conversion process]].
* In ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'', the same procedure that turns humans into near-immortal, superhuman [[Space Marine|Space Marines]]s also renders them sterile.
** Possibly it could just be a result of the degeneration inherent in certain chapters' methods or traditions. The Salamanders chapter is known to raise families of their own, and the Space Wolves are renowned for their, ahem, ''voracious'' appetites when it comes to the pleasures of the flesh. But most chapters do indeed not have children, whether because the process that made them Space Marines is corrupt or they are simply forbidden is left up in the air, which, given ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' canon, is completely intentional.
*** Most likely Space Marines remove their... umm, you know.
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* ''[[Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures]]'': Cubi Clans are led by a Tri-winged Succubus or Incubus, who are as close to immortal as one can get with a an ungodly long lifespan and are so powerful very few dare to challenge them. The catch is they cannot have children of their own. The character Fa'lina shows how this can be bad, being a clan leader and being the last surviving member of said clan.
** In addition to Cubi, no new members of the Fae race may be born until living members willingly and deliberately die. They can have children with just about anything, but, [ well...]
** Destania's clan leader Cyra is in a similar boat as Fa'lina. Destania is her ''last'' surviving "child" and she can't even speak with her anymore since Destania has given up dreaming -- anddreaming—and Cyra mostly communicates in dreams. {{spoiler|So she's absolutely ''thrilled'' when she gets the chance to [ speak with her "grandson" Dan]}}.
* The elves of ''[[Errant Story]]'' previously had an extremely low fertility rate, which is part of the reason why taking on [[Interspecies Romance|human]] [[Mayfly-December Romance|lovers]] was so popular among them; as Sarine put it, elves could "try for centuries to have an elven child with no success, or they could go fuck a human and have [[Half-Human Hybrid|the next best thing]]." In the wake of the Errant Wars, the elven fertility rate seems to have dropped from "low" to "zero," as the last elven child born is now some 1,500 years old.
* Parodied in ''[[Irregular Webcomic]]'''s "Fantasy" storyline, where it's pointed out that Elven longevity also means that young Elves take ''centuries'' to grow past adolescence. As a result, the Elves invented prophylactics before they discovered how to use fire.
