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This game provides examples of:
* [[Action Girl]] - The player, if one chooses a woman. Or if they select [[Blood RayneBloodRayne|Rayne]].
* [[All There in the Manual]] - Gives some background as to ''why'' you need to shoot up zombies with your blood - they're invulnerable. They've tried tanks, flamethrowers, rocket launchers, and they keep on regenerating... not to mention the only other thing that can stop them is a ''nuclear weapon.''
* ~Bellisario's Maxim~ - Invoked by the manual, when explaining their rescue missions: "The civilians go into your... uh, 'backpack' (don't think about that too closely)..."
* [[The Cameo]] - Slipknot and Chimera (the bands) are playable. So's [[Blood RayneBloodRayne|Rayne]].
* [[Dead Baby Comedy]] - The Commissioner accidentally shooting a retarded kid and his psychotic breakdown, flashing back to when he was locked in a shit-stained cell by an angry grocer who caught him stealing.
* [[The Ditz]] - The Commissioner, who accidentally shoots a retarded kid and manhandles chemicals almost constantly. Even the Director of the NYBT says the Commissioner's ''son'' is smarter than him.