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[[File:BiggoronComparison6_1214.jpg|link=The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Video Game)|frame|[[Chain of Deals|The bigger the quest]], [[BFS|the harder it hits]].]]
The Infinity-1 sword is the most powerful [[BFG]] or [[BFS]] in the game... almost.
It's not the [[Infinity+1 Sword]]. [[Statistically Speaking]], it's not as good. It's not necessarily the [[Sword of Plot Advancement]] either (although it could be). And yet, you find people using it for most of the game, despite not being the actual "best" weapon available. Perhaps the [[Infinity+1 Sword]] is [[Guide Dang It|too hard to get]], and the [[Sword of Plot Advancement]] [[Eleventh -Hour Superpower|doesn't show up until five minutes before the]] [[Final Boss]] fight. Often, however, the Infinity Minus One is available at any shop for the whole party to use, whereas there is only one of the [[Infinity+1 Sword]]. Or that sword is a [[Bragging Rights Reward]], while this sword is useful in ''getting'' that reward.
Compare with the [[Penultimate Weapon]]. That's the sword meant to be the best that you'll always end up replacing anyways. With this sword, you normally don't want to replace it, and if you don't do some special quest, you probably can't. This sword is in fact typically the replacement for the [[Penultimate Weapon]] (so the ultimate weapon) when the [[Infinity+1 Sword]] is difficult to reach. This sword may be [[Level-Locked Loot]], although if so, the [[Infinity+1 Sword]] will probably be much worse.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* People who use the [[New Game Plus+]] feature in ''[[Chrono Trigger (Video Game)|Chrono Trigger]]'' know to always keep a BraveSword in the inventory for Frog. The Masamune doesn't carry over and doesn't get really powerful until after an endgame sidequest, so the BraveSword becomes his most reliable weapon by default.
** Ditto for the Spectral Swallow in ''[[Chrono Cross (Video Game)|Chrono Cross]]'', for the same reasons.
** In the DS version, the Dinoblade is added, and it's better than the BraveSword, and you get it in the Lost Sanctum.
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*** Speaking of Cless and Arche, in ''[[Tales of Phantasia (Video Game)|Tales of Phantasia]]'', this is pretty much the case with the Excalibur. Sure, it's not the strongest weapon for Cless in the game, but it's one of the most balanced (And either the best or second best of the ones with equal power for both slashing and thrusting) and is light elemental. There are better weapons for either slashing, OR thrusting, but they tend to be significantly stronger in one than the other, which limits their usefulness significantly.
*** Excalibur is most definitely Cless's [[Infinity+1 Sword]]. It's got the highest combined slash/stab of any weapon in the game, is non-elemental, and is only acquired at the end of a long and difficult optional [[Bonus Dungeon]], and if you're able to get it, you certainly wouldn't have needed it to finish the game. Though it will still get a little mileage against Pluto and maybe Lilith in the PSX remake. In the remake, Gungnir's third form is probably the [[Infinity-1 Sword]] (despite being a spear) - nearly the best stats, relatively easy to get, and acquired fairly early so you'll probably use it for quite some time.
** Also featured in ''[[Tales of the Abyss (Video Game)|Tales of the Abyss]]''. The Catalyst Weapons have the potential to become the game's [[Infinity+1 Sword|Infinity Plus One Swords]], but to unlock their power you have to beat [[That One Boss|That One]] [[Bonus Boss]], who is so overpowered that the game is perfectly justified in not even letting you go into that battle without the bonuses of a [[New Game Plus+]]. Thus, if you ''have'' the [[Infinity+1 Sword|Infinity Plus One Swords]], you don't ''need'' the [[Infinity+1 Sword|Infinity Plus One Swords]]. Most people prefer the weapons won from the Coliseum, or better yet, the weapons that unlock your characters' [[Crowning Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|second-order]] [[Limit Break|Mystic Artes]].
*** To add insult to injury about the Catalyst Weapons, you can't fight [[That One Boss]] to unlock them as [[Infinity+1 Sword|Infinity Plus One Swords]] until you've completed a [[Guide Dang It|horribly irritating]] puzzle in the final dungeon and seen the cutscene right before the final boss. While the coliseum prize weapons and the ones you can forge in Din's Shop may be statistically inferior, you can get them pretty much as soon as you unlock the coliseum (depending on your mastery of the battle system or what your [[New Game Plus+]] bonuses are) or get your [[Global Airship]] working, both of which happen reasonably early in the game.
*** By exploiting [[Good Bad Bugs]], you can also get the Vorpal Sword the first time you're free to wander the world map. You're intended to not get the Vorpal Sword until late in the [[Three Act Structure|Second Act]] ([[Sidequest|if you get it at all]]), so it outclasses just about every other sword you'll get until then (but has the disadvantage of being water-elemental). If you get it (and don't feel guilty about cheating or making the game too easy), it'll be your go-to weapon for Luke or Guy for most of the game.
** [[Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World (Video Game)|Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World]] gives us one of Emil's early forge weapons, the Echo Tracer. While it's not substantially stronger than other weapons even at the time you get it, and quickly becomes beaten by even store-bought weapons in sheer power, one of its abilities is Accelerate, which reduces attack lag. The sheer speed of this weapon makes infinite combos possible, and even without them, this speed makes it far more useful than the brute force of the later weapons. The only other weapon in the game that has Accelerate is the [[Infinity+1 Sword|Nether Traitor]], so most players will be using the Echo Tracer for a long, long time.
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** The Master Sword from ''[[The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time]]'' is like this to Biggoron's Sword, which requires an extremely long [[Chain of Deals]] complete with several [[Timed Mission|Timed Missions]] to get. The Master Sword is a [[Sword of Plot Advancement]] that you obtain through the course of normal play (and a good example of [[Infinity-1 Sword]] overlapping with [[Sword of Plot Advancement]]). Biggoron's Sword being a two-handed sword that denies usage of a shield also helps, though a quick-fingered player can get around this by simply drawing another item when about to be attacked, then switching back to the sword.
** The Razor Sword from ''[[The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask]]'' is a mini example. In the Goron area, you have to restore the blacksmith's forge by melting the ice around it, which allows him to forge the Razor Sword for you immediately. the Razor Sword is much more powerful than the basic sword, but dulls after 100 uses and can't be taken back with you through time. However, the best Sword upgrade, the Gilded Sword, can't be obtained until you've completed Snowhead Dungeon, opened the way to the Goron Races, completed the races in first place to get gold dust, and brought the gold dust to the forge - which probably won't happen until a few cycles later, whereas the Razor Sword is available pretty much as soon as you get to Snowhead and, despite its weaknesses, will be what you'll be using until you unlock the gilded sword.
** The Gilded Sword itself, surprisingly, it is also an example of this, since you can obtain it roughly a half into the adventure and there two more powerful swords after it. However, one requires you to complete 99% of the fourth dungeon, (and denies your shield-carrying ability, [[BFS|because of its massive size]]) and the other can only be obtained [[Eleventh -Hour Superpower|by collecting all the masks]], [[Situational Sword|and it only works on boss' fights]]. Fortunately, the Gilded Sword itself is pretty awesome with its long range and great strength.
** In ''[[The Legend of Zelda Oracle Games]]'', the Noble Sword is this, though it's the most powerful sword the first game played can be finished with. (The Master Sword is the [[Infinity+1 Sword]] of these games, and can only be obtained after linking the two games together after finishing one of them, and can only be used in the first one played after it's already beaten.)
** ''[[The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword]]'' once again uses this on most everything. You not only have the Goddess Sword (and unpowered Master Sword) but you have your potions, gear, and even shields which can all be upgraded to "master" level by investing tons of time collecting bugs, ore, and goop.
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* ''[[Runescape]]'''s Abyssal Whip, while weaker than a Chaotic Rapier, was for many years the most effective weapon in the entire game for a large variety of popular tasks - it is tradeable, unlike the Chaotic Rapier, and costs less even than many of the other tradeable weapons that are less effective, due to the ease of acquisition. The Chaotic Rapier's Dungeoneering requirement and Dungeoneering reward token cost makes it a serious time investment. The Abyssal Whip is still the most effective option by a wide margin for those without the Chaotic Rapier's Dungeoneering requirement.
* The hunting rifle, and it's unique version in ''[[Fallout 3]]'' qualify. Solid, dependable, capable of ludicrous accuracy, common drops for repair and some of the most common ammo in the wasteland. Sure, it's no Alien Blaster or Gatling laser, but the enemy is just as dead.
** ''[[Fallout New Vegas]]'''s ''Dead Money'' DLC has the holorifle, the third most damaging energy weapon in the game behind the [[BFG|Gauss Rifle]] and its unique variant, [[Shout -Out|the]] [[Something Awful|YCS/186]]. The holorifle can load four shots (the gauss rifle and YCS are single-shot), only uses one unit of ammo per shot (compared to five and four), can be modded so that it almost never needs repairs, and it's dropped into your inventory as soon as you begin the DLC.
* Quel'Delar in ''[[World of Warcraft]]: Wrath of the Lich King''. It was the best level 80 weapon you could get without ever going to a raid or the arena (and better than weapons from the lesser raids), and as a bonus comes in different versions for different characters.
* In ''[[Fire Emblem (Video Game)|Fire Emblem]]: [[Fire Emblem Tellius (Video Game)|Radiant Dawn]]'', you can buy a Beast Killer knife for [[Crutch Character|Sothe]] as early as chapter 1-4. While this immediately comes in handy on that same chapter (which is filled with beast laguz, and the Beast Killer does [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin]]), you'll quickly find that the beast-killing is just a bonus. It has a Might of 9, which is a lot for a knife weapon (only three of them have a Might over 10), and a Crit of 20 (only the rare Killer weapons offer more than that, and as there is no Killer knife, well...) Its only weakness is its low Hit%, which doesn't matter for Sothe who is virtually guaranteed to hit everything anyway. Considering that you don't get the second-best knife until Endgame, and don't get the best unless [[Guide Dang It|you know what you're doing]] (and on a chapter very close to Endgame anyway), odds are that the Beast Killer will be Sothe's best weapon for a long, long time.
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* In ''[[Eve Online]]'', Tech 2 weapons are these. At first glance they seem to be the top weapons in the game and require that players train a whole upper tier of skills to use effectively, but they are not the best damage dealers when compared to rare officer-modified Tech 1 weapons. The top level officer weapons are quite a bit more devastating, but they are [[Awesome but Impractical|extremely rare]] to find and thus cripplingly expensive to buy from other players in the game. The Tech 2 weapons also have the advantage of being able to use Tech 2 specialty ammunition that can boost range, weapon accuracy, and [[Awesome Yet Practical|damage]].
* In [[MMORPG|MMORPGs]] in general, the [[Infinity+1 Sword]] from a ''previous'' update is relegated to this position in the newest version (if it is not bound to the first owner's account) as players sell their formerly uber gear en masse to fund a round of upgrades, driving prices down drastically.
* In ''[[Neverwinter Nights 2 (Video Game)|Neverwinter Nights 2]]'' the Silver Sword of Gith definitely qualifies for [[Cool Sword]], [[Oddly -Shaped Sword]], and [[Sword of Plot Advancement]]. But it's entirely possible to forge and enchant weapons on your own that have it beat on damage output. Two factors are to blame: A, the weapon has no type, so your weapon skills feats have no effect on it whatsoever. B, the Sword is incomplete (there are still chunks missing). It is far deadlier when it reappears in ''Mask of the Betrayer'', though still crippled by having no type.
* For sniper fans in ''[[Fallout New Vegas]]'' the Anti-Materiel Rifle is the ''ne plus ultra'' of sniping. Accurate, hits like the fist of God and can set things on fire with the right ammo. However, it's fragile, only available at later levels, expensive to buy and fire, and the strength requirements are hard to meet. The Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle, while slightly less damaging, uses inexpensive, easily-available .306 ammo, is actually usable in VATS, more durable, less restrictive in terms of required stats and skills, 3 times lighter ''and'' [[Disc One Nuke|available at about level 8 or so if you know what you're doing]].
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[[Category:For Massive Damage]]
[[Category:Infinity Minus One Sword]]