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* "I'd say you were a carnival barker -- except that wouldn't be fair to carnival barkers! A carny will at least tell you up front that he's running a shell game!" Sen. Peter Fitzgerald (R-IL) to Kenneth Lay, Feb. 12, 2002
* [[David Letterman]] on the OJ Simpson trial: "To call this trial a circus is an insult to the fine people at Ringling Brothers!"
* "I'd call her a cunt, but she lacks the depth and the charm." -- William—William Styron. Nobody seems to know who he was referring to.
* In one of Bill Maher's 2010 monologues, he [[Godwin's Law|compares the anti-immigration reforms of Arizona to Nazi Germany]]. He then takes it back because "the Germans knew how to dress themselves."
* There is a [[Facebook]] group that claims that calling [[Twilight (novel)|Edward Cullen]] gay is an insult to gay people.
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* On the [[UseNet]] newsgroup '''', comparing a spammer to anything will get you a metaphorical call from the proper Anti-Defamation League.
* Classic [[Evil Lawyer Joke|lawyer joke]]: A man loses a lot of money in a trial and goes to a bar to [[Drowning My Sorrows|drown his sorrows]]. As he gets more and more drunk, he finally slams his mug down on the bar and shouts, "Godammit! Lawyers are nothing but a load of scumbags!" The man sitting next to him turns and says, "Mister, I take offense to that." "Why, you a lawyer?" "No, sir. I am a scumbag."
* “I would call them scumbags, but that would be an insult to bags of scum." --Dennis—Dennis Miller, in reference to [[Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys|the French]].
* Another classic joke: A man walks into a bar and starts complaining about the president, finally saying "The president is a horse's ass!" Another man says "Hey, don't talk like that in here." The man says "You can't tell me you actually like that horse's ass!" "No, but this is horse country."
* Another generic one is calling someone "retarded", then taking it back because "that insults the intelligence of the mentally retarded."
