In Bruges: Difference between revisions

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* [[Career Killers]]: Ken, Ray, Harry.
* [[Chekhov's Armoury]] - {{spoiler|Between Harry's honor code against killing children, his purchase of "dum-dums" and the prevalence of the midget, there's quite a lot of [[Foreshadowing]] of the ending.}}
{{quote| '''Harry''': {{spoiler|If I had killed a little kid, accidentally or otherwise, I wouldn't have thought twice. I'd have killed myself on the spot. I'd have put the gun in my mouth and killed myself, on the fucking spot.}}}}
** Also, {{spoiler|Ray constantly commenting on how many midgets end up shooting themselves in the head}}
** And that's forgetting {{spoiler|the tower custodian refusing to take Ken's just-short spare change.}}
** The {{spoiler|Canadian}} that Ray hits, the fat Americans that go to the top of the tower and the gun Ray steals from Chloe/Erik.
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]] - Ray, sometimes Ken, and [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshadingly-so]] with Harry Waters.
{{quote| "Geez, he swears a lot, don't he?"}}
** The DVD contains all the profanity in the movie [ edited into a single montage]. Despite very rapid editing, it runs over a minute and a half.
** [ You're an inanimate ******* object] [[Stupid Statement Dance Mix]]
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* [[First Law of Tragicomedies]]: Not as adhered to as most: even in the tensest situations, there's comedic exchanges like {{spoiler|Ray and Harry concocting a plan to continue their shootout outside}}.
* [[Genre Savvy]]
{{quote| '''Harry''': "Don't be stupid. This is the [[Lampshade Hanging|shoot-out]]."}}
* [[Go Through Me]]
* [[Grievous Bottley Harm]]: "In my book, though, [[Foreshadowing|someone comes at you with a bottle]], I'm sorry, that is a deadly weapon, he's gotta take the consequences."
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** The Canadian Ray hits is Zeljko Ivanek, who played the governor on ''[[Oz]]'', the Magister on ''[[True Blood]]'' and Prosecutor Ed Danvers in ''[[Homicide: Life On the Street]]''. As well as [[Heroes (TV series)|Danko]], and the shooter from "Last Resort" on ''[[House (TV series)|House]]''.
* [[Hookers and Blow]]
{{quote| "I'vegotfourgramsonmeandonegraminmewhichiswhymeheart'sgoingliketheclappers ..."}}
* [[Infant Immortality]]: The impetus of the plot.
* [[Interrupted Suicide]]: Interrupted ''by'' someone trying to kill the guy who is trying to kill himself. Awkward.
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* [[Revolvers Are Just Better]]: Averted. Ray laments that his revolver is "a bloody girl's gun" when Ken shows him his own automatic.
* [[Sarcastic Confession]]: Ray confessing to [[My Greatest Failure]] on a first date, and Chloe admitting to her profession in response, both laughing it off as a big joke;
{{quote| '''Chloe:''' So what do you do?<br />
'''Ray:''' I... shoot people for money.<br />
'''Chloe:''' ''[smiling]'' What kinds of people?<br />
'''Ray:''' Priests, children... you know, the usual.<br />
'''Chloë:''' Is there a lot of money to be made in that business?<br />
'''Ray:''' There is for priests. There isn't for children. So what is it you do, Chloë?<br />
'''Chloë:''' I sell cocaine and heroin to Belgian film crews. }}
* [[Say My Name Trailer]]: "Bruges." "Bruges." "Bruges." "Bruges." "Where is that?" "It's in Belgium."
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* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: The Conversation between Harry and Eirik at Yuri's house
* [[Title Drop]]: Sort of.
{{quote| '''Ray''': Maybe that's what hell is, the entire rest of eternity spent in fucking Bruges.}}
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: In Harry's opinion, Eirik, the man who tried to mug Ray with a gun full of blanks.
{{quote| '''Eirik:''' I was trying to rob him. And he took my gun from me. And the gun was full of blanks. And he shot a blank into my eye. And now I cannot see from this eye ever again, the doctors say.<br />
'''Harry:''' Well to be honest, it sounds like it's all your fault.<br />
'''Eirik:''' What?<br />
'''Harry:''' I mean basically if you're robbing a man and you're only carrying blanks and you allow your gun to be taken off you and you allow yourself to be shot in the eye with a blank, which I assume that the person has to get quite close to you to do, then yeah. Really it's all your fault for being such a poof, so why don't you stop whinging and cheer the fuck up. }}
* [[Wouldn't Hit a Girl]]: Harry won't push past the pregnant hotel owner to get up the stairs at Ray. This might be due to his [[Wouldn't Hurt a Child]] rule, though. Averted when Ray hits the Canadian woman, though he's put on the defensive about it later and insists that it was self defense.