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* In the [[PPC]], canon characters cannot be genuinely killed by fanfic. They can be made to think they're dead, but only their original author has the power of life and death over them. (Luckily this doesn't apply to fan-created characters, or the PPC's job would be much harder.) This has led to such unpleasantnesses as [[The Simpsons|Snowball II]] surviving being crushed by a car, [[Lord of the Rings|Thranduil]] surviving being boiled alive, disembowelled and beheaded, and [[Redwall|Redtooth]] surviving having a spear forced an impressive distance into his lower intestinal tract.
* Nagato from [[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]] is a "data entity" and she can directly manipulate the physical matter of her body. She is able, for instance, to perfect her eyesight when Kyon suggests she's prettier without her glasses.
* The heroic spirits from ''[[Fate/Staystay Night|Stay Nightnight]]'' can be killed, but their spirits will remain in existence and can be brought back in a subsequent Grail War.
* Xellos from the anime/manga/novel "[[Slayers]]" only exists truly on the astral plain. His body can be repaired with a thought. Subverted somewhat by the fact that a sufficiently powerful magic spell or weapon can hurt his astral form which tends to transfer to his physical form. There is, in fact, an entire class of spells made specifically to hurt and kill astral beings.
* Gods in ''[[Exalted]]'' work this way, though there are ways to [[Deader Than Dead|keep them from re-forming]].