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* The Maiar ([[Big Bad|Sauron]], [[The Mentor|Gandalf]], Saruman) residing in Middle-Earth in ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' can create material bodies for themselves, but when these are destroyed they can normally just make a new one, given enough time. That Saruman and Sauron can't is partly a result of the psychological degeneration that comes with a fall from grace.
* The [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|Avatar]] is like this, as each life is a reincarnation of the Avatar Spirit.
* Junior Warrant Oficcer Schrödinger from ''[[Hellsing]]''. His powers and name deriving from the [http://en.[ cat|though experiment]] designed by the physic of the same name. As he is a self observing Schrödinger's cat he's everywhere and nowhere at the same time, being his body the manifestation of his self-consciusness.
* Raziel from the [[Legacy of Kain]] series. The exact handwave used to sustain his spiritual existence varies from game to game, but in all cases, his primary existence is as a wraith. In the Soul Reaver games, to act in the material realm, he gathers matter around the focal point of a special "portal"; in Defiance, denied that route, he instead learns to occupy corpses and shape them into an image of himself. {{spoiler|The Hylden already know how to do it, and use this route to pursue him in the physical realm.}}
* Cyborg, Hank Henshaw, from Superman. His real form is indestructible energy (he has survived being thrown into a black hole and the explosive death of the Anti Monitor, much to his chagrin). His can rebuild his trademark cybernetic kryptonian form ad infinitum.
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* [[Moe Anthropomorphism|China]] from [[Axis Powers Hetalia]] is listed in the [[All There in the Manual|author's blog]] as 4000 years old and immortal. He's the only nation listed as such, and the only character to look the same age throughout, from the discovery of Japan (his earliest appearance) to modern day. He's a natural and non-parasitic immortal, but he lacks the invulnerability of a Type I, the conditional clause of the Type II, and the aging and suckiness factor of Type VI. It's considerably less noticable than immortality tends to be, due to the strips' [[Anachronic Order]] and the rest of the cast being [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]].
** This also extends, to a degree, to the other Nations. In addition to being [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]], it's implied that they're regenerative to a point.
* [[Real Life]] example: ''[http://en.[ nutricula|Turritopsis nutricula]]'' is a species of jellyfish that can revert back to its polyp stage once it becomes sexually mature - it can continually reverse its life cycle, making it technically immortal. In a way similar to [[Merlin Sickness]]
* Another [[Real Life]] example: some American Aspen (''Populus tremuloides'') tree stands (groves) are type II immortal. Aspen forms stands of genetically identical trunks with interconnected roots; some trunks die of old age but the stand itself is type II immortal.
** Olive is the same.
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*** [ God]. {{spoiler|He couldn't even detect 682's presence, and when informed later that it was SCP-682 they'd tried to get him to destroy, he replied "He's not one of mine. Deal with him yourself."}}
* You can find at least one of the various immortals of the ''[[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]'' in each of the categories. Among others, these include: The Golden Avenger, a [[Flying Brick]] who originally fought crime in the 1940s and stopped aging when he gained his powers, has Perfect Immortality. Master Mist, the immortal sorcerer who now rules Liberia as a benevolent dictator, is Undying. Splatterman is [[Healing Factor|Regenerative]]. Mister Easter is [[Back From the Dead|Resurrective]]. The Black Lion is an [[The Undead|Undead knight]]. Abyss is an example of [[Blessed With Suck|Immortality Only]]. The Emperor is an External immortal. Major Liberty is the [[Immortality Through Legacy|tenth hero of that name]], but the general public thinks he's been the same person all along. The Bodysnatcher has Parasitic immortality, being able to switch from body to body whenever she needs a new one. Vivian von Klause is a Projected Avatar; she grows old and dies (or can be killed) like normal, but is reborn shortly thereafter. Category Zero is the exception; no characters in the GGU fit into Category Zero.
* On ''[[Jimmy Two-Shoes]]'', the Heinous family seems to have some form of immortality, being stand ins for [[Satan]], though it's never clear which. Every member has given themselves a [[Klingon Promotion]] by [[Human Popsicle|freezing the previous one]], rather than [[Self -Made Orphan|killing them outright]], suggesting they are Type II. Adding to this is that Lucius VII seems afraid of dying in some episodes. Lucius looks to by in his early twenties despite [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|being at least four hundred years old]], yet his father looks to be an old man, even in [[Flash Back|flashbacks]]. Since the show takes place in what amounts to [[Hell]], it might be Type V.
** Interestingly, [[Word of God|Edward Kay]] has suggested this for Heloise as well.
* Vampires in ''[[Castlevania]]'', especially Dracula, have a mixture of Type III and Type X. They can drink the blood of mortals to regain strength and youth, but vampires also seems to have the common trait of being able to automatically resurrect. For Dracula himself, it generally takes 100 years or so, but he also is often resurrected by outside forces loyal to him. This is basically why the Belmonts and the other good guys have to kill him over and over again... Well, until 1999, when the good guys finally had the opportunity to kill him off for good, and thanks to Julius Belmont, they succeeded. However, Dracula [[Castlevania Sorrow|still managed to reincarnate, thankfully, as a good guy, this time.]]