Immortality/Sandbox: Difference between revisions

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* Xellos from the anime/manga/novel "[[Slayers]]" only exists truly on the astral plain. His body can be repaired with a thought. Subverted somewhat by the fact that a sufficiently powerful magic spell or weapon can hurt his astral form which tends to transfer to his physical form. There is, in fact, an entire class of spells made specifically to hurt and kill astral beings.
* [[Ghostbusters|The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man]] is actually listed as a Class 7 Projected Avatar of Gozer in Tobin's Spirit Guide in the video game. Whenever it enters a new plane of existence, Gozer is given a new form and [[Shapeshifter Mode Lock|Mode Locked]] into it, but it cannot be totally destroyed, only removed from the plane.
* Cyborg, Hank Henshaw, from Superman. His real form is indestructible energy (he has survived being thrown into a black hole and the explosive death of the Anti Monitor, much to his chagrin). His can rebuild his trademark cybernetic kryptonian form ad infinitum.