• The re-legalization of Supers
    Frozone saving the train passengers when the track was collapsing.
  • Elastigirl, Violet and Dash saving people from being injured or killed in the chaos.
  • The Underminer and Mr. Incredible both show off their strength when they fight each other.
  • The entire scene of Elastigirl stopping the maglev train from going off the end of the built track.
  • Jack-Jack using his superhero instincts to fight the raccoon. Not to mention how much of a fight the raccoon put up.
  • Elastigirl controlling the helicopter and saving the Ambassador.
  • Edna, in one night, studied all of Jack-Jack's powers, and made a super suit that accounts for every single one, including a tablet that helps control them.
  • The Screenslaver (through Evelyn) gave Elastigirl a surprisingly tough fight in the apartment.
  • Evelyn's impressive ability to hack into any computer using her Screenslaver alias.
  • The kids taking the initiative when they were the only Supers left not hypnotized. They got to the Everjust, made their way through the superyacht and found their parents and Frozone.
  • Props to both Violet and Voyd during their fight, both using their powers in several creative ways.
  • Jack-Jack was very helpful on the ship, preventing his siblings from getting crushed by expanding, as well as starting the chain of events that led to Evelyn's demise by telekinetically removing his mother's hypno-goggles.
  • Winston refusing to be a coward and escape with his sister. He went back into the conference room and smashed the screen that was keeping the guests under hypnosis with a chair, then telling them to get to the back of the ship.
  • Voyd getting Elastigirl into Evelyn's jet (after a few tries) and then Elastigirl using a flare gun to shoot Evelyn's oxygen tank while suffering from hypoxia. She grabs Evelyn midair, and with Voyd's help lands safely on the ship.
  • Frozone's role in saving the day is not to be underestimated, helping steer the Everjust with ice and then making a cushion out of snow that prevents the ship from hitting a building, and allowing everyone onboard a safe enough surface to fall against once the boat rocks down.
  • Mr. Incredible physically turning the rudder while underwater so that is steers away from the city.
  • Of course, Supers being re-legalized, the reward for everyone's efforts.
  • Violet going up to Tony to set up a movie date again, after all that's happened between them.
  • The Parrs now have a family car that turns into a new version of the Incredibile for crime-fighting.

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